Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

I don't think I ever said "all people". All you need is a few sprinkled here and there and shit goes downhill. Do you lock your doors at night? Why?

People molest children.
People chop off people's heads over drug turf.
People shoot each other dead because of traffic jams.
People rob you while you're at work.
People shoot your dog because they wear a badge.
People rape you walking home from the grocery store.
People bomb civilians over religions beliefs.

Do you need more examples? Maybe some pictures?

If you try to deny the evil that people spread then you are either dumb or sheltered.
That's not really how it works though, otherwise we'd already be there. People are evil.

Snitch bitch can't even agree with himself, or more likely he doesn't understand a fucking thing he argues. Stupid, stupid snitch.
It won't work because people are evil.

For those who got lost. ;)

You're right, if by evil you mean political nihilists and narcissists like you that prevent progress towards an economy that works for every citizen and doesn't leave half the Country in or near poverty. Or if you mean stupid snitch bitches that have no loyality or sense of morality.
Fuck me, now I feel like I'm fucking with someone with mental ailments.

What was that other crazy cat that used to be on here that got busted trying so sell hash with bitcoin on craiglist or some shit, but that cat would always post in the conspiracy/aliens threads with some straight retarded shit. Shaggy something or some shit like that.

Either way man I'd probably keep up with the counseling and prescription medication the Doctor prescribes. And maybe stay away from alcohol.
So why aren't we all at peace with each other?

Y'all got nothing.

Don't forget to lock your doors. Or just give 2 dollars. Everything will be fine.
Are you sure this time? Is it because everyone is being so mean to you on the internet? lol guys I think stupid snitch bitch snowflake's butt is hurting and not from jail rape this time!
Phsssh, gonna take more than the likes of you to bother me any.

People are evil.
I was talking to a licensed grower/dispensary owner today and he was bitching about Gov Chickenpooper (D) CO. I guess he owns a brewery. Apparently he is a MJ hater.