Well-Known Member
Obamas economy straw man.
Pay attention. It's free.
your economic anxiety must be why you are banning syrian women from entering the country, nazi.
Obamas economy straw man.
Pay attention. It's free.
You really like to parrot breitbart bullshit.If this is a "fixed" economy...
The federal debt has doubled from $9.99 trillion at the end of FY 2008 (September 30, 2008 to $19.95 trillion at the end of FY 2016 (September 30, 2016), according to usgovernmentspending.com
President Obama has overseen the worst economic growth of any President since Herbert Hoover. He’s the only President since Hoover who has not had a single year that saw an annual growth of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) that reached or exceed three percent.
The labor participation rate has declined from 65.8 percent in February 2009, according to tradingeconomics.com, to 62.8 percent in October 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Median household annual income has remained stagnant in real terms under Obama. In real dollar terms, the median annual income is 1.5% lower (-$884) than its interim high in January 2008 but well off its low in August 2011,” Sentier Research found.
The home ownership rate declined from 67.3 percent in the first quarter of 2009 to 63.5 percent in the third quarter of 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
In 2008, the average employer-sponsored family plan cost a total of $12,680, with employees footing $3,354 of the bill, according to Kaiser data. By 2016, the cost of the average employer family plan was up to $18,142 for the year, with workers picking up $5,277 of the tab,” as Time.com reported.
The number of individuals receiving food stamps increased from 32 million in January 2009, according to trivisonno.com, to 43.6 million in August 2016, according to the Food Research and Action Center, an increase of 11.6 million.
You really like to parrot breitbart bullshit.
Yet you still won't talk about GW Bush -- and his unfunded war that caused the economic collapse that Obama inherited.
Let's talk about that, since it is the root cause of the ballooning deficit that you have brought up multiple times.
That BB article is complied from sourced links that are easy to follow. Forget BB.
Obama inherited a mess. Unfunded war in part yes. WMD! Sub prime loans bundled into derivates. Don't hear that enough.
We could debate back to the Revolutionary War when after financing, "not worth a continental" was coined.
Point being Obamas recovery wasn't. He had eight years (to blame it on bush). It's Trumps turn now. I think he'll do better and I hope he does better. America needs good jobs.
what a dumb little parrot you are, nazi.
trump inherited the strongest economy on earth and he is going to destroy it.
and you will cheerlead and apologize and excuse it the whole way because being cruel to darker-skinned people is just that important to you.
Do you have any previous bets to base your credibility on!
you realize that you are pissing on the credibility of the guy you voted for even worse, right?
dumb fucking nazi.
Addresses Obamas economy, check
Addresses banning, check
Addresses wager credibility, check
I'll refresh my browser. I'm sure your posts will load soon.
More like a drunk who is armed and dangerous.america looks so scared and weak to the rest of the world right now.