Tell something truthful

When I was 17 I was hanging with a couple gal pals. We took a couple tabs of really good blotter earlier that night. On our way home, still tripping balls, we rounded this corner with a steep hill. Unbeknownst to us, there was a man that was lying in the middle of the road, beaten to a bloody pulp and left for dead. It was like 3 am and pitch black outside, couldn't see what was coming until after it was too late--we ran him over. I still to this day do not know if he was dead prior to us hitting him or if we killed him. That was some heavy shit.

True story.
how do you know he was beaten to a bloody pulp left for dead.. if you never seen him until after it was too late?
how do you know he was beaten to a bloody pulp left for dead.. if you never seen him until after it was too late?
Because we had to go to court and testify and shit. The cops caught the man who beat him up and left him, he's in prison on 3 life sentences. We obviously stopped to see what hell we just ran over, that's when we saw that he was way fucked up.
i liked the post not because i liked it(you know what i mean), but because it is some seriously honest shit. thank you for sharing.

on another note, how many actual dick pics have you received from member of this site?

tbonejack, you are the creepiest motherfucker on this site. please go away.

and now to tell something truthful:

@cannabineer and @curious2garden and @Blue Wizard and @srh88 goaded me into buying hard liquor while we were down, and so i did, and i drank the whole thing (THE WHOLE THING) and passed out in my clothes where i sat minutes after or chat ended.

i hate all of them, but not as much as i hate napalmzen/tbonejack/zarabeth.
tbonejack, you are the creepiest motherfucker on this site. please go away.

and now to tell something truthful:

@cannabineer and @curious2garden and @Blue Wizard and @srh88 goaded me into buying hard liquor while we were down, and so i did, and i drank the whole thing (THE WHOLE THING) and passed out in my clothes where i sat minutes after or chat ended.

i hate all of them, but not as much as i hate napalmzen/tbonejack/zarabeth.
It's on tonight if you're down. I blacked out that night
tbonejack, you are the creepiest motherfucker on this site. please go away.

and now to tell something truthful:

@cannabineer and @curious2garden and @Blue Wizard and @srh88 goaded me into buying hard liquor while we were down, and so i did, and i drank the whole thing (THE WHOLE THING) and passed out in my clothes where i sat minutes after or chat ended.

i hate all of them, but not as much as i hate napalmzen/tbonejack/zarabeth.
~totally epic animated gif of happy Alcohol Molecule~

resistance is futile

~mad scientist laugh~