Archive Seed Bank

But their verified cuts...heh. Yeah bit too pricey for clone only work. I'll be passing as well if there aren't any from 60-120.
This is becoming a money grab situation. Archive see how many other breeders are killing it with dosido now he gotta get in on that money. But the problem for him is that those others breeders isn't charging 200 plus for them crosses. I pay attention to everything he released dosiface before dosido and dosido put him on the map. Now you found a male and hit all these cuts with this one male. I wanna see grow pics from these said crosses before I put my money out there.
You guys realize I made Dosidos over 4 years ago and have been working it since then. LOL.. yeah they were pumped out too fast, lmao. And you know, 4 years of line work is super cheap on the pocketbook. If I put em out so fast, then how did all these other companies that don't even have the seeds much less, are selecting and breeding through them, came out with Dosidos hybrids months ago? Oh that's right, tell me who's actually doing work and taking time, and who's chucking pollen in a tent chasing someone else's hype?

I've never had an autoflower male from the Dosidos line, ever, and I've popped hundreds. I don't know where/how stupid shit like that gets perpetuated. Other than people regurgitating other stupid people's opinions. But I find it comical y'all would take what greenline says as gospel. Shows what this industry is coming to. LOL

You guys are right, you should support the ripoffs that sell other breeders gear for half price. Where they put in ZERO genetic work or breeding and thus, don't have to incur any of the COSTS of BREEDING a new elite from m/f genetics. If you factored in what it costs me to produce and test varieties like this, you would see that I'm making a fraction of the profit that F2 ripoff companies make, even at double the price. I have years of testing into this, all they have is a tent and 2 lamps ripping off gear I spent into the 6 figures producing, selecting, and testing.

It's cool, y'all can support businesses that rip off other companies hard worked gear for half price. All that will happen from that is people like me will QUIT investing in breeding NEW winners, and y'all can just end up with the same shit reworked over and over again til it's inbred to fuckdom.

Reading that people would rather support no breeding ripoff seed companies rather than support the investment of time, money, and resources into proper breeding selection pools just reinforces my reservations about this "community" that is left, if you can even call it that. Y'all want cheap, unworked seed lines??? I got you, next round, feminized gear and hyped up names with 10 plant selection pools coming right for ya. You guys have no idea how much making cheap fems and tent made gear will save me. And you guys can have all the hyped up "elite", but never makes it past the front door Marlon Blando kinda shit you can ask for. Now let's all go buy a Folex and a pair of Foakley's and be happy!
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How other breeders are "killing" it with dosido? You mean they're getting excellent results hybridizing it because ALL the Time and money other peopleinvested into breeding and selecting winners from that line in the first place. Of course they will get good results, all the work was done for them before hand. All they need was a tent and some pollen that's not straight hemp..

It's sad to me that this is what the "community" has come to. Buncha entitled ripoff companies and johnny come lately growers that think quality and cheap are synonymous with each other. Y'all just asking for lesser quality from companies that have ZERO quality control, and breed fems and selection pools in fucking 4x8 tents. I can definitely do that if that's the garbage y'all want for half price. I'll make significantly more money doing that than dedicating 20kw operations to BREEDING AND SELECTION. Shows what this industry appreciates anymore, hype and cheap, not hard work and quality.
And anyone demanding about the name contest. You realize there were over 3000 replies which took me 4 hours to go through. I kept the person's name next to their contributions, you're not the only one. If you said it first, you'll get a pack when I have time to get to everyone. Telling me I better "follow through" like you're demanding something outta me (do you even know if you were first to submit that name?) for suggesting a fucking name, just reinforces my already jaded opinions on this "community".. It sure isn't anything like it was a decade ago.....and not for the better.
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I checked your site and didn't see much info about all the breeding and selection you do. If you don't put any info out there where people can find it, such as on your site and strain menu, then people will speculate and nobody else can set them straight. Everyone else appears to be picking their males based on the vegging traits and ordaining them if the crosses come out good with no hermies, why shouldn't they think you do too?

