Tell something truthful

I may commit myself to something tonight

gots to do what gods woulda wanted right eho m80
The first girl I ever really "loved" was when I was 14/15 and she was my ex's best friend. the same two girls who introduced me to heroin/and meth were both bestest of friends and older then me by 3 years.

It ended with my then gf dying of a heroin overdose. I was not allowed to attend the funeral because they blamed me, this is what started my fascination with death and drugs full blast. I now cannot even count on two hands the amount of people who have died (may they rest in peace) I won't ever shake the thought of how awesome it was for me at that time in my life. they helped me lose weight (thanks cocaine) gain some confidence in who I was as a person and showed me how to be a callous sob.

she passed away just before christmas, and I told her she was going to die the same night she kicked me out. this shit hit me while I was prepping a shot for myself
sorry jess, this game is just like you said. I saw her sister just the past week, shes still clean off dope and we quit together at one point but me I relapsed. shes super cute and still has a smile that can make a man do anything.

I really miss hugging and skipping school to go to the projects for beers and music. we used to have a weds drinking party religiously every week, drank buck a beer brava smoked math and did the cuddles as a group of friends should.

this year was the worst, seen people go from fent od's and also infections from improper IV use.

I still wonder why people gotta go so quick. it is certainly not fair
OK, look for my old avatar I restoled it from my old account there. Unfortunately I can't recall or have the old email to activate the old one so my new user name is slightly diff, but you'll know it
I tried to masterbate with a toilet paper roll because a friend said it was great but it wouldn't fit tried lube and all.
im addicted to bacon. i eat about half to a quarter pound a day. i sometimes cook with it, but usually eat it strait. i prefer thick cut.

people i work with think im an alcoholic because i come to work burnt out 3-4 mornings a week. truth is that i am either staying up late playing DnD or messing with my plants. i prefer to let them think im a drunk, it comes with less stigma.

i dont smoke weed anymore, i just like growing it.
When I was 17 I was hanging with a couple gal pals. We took a couple tabs of really good blotter earlier that night. On our way home, still tripping balls, we rounded this corner with a steep hill. Unbeknownst to us, there was a man that was lying in the middle of the road, beaten to a bloody pulp and left for dead. It was like 3 am and pitch black outside, couldn't see what was coming until after it was too late--we ran him over. I still to this day do not know if he was dead prior to us hitting him or if we killed him. That was some heavy shit.

True story.
When I was 17 I was hanging with a couple gal pals. We took a couple tabs of really good blotter earlier that night. On our way home, still tripping balls, we rounded this corner with a steep hill. Unbeknownst to us, there was a man that was lying in the middle of the road, beaten to a bloody pulp and left for dead. It was like 3 am and pitch black outside, couldn't see what was coming until after it was too late--we ran him over. I still to this day do not know if he was dead prior to us hitting him or if we killed him. That was some heavy shit.

True story.
i liked the post not because i liked it(you know what i mean), but because it is some seriously honest shit. thank you for sharing.

on another note, how many actual dick pics have you received from member of this site?