LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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So I got some L from a friend last year up in Ashland , actually I guess it was august of 2015.
He has since passed away.. H.
We named our son after him 10 months ago..
Anyway, I can't remember how much I paid for it but I got a half a vile, enough to last me a lifetime.
He said it was called.. electric blue, or blue forest, or electric forest... something like that I can't remember exactly..
It's the strongest stuff I've ever had.
He got acid regularly up there, but I know this stuff was abnormally good because when I went back to see him the next month he was trying to get me to bring it sell it back to him , offering me more than i paid, because he hadn't had anything so good..
It's in liquid form, obviously if it's in a vile.
It is completely clear and odorless.
I wish I had a way to determine what exactly it is and how strong.
I have taken 5 hits since I got it. I did single drops on my tongue the first 3 times, and a double drop the most recent time (over a year ago).
It is super strong, it makes it feel like the house is breathing, I hear things that aren't there, I have uncontrollable laughing fits..I feel like the dogs understand me.. I can't imagine that acid could be any better!
It lasts at least 8 hrs from 1 drop..

Someone said that the best stuff they ever got was l from people you considered friends, and I think it is a very unique situation me getting it from a friend that is no longer with us.
I feel like I still have a part of him, even though that sounds weird. And every experience I get from it is because of him.
It's been a year since I've had any, I've recently bought a house and become very comfortable with the way things are going in life for the most part, so I'm thinking it's time!

I've been following along with your guys thread and I've decided on my next days off i may take a little trip :)

I just wanted to share

stay smokin'
So I got some L from a friend last year up in Ashland , actually I guess it was august of 2015.
He has since passed away.. H.
We named our son after him 10 months ago..
Anyway, I can't remember how much I paid for it but I got a half a vile, enough to last me a lifetime.
He said it was called.. electric blue, or blue forest, or electric forest... something like that I can't remember exactly..
It's the strongest stuff I've ever had.
He got acid regularly up there, but I know this stuff was abnormally good because when I went back to see him the next month he was trying to get me to bring it sell it back to him , offering me more than i paid, because he hadn't had anything so good..
It's in liquid form, obviously if it's in a vile.
It is completely clear and odorless.
I wish I had a way to determine what exactly it is and how strong.
I have taken 5 hits since I got it. I did single drops on my tongue the first 3 times, and a double drop the most recent time (over a year ago).
It is super strong, it makes it feel like the house is breathing, I hear things that aren't there, I have uncontrollable laughing fits..I feel like the dogs understand me.. I can't imagine that acid could be any better!
It lasts at least 8 hrs from 1 drop..

Someone said that the best stuff they ever got was l from people you considered friends, and I think it is a very unique situation me getting it from a friend that is no longer with us.
I feel like I still have a part of him, even though that sounds weird. And every experience I get from it is because of him.
It's been a year since I've had any, I've recently bought a house and become very comfortable with the way things are going in life for the most part, so I'm thinking it's time!

I've been following along with your guys thread and I've decided on my next days off i may take a little trip :)

I just wanted to share

stay smokin'

Coool yea man lets us know how your trip goes
Coool yea man lets us know how your trip goes

Absolutely! I'd say I would get on here during, but I find it extremely hard on that stuff to use my phone.
I'm pretty sure the main reason is because the visuals are to crazy for me to actually be able to see what's on the phone.
Should be fun, maybe I'll have my girl drive me to the mountains.. but must likely I'll just stay at the house and trip balls chillin with my girl and my dogs haha

