Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

I want to live in a country where people have enough to eat, a place to live, equal rights and good prospects for the future. With Trump in charge, I don't see that and want to stop him and change the direction he's driving this country. Mine is a 1st world problem. Because I'm going to be OK, but I'm concerned for others and ...

What the hell are YOU talking about?

Looks like @schuylaar hooked you up with a bag of the good shit again. Way too many mef heads on this weed forum.
So Reagan cut funding to programs that helped the homeless but Obama couldn't help the homeless because he wasn't allowed to and Trump caused today's homeless problems but not really because responsibility lies in the hands of the local government? Anything else you want to add?
Yep. Reagan had a cooperative congress. And cutting aid to the helpless was considered helping them by "removing the crutches so they can learn to walk again" by Republicans of the day. Also welfare queen was a favorite topic coming from Reagan's political machine.

Surely you know that Obama didn't have a cooperative congress for anything he wanted to do after 2010. New programs had to come from Congress. What program did Obama fail to implement?
we provided air support for multiple nations that coordinated attacks against ISIS, but no boots one the ground.

now there are boots on the ground.

the former you attacked as bad, the latter you defend as good.

goddamn, what an obvious trumptard shill you are.
Obama created nothing but a mess for Trump to clean up.
Yep. Reagan had a cooperative congress. And cutting aid to the helpless was considered helping them by "removing the crutches so they can learn to walk again" by Republicans of the day. Also welfare queen was a favorite topic coming from Reagan's political machine.

Surely you know that Obama didn't have a cooperative congress for anything he wanted to do after 2010. New programs had to come from Congress. What program did Obama fail to implement?
I now people in their 20's living off the government's tit not because they can't work because they can have children and collect a bunch of free money and food stamps and still work under the table. Only homeless people I ever met are junkie's, crackheads and alcoholics they choose to live that way.

Even under Obama and Bill Clinton.... They can't be helped but none go hungry they all know about the food pantry.
I now people in their 20's living off the government's tit not because they can't work because they can have children and collect a bunch of free money and food stamps and still work under the table. Only homeless people I ever met are junkie's, crackheads and alcoholics they choose to live that way.

Even under Obama and Bill Clinton.... They can't be helped but none go hungry they all know about the food pantry.
"I now (sic) people in their 20's living off ... free money and food stamps and work under the table".

Fewer than 1 person in five ever collected food stamps. 18% to be exact. Considering that most collected these benefits for less than 3 years in their lifetime, this isn't a huge problem. Maybe 6% of the population are living long term with food assistance. Of those, how many are able bodied workers?

You probably can't understand what I just said because, numbers. So let me simply say you are either lying or mislead but certainly wrong. The amount of fraud that you report is small while the number of people helped is large. If you want to break the cycle of poverty, starving children is a classically bad idea.
So the homeless problem, that has been getting worse over the part 6 years, is all Trump's fault? Got it.

Maybe it had something to do with the Recession and 9 million people losing their homes and millions of lost jobs? What policies caused that again? And why weren't our safety nets sufficiently funded, could it be the lack of tax revenue and bloated defense budget? Talk about short term memory!
Obama created nothing but a mess for Trump to clean up.

Maybe it had something to do with the Recession and 9 million people losing their homes and millions of lost jobs? What policies caused that again? And why weren't our safety nets sufficiently funded, could it be the lack of tax revenue and bloated defense budget? Talk about short term memory!

Maybe people just want to be piece of shit heroin addicts, because that's all I see when I drive around town.
lol whatever you say, man.

Yeah, because all these toothless dog owners who sleep in the park and piss themselves all used to be home owners.

Head on over to the mall and watch all the heroin addicts nod off on the benches and tell me I'm wrong. You denying it doesn't change reality. Sorry.
Yeah, because all these toothless dog owners who sleep in the park and piss themselves all used to be home owners.

Head on over to the mall and watch all the heroin addicts nod off on the benches and tell me I'm wrong. You denying it doesn't change reality. Sorry.

OK I'll take your word for it over all evidence. You know, the fact that you assume all homeless are drug addicts and then go on to treat drug addicts as subhuman instead of humans dealing with a disease-like affliction says all I need to know about you. I seriously hope you die from the post painful and drawn out form of cancer.

Summary of HUD study:

According to you, 1.4 milliom veterans and 380,000 children are subhuman drug addicts that deserve their lot.
OK I'll take your word for it over all evidence. You know, the fact that you assume all homeless are drug addicts and then go on to treat drug addicts as subhuman instead of humans dealing with a disease-like affliction says all I need to know about you. I seriously hope you die from the post painful and drawn out form of cancer.

Summary of HUD study:

According to you, 1.4 milliom veterans and 380,000 children are subhuman drug addicts that deserve their lot.

I've never seen a child living under the bridge down on Forth street. Just a bunch of junkies.

You sound homeless. Or just overly sensitive. How many homeless people have you invited into your home?
"The Cleveland transplant said that he hasn't always felt unsafe in the neighborhood, but recent drug-laced and violent incidents — including people with bats and weapons at times — has him worried about SoMa."

Drug addicts and violent criminals, the whole lot of them.

How many homeless have you personally taken off the street? Go grab one right now and let them sleep on your couch. Then let us all know how that works out for you.