How many generations did you work all those crosses in your upcoming drop, for instance the Cherry Pie X Do-si-dos? Looks to me like you took a room full of great cuts and chucked a Do-si-dos male at them. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I don't see how it's different from what most other seed makers are doing.
And anyone demanding about the name contest. You realize there were over 3000 replies which took me 4 hours to go through. I kept the person's name next to their contributions, you're not the only one. If you said it first, you'll get a pack when I have time to get to everyone. Telling me I better "follow through" like you're demanding something outta me (do you even know if you were first to submit that name?) for suggesting a fucking name, just reinforces my already jaded opinions on this "community".. It sure isn't anything like it was a decade ago.....and not for the better.

Aloha Docta,
Don't let these scrubbs affect your vibe and work.
I know what it takes to make stable hybrids, and IBL's.
A lot of these guys don't know what it was like, also, when seeds were regularly $300 and up!
It's not only the time and money spent, it's an ENORMOUS risk!!!
Usually working with more than allowed in most cases.
So to all who don't appreciate this and want the cheap shit......fuck'em!!!
Topdawg, Obsoul, and you bro is where I'm at, if I need the goodies!
So keep on doing that magic, and that's all you have to focus on!
Mahalo nui loa
I checked your site and didn't see much info about all the breeding and selection you do. If you don't put any info out there where people can find it, such as on your site and strain menu, then people will speculate and nobody else can set them straight. Everyone else appears to be picking their males based on the vegging traits and ordaining them if the crosses come out good with no hermies, why shouldn't they think you do too?

How many generations did you work all those crosses in your upcoming drop, for instance the Cherry Pie X Do-si-dos? Looks to me like you took a room full of great cuts and chucked a Do-si-dos male at them. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I don't see how it's different from what most other seed makers are doing.
That's all I was saying bro. Where's the proof that he worked these upcoming releases. All these old breeders do is cry like bitches when these new young energetic breeders make better crosses then them with their said strains. If you wanna compete with them stop trying to rape the people with these outrageous ass prices. Why pay 200$ plus for some you see no pics of when I can spend a third of that on something like peanut butter breath that I know that fire and I can see pics out the ass on IG of. Greed will be the end of these old school all for the people with their high ass prices breeders. Cherry pie x dosido I know there's high risk in that one cross alone. But hey we are haters that suppose to just fork out $200 plus because if you're "ThaDocta".. Yea right..
You guys realize I made Dosidos over 4 years ago and have been working it since then. LOL.. yeah they were pumped out too fast, lmao. And you know, 4 years of line work is super cheap on the pocketbook. If I put em out so fast, then how did all these other companies that don't even have the seeds much less, are selecting and breeding through them, came out with Dosidos hybrids months ago? Oh that's right, tell me who's actually doing work and taking time, and who's chucking pollen in a tent chasing someone else's hype?

I've never had an autoflower male from the Dosidos line, ever, and I've popped hundreds. I don't know where/how stupid shit like that gets perpetuated. Other than people regurgitating other stupid people's opinions. But I find it comical y'all would take what greenline says as gospel. Shows what this industry is coming to. LOL

You guys are right, you should support the ripoffs that sell other breeders gear for half price. Where they put in ZERO genetic work or breeding and thus, don't have to incur any of the COSTS of BREEDING a new elite from m/f genetics. If you factored in what it costs me to produce and test varieties like this, you would see that I'm making a fraction of the profit that F2 ripoff companies make, even at double the price. I have years of testing into this, all they have is a tent and 2 lamps ripping off gear I spent into the 6 figures producing, selecting, and testing.

It's cool, y'all can support businesses that rip off other companies hard worked gear for half price. All that will happen from that is people like me will QUIT investing in breeding NEW winners, and y'all can just end up with the same shit reworked over and over again til it's inbred to fuckdom.

