Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

I'm not sure what the title of this thread even refers to. Is OP saying liberals are the ones going after rec weed? I mean I guess Trump's republican administration could be called liberal, given that you're a neo nazi making such claim. Either way to Trump and all along that wall, this one's for you.
I love the little taint fishies!
A few years ago I was waiting at a stoplight and a guy was trying to get my attention. He was dressed *okay* and didn't look threatening so I rolled the window down and asked him what he wanted. He asked if I was going to Q street and I said yeah and told him jump in. So we're going down the road and he says he's going to a job interview at Safeway. We get up to Q street and I pull into the Safeway parking lot and let him out. He asks if I can spare a little money and I give him $2.
So I'm driving home which is only a few blocks from Safeway and I'm thinking about this, and when I make the final turn onto my street I kind of rolled through the stop, right in front of a cop, who pulls me over immediately. He comes to my window and says "you rolled right through the stop sign right in front of me, what were you thinking?" and I told him "yeah, I'm sorry, I was kind of preoccupied." "Preoccupied with what?" he asks. So I told him about how I saw this guy downtown and gave him a ride (which I almost never do) and gave him a couple of bucks to help him out and I was thinking about how we really are our brother's keeper.
He kinda looks at me for a few seconds and says "well, just be more careful" and let me go.
A few years ago I was waiting at a stoplight and a guy was trying to get my attention. He was dressed *okay* and didn't look threatening so I rolled the window down and asked him what he wanted. He asked if I was going to Q street and I said yeah and told him jump in. So we're going down the road and he says he's going to a job interview at Safeway. We get up to Q street and I pull into the Safeway parking lot and let him out. He asks if I can spare a little money and I give him $2.
So I'm driving home which is only a few blocks from Safeway and I'm thinking about this, and when I make the final turn onto my street I kind of rolled through the stop, right in front of a cop, who pulls me over immediately. He comes to my window and says "you rolled right through the stop sign right in front of me, what were you thinking?" and I told him "yeah, I'm sorry, I was kind of preoccupied." "Preoccupied with what?" he asks. So I told him about how I saw this guy downtown and gave him a ride (which I almost never do) and gave him a couple of bucks to help him out and I was thinking about how we really are our brother's keeper.
He kinda looks at me for a few seconds and says "well, just be more careful" and let me go.
If everyone just stopped and gave a couple of bucks this country could be fixed overnight.

We don't need politicians to do it for us, it's a simple choice anybody can make at anytime.
If everyone just stopped and gave a couple of bucks this country could be fixed overnight.

We don't need politicians to do it for us, it's a simple choice anybody can make at anytime.

Rape, murder and child molesting would just disappear. I'm gonna go break a 20.
Shut the fuck up, moron. Obama could only have dreamt of getting the situation in 2016 handed over to him instead of the 2008 turd the last republican asshole handed over. You really are too stupid for words. Thirty-four and dumber than a bag of hammers.
The problem is Republicans and Democrats are owned by the same people. Trump may be different he doesn't really need money but if Bayer can buy Monsanto for like 34 billion they can buy and sell Trump or at least Congress which has more power than the president.
The problem is Republicans and Democrats are owned by the same people. Trump may be different he doesn't really need money but if Bayer can buy Monsanto for like 34 billion they can buy and sell Trump or at least Congress which has more power than the president.

Freindly reminder, you have to be eighteen to use this site, kid.
The problem is Republicans and Democrats are owned by the same people. Trump may be different he doesn't really need money but if Bayer can buy Monsanto for like 34 billion they can buy and sell Trump or at least Congress which has more power than the president.

Remember the time I got you to change your avitar, (chuckle) kid?
Freindly reminder, you have to be eighteen to use this site, kid.
I know, but Jesse Ventura is only 16 but he has some valid points about Democrats and Republicans since he was the first independent to win 2 terms as governor of Minnesota...
I take it you have always lived in the suburbs and don't have a clue what it's like to be poor eating Ramen noodles because you can't afford a steak.
Nope. Raised with two brothers by a struggling single mom. Your BA of .000 has been preserved.
The problem is Republicans and Democrats are owned by the same people. Trump may be different he doesn't really need money but if Bayer can buy Monsanto for like 34 billion they can buy and sell Trump or at least Congress which has more power than the president.
No, they're not dumdum. They are both "owned", but not to the same degree nor by the same special interests in most cases, therefore, their platforms do indeed differ. And while we're at it, they're both "owned" largely through the doings of the Republicans who have fought campaign finance reform and championed such stupid ideas as Citizens United to the Supreme Court. Who does the fossil fuel industry own? The gun lobby? Sorry, but once again, you people are too goddamned stupid to recognize the silly false equivalencies that form many of your (cough) arguments.
A few years ago I was waiting at a stoplight and a guy was trying to get my attention. He was dressed *okay* and didn't look threatening so I rolled the window down and asked him what he wanted. He asked if I was going to Q street and I said yeah and told him jump in. So we're going down the road and he says he's going to a job interview at Safeway. We get up to Q street and I pull into the Safeway parking lot and let him out. He asks if I can spare a little money and I give him $2.
So I'm driving home which is only a few blocks from Safeway and I'm thinking about this, and when I make the final turn onto my street I kind of rolled through the stop, right in front of a cop, who pulls me over immediately. He comes to my window and says "you rolled right through the stop sign right in front of me, what were you thinking?" and I told him "yeah, I'm sorry, I was kind of preoccupied." "Preoccupied with what?" he asks. So I told him about how I saw this guy downtown and gave him a ride (which I almost never do) and gave him a couple of bucks to help him out and I was thinking about how we really are our brother's keeper.
He kinda looks at me for a few seconds and says "well, just be more careful" and let me go.
That had an M. Night Shyamalan plot twist at the end there. I didn't see it coming but loved it!