Finding God on Pyschedelics.

dxm is more of a dissociative then it is a psycadelic.

dxm feels dirty to me for some reason. the high is bery confusing nd just not right.

lets eat a quad of shrooms, pop a cap o dat mandy and walk around the local botanical gardens. actually sounds good come summer
I have recently fallen in love with dxm. I believe the amount of lsd I have taken has changed my perception of other drugs. The only "tripping" I experience while under the influence of it is mental. And when I try to focus on that I get the confusion you speak of. Its a lot like dmt though in the aspect of "letting go" to appreciate its full potential. I have reached states very similar (but at the same time not) to dmt at doses of 750-800mg. On lower doses it feels very similar mdma to me without the sadness the next day. Since I started taking it I have been a lot happier with life even when I haven't taken in awhile. The only other drugs that have made me feel like this are dmt and lsd so...
My last trip involved me losing touch with everything and then immediately transported to a train commercial. I caught a glimpse of what I thought was god. I intend to revisit and and communicate with god. What has been your most intense trip?
Ayahuasca. Definitely left my body and met God, which we're all a facet of.
I have recently fallen in love with dxm. I believe the amount of lsd I have taken has changed my perception of other drugs. The only "tripping" I experience while under the influence of it is mental. And when I try to focus on that I get the confusion you speak of. Its a lot like dmt though in the aspect of "letting go" to appreciate its full potential. I have reached states very similar (but at the same time not) to dmt at doses of 750-800mg. On lower doses it feels very similar mdma to me without the sadness the next day. Since I started taking it I have been a lot happier with life even when I haven't taken in awhile. The only other drugs that have made me feel like this are dmt and lsd so...
Ugh dxm is oj, but make your self known and pm me.

There could be lsd floating around.

I am getting gone from riuvin a few weeks

Place orders now

Fuck you mods

3$ a hit. A sheet min order

Hit me before this goes downm mm

Im EllisD on line
.find me folks

New line acct but anyone wyo messages that for lsd/mdma/mdma is guaranteed hits

Habe 10 000 hits. Ovwr a sheet is 2 ! Book is 1k and sheepint guaranteed
3f ketamine

cheqpest prifes going fags

alprazolam powder
Lsd sheets/liquid
**limited time** mephedrone


I have rc's banned years ago.

In large quantity

Add me on line


Mustbhave references or meet me on a private site

Prices are cheap if a riu fsm

Meph for60 a g buy 4 getva gran of mdpv
Ugh dxm is oj, but make your self known and pm me.

There could be lsd floating around.

I am getting gone from riuvin a few weeks

Place orders now

Fuck you mods

3$ a hit. A sheet min order

Hit me before this goes downm mm

Im EllisD on line
.find me folks

New line acct but anyone wyo messages that for lsd/mdma/mdma is guaranteed hits

Habe 10 000 hits. Ovwr a sheet is 2 ! Book is 1k and sheepint guaranteed

I appreciate it man, I didn't come here to make "friends" I simply wanted to share my feelings with a like minded individual. I have no problem aquiring what you offer from much less "sketchy" sources
I appreciate it man, I didn't come here to make "friends" I simply wanted to share my feelings with a like minded individual. I have no problem aquiring what you offer from much less "sketchy" sources
I aint trying to he your friend

Sketchy LoL

Ibgot the booms from rock to tan.

Those are me being dumb posts jot actual drug connects lol...

Well friends know how to hit me up.

The mdpv is sketchy

Only drug I personally avoid.

Fiend like crack 100x cheaper. Causes awelling of limbs, numbness and it is bad.
My ex looked like shiet after a binge
