Is this a sprouting plant?


Well-Known Member
That's what it looks like to me. I personally hate those pucks. It's hard to get the moisture levels right. Have you got a humidity dome over those?


Active Member
That's what it looks like to me. I personally hate those pucks. It's hard to get the moisture levels right. Have you got a humidity dome over those?
Haha I like them, I water every now and then just keeping it damp and yes I have a dome over them it also helps


Well-Known Member
Yes, you are seeing a bent over stem, the top will emerge soon. No humidity domes for seedlings! Greatly increases risk of damping off.


Active Member
Yes, you are seeing a bent over stem, the top will emerge soon. No humidity domes for seedlings! Greatly increases risk of damping off.
Okay thanks! I use a mild fungicide tho and also have oxygen holes in the dome so would that be fine?


Active Member
Just thought yalls should know she is doing great and strong. Three sprouted shortly after which is strange because one I planted two days after the others but I'm not complaining
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