Something Happened - Forgot To Tell You All


Well-Known Member
Something happened recently on LSD that isn't supposed to happen; very interestingly.

I started journeying with LSD in 2011 and it seems the quality has increased since then.
I stopped tripping for a few years [2014-2016] and decided to dose for the first time since around New Years of this Year [2017] - I ended up taking around 150-175 micrograms of some very pure/potent WoW.
- - - - I dose the first 75 micrograms around 5 p.m.
- - - Starting to feel it around 6 p.m, then took the next 75-100 micrograms.
It usually takes 1 hour for me to start peaking on LSD... Peaking at 7 p.m.

Once I peaked EXACTLY an hour after I took the last dose.
My body instantly did something that isn't supposed to happen on any dose of LSD, to anyone...

- My lips and hands were sealed shut, I could not open the joints of My thumbs.
I could barley open My lips, it's like all My muscles were contracting , UNCONTROLLABLY.
I felt like I was forced into a 'praying mantis' like position with My shoulders to My ears.

- - This was so intense, I could not believe it was happening. I have not read or heard about this happening to anyone...
On any psychedelic, or ever...
It only lasted a few minutes and honestly at first,
I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. Then realized I started to regain control of My muscles.
The next few days, My whole upper neck / torso was very tense / fatigued.

During this experience,
I thought about the band Shpongle... and why they call themselves that...
" Did I just get 'shpongled' ? ", I wondered.

I ALMOST felt like I got possessed by something. Not a demon or anything but something not Me made My body make those full on, upper body contractions. It literally looked like I was a praying mantis. - Imagine Your thumbs glued shut to Your palms while Your hands at Your face, while Your shoulders to Your ears, and Your lips crinkled from a tense jaw.
...And it all happened exactly at the peak of this LSD trip.
To say the least, it was weird.

Has anyone heard reports of this or experienced this first hand ?

Still blown the fuck away something like that can actually happen...


Well-Known Member
I'm no doctor .....but I'd lay off that shit .....sounds like you were going into the old death tuck .....doesn't sound or look good from what you explained .....I reenacted what you described in the mirror and not a good look.......careful


Well-Known Member
I'm no doctor .....but I'd lay off that shit .....sounds like you were going into the old death tuck .....doesn't sound or look good from what you explained .....I reenacted what you described in the mirror and not a good look.......careful
LOL !!!!
oh wait excuse Me... LMAO DAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!
You reenacted that position?!?!?! ahahahahaha

Yeah, it sounds bad but it wasn't.
Keep in mind, this whole thing happened in a matter of a flash.
It was like the clock struck 7 and by 7:01 I was perfectly fine...
Except I was tripping titties. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think your brain just crossed some new signals, much like tasting colors or seeing music. But this time when you went to move and your brain probably crossed the message to something else you didn't notice cause you were freaking out out over the muscle thing.


Well-Known Member
I think your brain just crossed some new signals, much like tasting colors or seeing music. But this time when you went to move and your brain probably crossed the message to something else you didn't notice cause you were freaking out out over the muscle thing.
Maybe so took lsd 3 times this week im out

Deep Well

Maybe so took lsd 3 times this week im out

I think your brain just crossed some new signals, much like tasting colors or seeing music. But this time when you went to move and your brain probably crossed the message to something else you didn't notice cause you were freaking out out over the muscle thing.
That is correct J-Icky, the brain sends and receives signals via nerotransmitters and when a foreign chemical is introduced the signals sometimes crossed or don't function. And the brain is interpreting the singles (transmissions). We are talking about nerves cells, neurons and chemical synapse, etc that are the brain chemicals that communicate information throughout our brain and body. They relay signals between nerve cells, called neurons The brain uses neurotransmitters to tell your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, and your stomach to digest, as well as sensory perception.


Well-Known Member
Something happened recently on LSD that isn't supposed to happen; very interestingly.

I started journeying with LSD in 2011 and it seems the quality has increased since then.
I stopped tripping for a few years [2014-2016] and decided to dose for the first time since around New Years of this Year [2017] - I ended up taking around 150-175 micrograms of some very pure/potent WoW.
- - - - I dose the first 75 micrograms around 5 p.m.
- - - Starting to feel it around 6 p.m, then took the next 75-100 micrograms.
It usually takes 1 hour for me to start peaking on LSD... Peaking at 7 p.m.

Once I peaked EXACTLY an hour after I took the last dose.
My body instantly did something that isn't supposed to happen on any dose of LSD, to anyone...

- My lips and hands were sealed shut, I could not open the joints of My thumbs.
I could barley open My lips, it's like all My muscles were contracting , UNCONTROLLABLY.
I felt like I was forced into a 'praying mantis' like position with My shoulders to My ears.

- - This was so intense, I could not believe it was happening. I have not read or heard about this happening to anyone...
On any psychedelic, or ever...
It only lasted a few minutes and honestly at first,
I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. Then realized I started to regain control of My muscles.
The next few days, My whole upper neck / torso was very tense / fatigued.

During this experience,
I thought about the band Shpongle... and why they call themselves that...
" Did I just get 'shpongled' ? ", I wondered.

I ALMOST felt like I got possessed by something. Not a demon or anything but something not Me made My body make those full on, upper body contractions. It literally looked like I was a praying mantis. - Imagine Your thumbs glued shut to Your palms while Your hands at Your face, while Your shoulders to Your ears, and Your lips crinkled from a tense jaw.
...And it all happened exactly at the peak of this LSD trip.
To say the least, it was weird.

Has anyone heard reports of this or experienced this first hand ?

Still blown the fuck away something like that can actually happen...
One time I smoked 25 hits of LSD in a bong with some weed. Weird shit happened that night. I was able to talk to people and know the true source of the information they spoke. In some cases it was from people we mutually knew that had said something, but it was relayed by the person I was talking to, and I could see that other person in the words tumbling from the mouth of the person talking to me. THAT was fucked up.