Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

When will a viable Trumpcare plan be available for review? ....crickets.....

He said the day he takes office he'd repeal Obamacare. I guess that wasn't what was in his heart. (snicker)
Obviously it will take more than a few weeks. Obamacare took years.
Obama even kept the Patriot Act going and did not close guantanamo bay. Some pretty big lies but what do liberals care about rights?

obama shitcanned all but 3 provisions of the patriot act, continued to empty out guantanamo, and was obstructed by republicans from closing it.

and broken or partially-kept promises are much different than blatant, outright, needless lies.

"3-5 million illegal votes!"

"biggest inauguration ever"

"obama wiretapped me!"

"the NFL wrote me a letter!"

"i chose the location of the RNC!"

"the bowling green massacre!"

y9ou are a fucking idiot.
He did say it should be left to the states. Big pharma just has more pull than the people.
Nope, no he did not say recreational should be left to the states. You read that in what he said. He did not say that. You are so shagged for supporting Trump.

Trump is behind whatever big pharma wants. You are so shagged for supporting Trump.

Thanks for the comedy tampee. I'm sure a picture of a contortionist with his nose in his ass can be found to represent the kind of logic you Trump supporters have to twist around in Trump's defense. Laughing Out Loud
Obviously it will take more than a few weeks. Obamacare took years.

remember, he promised you his plan would cover EVERYONE. he said it repeatedly.

better make sure that happens or you've got yet another blatant, needless, lie in an unending stream of trump lies to defend.

"i've never done business with russia!"
We have to make a safe zone in Syria so we can put the refugee crisis to rest.

except they are just bombing mosques now, which is sure to create more refugees and more terrorists.

funny how it only took you one post to go from falsely accusing obama of starting wars, to now defending trump for starting wars.

you are a really fucking stupid idiot.
except they are just bombing mosques now, which is sure to create more refugees and more terrorists.

funny how it only took you one post to go from falsely accusing obama of starting wars, to now defending trump for starting wars.

you are a really fucking stupid idiot.
Syria was already a war we drone attacked them and all under Obama.
You liberals pretty much have me convinced marijuana does effect the memory. Sessions probably stopped in and said "holy shit these people are stupid".
obama shitcanned all but 3 provisions of the patriot act, continued to empty out guantanamo, and was obstructed by republicans from closing it.

and broken or partially-kept promises are much different than blatant, outright, needless lies.

"3-5 million illegal votes!"

"biggest inauguration ever"

"obama wiretapped me!"

"the NFL wrote me a letter!"

"i chose the location of the RNC!"

"the bowling green massacre!"

y9ou are a fucking idiot.
"No Kelly, you're just not credible. You made up a massacre!"
Obviously it will take more than a few weeks. Obamacare took years.
Obviously it will take more than a few weeks.


My first day in office, I am going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. [Sanford, FL, 10/25/16]

That didn't happen. He didn't ask Congress to put a bill on his desk in his inaugural speech or in any other form of communication.

Not even on Twitter (snicker)

That bit about replacing Obamacare with reforms that "expand choice, freedom, affordability". It is an unrealistic and ignorant thing to say. Its not going to happen ever under Republican leadership. The only way to do it will be through improving Obamacare. Or universal healthcare coverage.
Syria was already a war we drone attacked them and all under Obama.

we provided air support for multiple nations that coordinated attacks against ISIS, but no boots one the ground.

now there are boots on the ground.

the former you attacked as bad, the latter you defend as good.

goddamn, what an obvious trumptard shill you are.
Congress allocates the funds. Something in the constitution says something like that.

I laugh at you right wingers trying to tie Trump's shitty misdeeds to Obama. You must be feeling the butt hurt bad after getting that tattoo for your maximum leader's love.

So the homeless problem, that has been getting worse over the part 6 years, is all Trump's fault? Got it.

So the homeless problem, that has been getting worse over the part 6 years, is all Trump's fault? Got it.

Congress allocates the funds. Obama can't spend what congress doesn't authorize. Who in Congress did anything to authorize something to reduce the homeless problem. Did Obama fail to implement a program? Isn't the homeless problem a local government issue?

A lot of the homeless are dealing with mental illness. Wards for the mentally disabled were shut down by Reagan.

What in hell are you talking about? I guess you have a point in there somewhere but you don't make much sense.
Congress allocates the funds. Obama can't spend what congress doesn't authorize. Who in Congress did anything to authorize something to reduce the homeless problem. Did Obama fail to implement a program? Isn't the homeless problem a local government issue?

A lot of the homeless are dealing with mental illness. Wards for the mentally disabled were shut down by Reagan.

What in hell are you talking about? I guess you have a point in there somewhere but you don't make much sense.

So Reagan cut funding to programs that helped the homeless but Obama couldn't help the homeless because he wasn't allowed to and Trump caused today's homeless problems but not really because responsibility lies in the hands of the local government? Anything else you want to add?