help me with my plant :(


Active Member
for my first plant i'm happy with my sucess lol .. thanks for everyone that followed i'm now going to move the plant into my bedroom because i'm starting to get alot of rain .. :( .. i will keep the post open !! more pics to come


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil needs to go man, it will create lasers and put holes in your leaves or burn them you need some reflectant like mylar or emergency blankets work too... other than that lovin your grow, glad it made it through it and now that i found the thread i will be watchin your grow good luck


Active Member
ive now taken it out of box and its just basicly getting light from my velux window with the box behind it who has any tips for me to grow in my bedroom?


Well-Known Member
Don't water a night that will creat mold due to not having enough time to dry out alittle before sun goes down,plus looks like it may need some nitrogen!!!


Well-Known Member
well you could also water right before the lights come on.... like 30 mins or so........ lots of people do that and they dont end up with anything moldy