Rootbound in a month?


Well-Known Member
I want to veg 4 plants in a 2x1 box. I think My best bet is to fit 4 6x6x6 pots in there to veg with untill I move them to the flower tent. How long can a plant from seed veg for before it becomes root bound in a one gallon containor? How about a clone?


Well-Known Member
I want to veg 4 plants in a 2x1 box. I think My best bet is to fit 4 6x6x6 pots in there to veg with untill I move them to the flower tent. How long can a plant from seed veg for before it becomes root bound in a one gallon containor? How about a clone?
from seed in a 1 gallon pot I grow them until they show sex and then back to veg until I have room for transplant, sometimes around 5 weeks from seeds and they still fine.


Well-Known Member
About an ounce
Uhm what?
You mean about a pound. Common haha

from seed in a 1 gallon pot I grow them until they show sex and then back to veg until I have room for transplant, sometimes around 5 weeks from seeds and they still fine.
Thanks! I was hoping so. I want to start a perpetual grow but my veg box is so small. So hopefully I can keep clones in there in the 1 gallon pots for the 8 week flower cycle without harming the plants or outgrowing the box.

Maybe I can try a monster cropping technique and pull clones off my plants 2 weeks after flower to cut down on some veg time so the clones won't outgrow the box. I plan on topping a few times so I think that will help keep them from getting too tall, I have a bout 3 ft from floor to ceiling in the 2x1 box


Well-Known Member
Sorry had ta :)
Its a tricky question to give a answer to, cuz it depends on a lot of case by case issues. Ive got some plants that were seeds started in solo cups about almost 2 months old now that i just took out of solo cups and added some coco and perlite to the bottom of the cup and stuck em back in. No room to let them grow bigger in bigger cups until other plants come outta flower.

Some soils become badly root bound quick, others have enough air in them to support much more roots assuming to can keep it watered.


Well-Known Member
In a 1gal pot you can only expext to grow it about a month before it needs to be it gets root bound it will dry out quicker, grow slower and produce lack luster colas.


Well-Known Member
In a 1gal pot you can only expext to grow it about a month before it needs to be it gets root bound it will dry out quicker, grow slower and produce lack luster colas.
You think about a month tops? Not any longer even with clones? I would like to get them to last the 8 week flower cycle. How many gallons you think I would need minimum for that?