stay smokin'
So I got some L from a friend last year up in Ashland , actually I guess it was august of 2015.
He has since passed away.. H.
We named our son after him 10 months ago..
Anyway, I can't remember how much I paid for it but I got a half a vile, enough to last me a lifetime.
He said it was called.. electric blue, or blue forest, or electric forest... something like that I can't remember exactly..
It's the strongest stuff I've ever had.
He got acid regularly up there, but I know this stuff was abnormally good because when I went back to see him the next month he was trying to get me to bring it sell it back to him , offering me more than i paid, because he hadn't had anything so good..
It's in liquid form, obviously if it's in a vile.
It is completely clear and odorless.
I wish I had a way to determine what exactly it is and how strong.
I have taken 5 hits since I got it. I did single drops on my tongue the first 3 times, and a double drop the most recent time (over a year ago).
It is super strong, it makes it feel like the house is breathing, I hear things that aren't there, I have uncontrollable laughing fits..I feel like the dogs understand me.. I can't imagine that acid could be any better!
It lasts at least 8 hrs from 1 drop..

Someone said that the best stuff they ever got was l from people you considered friends, and I think it is a very unique situation me getting it from a friend that is no longer with us.
I feel like I still have a part of him, even though that sounds weird. And every experience I get from it is because of him.
It's been a year since I've had any, I've recently bought a house and become very comfortable with the way things are going in life for the most part, so I'm thinking it's time!

I've been following along with your guys thread and I've decided on my next days off i may take a little trip :)

I just wanted to share

stay smokin'
This is an amazing post . The intuitive, divine, nature within You, Your friend, Your acid, Your experiences and even the words describing Your post is speaking volumes.^

Jesus bless Your friend as He is with Him.
That is hilarious that He tried to get You to sell it back to Him, this must be quality lsd. :D

It is so cool to hear about people like You saving a head stash and are actually saving it.
Really wanna know the crystal of Your liquid lysergic and how potent it is.
Do You have any trip reports from Your experiences with dosage and set/setting ? :)

Would absolutely enjoy reading a research report from You,

Day off... Decided to do some research.
Was wanting to eat a full tab but my intuition kept leading me to smaller doses.

Ending up dropping 60 micrograms. first dose was 15ish micrograms. the remaining 45 micrograms was dropped about an hour later. Starting to peak as of now.

Effects of 60 micrograms of LSD - This is the dose where one starts to trip and leave one's own ego. Even though this loss of ego is extremely mild, compared to higher doses. Music/sound is wider. Senses are increased ~ Patterns from actual, real object's surfaces are alive and very visually appealing, natural patterns/surfaces shutter when they are not moving. [example looking at a series of parallel lines] ~ Very sparkly, glitter like visuals over lay 'blank' space objects. ~Ability to read / write text is possible at this dose. even though it may be difficult for some, due to LSD's distractive thought pattern effect it gives...

~ One can see the classic LSD visual on this dose- that ribbon, 'matrix' layer everyone talks about, but it is very mild. [can be seen it if One concentrates hard enough]- This visual is easier to see when the eyes are closed or in a pitch black environment. Closed eye visuals at the peak on 60 micrograms is gorgeous, playful, not too intense, colorful, and very attractive... Closed eye Visuals seem to flow in synch with movement and environment [set&setting]
If one concentrates hard enough, They can reach EXTREMELY profound states of mind / consciousness. ~ "If You focus, You will go there."---- Increased sensitivity.
Extreme sensitivity to external environment . INTUITION IS INCREASED. "synchronicity city"
Very drifty and airy at peak,. <---Both mental AND body high.
if One were to test the effects of LSD, this dose is it.

"this is the dose of concentration"

~ Like stated in other reports, "under water" like feelings. Kind of like being sea sick without the nausea. -Very slight patterning on ground, walls, and surfaces. -Thought patterns are thickened, increased, and/or sped up. ~About 10 minutes into peak You can feel sounds, if someone were to be playing low frequency music in their car outside, You can feel it and are more sensitive to the bass. ...or if someone were to make a loud noise, One may be very responsive to it.

