Liberals on the attack of recreational marijuana.

So if one is forced to follow society's parameters, as defined by said society, should I be mad I'm forced not to shoot people when they piss me off? Should I be mad I'm forced to pay for a product when I could just as easily steal it? Should I be mad that I had to help pay for a highway in Arizona that I'll never use? Where does this line of offense and force begin and where does it end?

Just curious because I'd like to know what logic is in this line of thinking. Also when was the last time you were held at gun point forced to be a humanitarian? I'm willing to bet that scenario has never and will never happen to you but everyone loves a whopper of a fish tale.
Shooting someone for hurting your feelings is immoral and wrong no matter what society you belong to. Right to life does not pertain to society but to anyone standing on the land.

The law society once could not advertise on television. If the law society voted that the top 25% earners in that society should pay for all lawyers advertisement costs according to their need....that would be an example of voting for theft.
Once more a right wing zombie demand a centrist fix all the problems by himself. That's some lazy thinking there. Along the lines of the old grade school line "If you love it so much why don't you marry it?".

Libertarians have not a shred of connection with reality.
"lead by example" is the line you were looking for.
Yes it works as evidenced but of course it isn't perfect. Nobody is saying 90% tax on wealth or income starting at $0. We are the government.

Is your argument that because no system to mitigate the suffering of the inherent losers in a capitalist system is perfect that we should do nothing?
No, this is america and you should do what you want, from nothing to 100%....key word is you. my argument is that no capitalist system actually exists except for little throwbacks here and there like the vape industry.
No, this is america and you should do what you want, from nothing to 100%....key word is you. my argument is that no capitalist system actually exists except for little throwbacks here and there like the vape industry.

They don't exist precisely because of the inherent flaws of capitalism and the limited scope of capitalism as an economic system. Are there many capitalists that don't acknowledge any of that and how would they deal with common goods like water, air, lands, roads, police, firefighters, public spaces, healthcare, etc.? Is it literally just anarchy and let it all go to shit?
No, they're not dumdum. They are both "owned", but not to the same degree nor by the same special interests in most cases, therefore, their platforms do indeed differ. And while we're at it, they're both "owned" largely through the doings of the Republicans who have fought campaign finance reform and championed such stupid ideas as Citizens United to the Supreme Court. Who does the fossil fuel industry own? The gun lobby? Sorry, but once again, you people are too goddamned stupid to recognize the silly false equivalencies that form many of your (cough) arguments.
The gun lobby profited very good from Obama we had record gun sales yet he never actually did anything but threaten gun control. Oil both sides profit. Big pharma the same.

Read between the lines sure Obama looked anti gun yet he was the best gun salesman in the history of the USA while not doing a damn thing....
If everyone just stopped and gave a couple of bucks this country could be fixed overnight.

We don't need politicians to do it for us, it's a simple choice anybody can make at anytime.
All the so called good people give a large percentage of their money to the Church.
The gun lobby profited very good from Obama we had record gun sales yet he never actually did anything but threaten gun control. Oil both sides profit. Big pharma the same.

Read between the lines sure Obama looked anti gun yet he was the best gun salesman in the history of the USA while not doing a damn thing....

Only idiots like you bought into that. Well, idiots like you that could afford them.