-Since music is wider, the over layered sounds seem to be more saturated and flavorful than normal. -There seems to be no appetite for food at the peak. Feelings of relief from normal mind set / anxiety subsides. Creating a space for a healing mind state.
~~~~ If one is in the correct set and setting, these normal feelings of anxiety , literally disappear like magic. With the knowing You are in a safe / trusting environment. The heightened awareness effect of LSD is what causes this. ^

However, CAUTION : If one is not in the correct set and setting, they could possibly freak out on this small of a dose, yes. 60 micrograms of LSD. That is less than a typical single hit of lsd.
Since this dose of 60 micrograms causes an extreme awareness effect, this effect can result in over analyzing a situation. Good or Bad.
~ Any emotion can be provoked into an more intense, overwhelming state and / or amplified

I think this dose needs to be considered due to LSD's nature of heightening One's awareness and sensitivities.

---->Many people have been hospitalized and/or arrested at this dose<----

Set and Setting needs to be accounted for,
even at 60 micrograms.

~~~~ little side note --- infused cannabis [thc/cbd] coconut oil in HOT TEA mid acid trip, is simply amazing. Probably put about 15-30 mgs of THC / CBDs into the tea. Even though it WILL heighten the effects, but also ground / mild out the effects. it's weird
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Once on a camping trip some close friends and I were eating some blotter. After hours of good times we decided we were sober enough to go to the store and get some beer.

Soon as we hit the main road BAM...trippin hard again! Went in the store, no sunglasses, could feel my throat jumping a half inch with my pulse!

I was so fuggin happy to get back to camp w/o any cops looking at my pupils
Once on a camping trip some close friends and I were eating some blotter. After hours of good times we decided we were sober enough to go to the store and get some beer.

Soon as we hit the main road BAM...trippin hard again! Went in the store, no sunglasses, could feel my throat jumping a half inch with my pulse!

I was so fuggin happy to get back to camp w/o any cops looking at my pupils
Bet the beers were the ticket
Once on a camping trip some close friends and I were eating some blotter. After hours of good times we decided we were sober enough to go to the store and get some beer.

Soon as we hit the main road BAM...trippin hard again! Went in the store, no sunglasses, could feel my throat jumping a half inch with my pulse!

I was so fuggin happy to get back to camp w/o any cops looking at my pupils
That is so unfortunate that is a main worry in a trip . . .
Yea its weird how it will go away sometimes then sneak back up on yea def dont wana see any law dogs
In Colorado, I could get pulled over on 60-100 micrograms with pupils popped and take it like a man.
Just as long as I don't have weed, pipes, or alcohol bottles, good as gold.
Even if I do get pulled over....
People are WAY too paranoid about consuming psychedelics / cops...

Now holding psychedelic compounds and cops... That is a different story.
In Colorado, I could get pulled over on 60-100 micrograms with pupils popped and take it like a man.
Just as long as I don't have weed, pipes, or alcohol bottles, good as gold.
Even if I do, get pulled over....
People are WAY too paranoid about consuming psychedelics/cops...

Now holding psychedelic compounds and cops... That is a different story.
You mean the cops are scared to consume them ?
Cops are the last people i wana see while trippen
Well yeah... but You gotta know how to hold Your ground, WHILE TRIPPING.

I just went to work Today on 30-40 micrograms. Now that isn't tripping but still..
Back in 2011... I used to eat acid every single day for 3 - 4 months.
Did not have the kind I do now... But still... I would eat 50 - 100 micrograms and go over to friends house's and chill out. like it was weed and go help people move to their new town home or something... just normal day stuff while high on lsd.... I mean... I would wake up every single morning and put an intuitive dose on my tongue... EVERY SINGLE DAY.... What else could I do... Not live My life ?

I went to work high... I went to school high.... I hung around My parents and family high.... I think I even got My family dog high because I was high for so long. She has never been the same.
I never fed My families dog LSD but I did pet Her while high...MANY times.
Even if I didn't pet Her... Being high on LSD around dogs, a barrier is broken.
Dogs can sense when human beings are on LSD.

Cops however... cannot tell if You are on LSD...unless You are FACED.
Gotta keep Our composure.
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