Reading that people would rather support no breeding ripoff seed companies rather than support the investment of time, money, and resources into proper breeding selection pools just reinforces my reservations about this "community" that is left, if you can even call it that. Y'all want cheap, unworked seed lines??? I got you, next round, feminized gear and hyped up names with 10 plant selection pools coming right for ya. You guys have no idea how much making cheap fems and tent made gear will save me. And you guys can have all the hyped up "elite", but never makes it past the front door Marlon Blando kinda shit you can ask for. Now let's all go buy a Folex and a pair of Foakley's and be happy!
How many of these crosses that you're releasing have you worked? Can you point me to any growlogs? What pheno types should I be looking for in say the "duct tape"? You been working dosido for 4 years but you're just releasing F2? And you said we listening to GLO but you're still making drops with him after he said what he said about your dosido and the male auto-flower trait. Sounds like a contradiction to me. But if I'm putting out 200$ plus on packs of beans from a well known breeder I at least wanna see some grow pics on that breeders IG. But hey I guess we should just take your word..
Aloha Docta,
Don't let these scrubbs affect your vibe and work.
I know what it takes to make stable hybrids, and IBL's.
A lot of these guys don't know what it was like, also, when seeds were regularly $300 and up!
It's not only the time and money spent, it's an ENORMOUS risk!!!
Usually working with more than allowed in most cases.
So to all who don't appreciate this and want the cheap shit......fuck'em!!!

I paid $600 for a pack of Mandelbrot's Magnum Opus from Aficionado. Says on the "Certificate of Origin" (lol) it's an 11th generation back cross. Mandelbrot's personal 7th gen cut crossed to a 10th gen male made by Leo Stone from 7th gen seed stock (not clear if each gen was BX'ed or not.) Aficionado's seeds are guaranteed to pop and their site says you're "not buying seeds, you are gaining 'Access' to our private vault" so if you get mostly males you can probably get more for free if you ask very nicely. You're not just paying for a fancy box and sealing wax. Is it worth it? Depends on whom you ask but if I change my mind before I open it they promise to buy them back.

I also have dozens of packs of Bodhi to sort through. He chucks rooms full of elite cuts like most, and he works lines (he just released Dragons Blood F4 crosses, and Apollo11 F4 selected for Genius traits), and he collects landraces while vacationing in far away places, and he sits on seeds for years in some cases waiting for them to be tested in multiple volunteers rooms before releasing them, often as full pack freebies, and he seems like a nice guy. All that and most of the packs I got for $50 and some for $35. FIFTY BUCKS.

There's a lot of competition out there now and "scrubbs" like us welcome it because we're more sophisticated buyers than you think.
I paid $600 for a pack of Mandelbrot's Magnum Opus from Aficionado. Says on the "Certificate of Origin" (lol) it's an 11th generation back cross. Mandelbrot's personal 7th gen cut crossed to a 10th gen male made by Leo Stone from 7th gen seed stock (not clear if each gen was BX'ed or not.) Aficionado's seeds are guaranteed to pop and their site says you're "not buying seeds, you are gaining 'Access' to our private vault" so if you get mostly males you can probably get more for free if you ask very nicely. You're not just paying for a fancy box and sealing wax. Is it worth it? Depends on whom you ask but if I change my mind before I open it they promise to buy them back.

I also have dozens of packs of Bodhi to sort through. He chucks rooms full of elite cuts like most, and he works lines (he just released Dragons Blood F4 crosses, and Apollo11 F4 selected for Genius traits), and he collects landraces while vacationing in far away places, and he sits on seeds for years in some cases waiting for them to be tested in multiple volunteers rooms before releasing them, often as full pack freebies, and he seems like a nice guy. All that and most of the packs I got for $50 and some for $35. FIFTY BUCKS.

There's a lot of competition out there now and "scrubbs" like us welcome it because we're more sophisticated buyers than you think.
Got the same box of magnum opus. And if you have any and I mean any problem with aficionado gear they'll replace it. You have any problem with bodhi beans he'll replace it. You don't see those breeders fighting with other breeders on social media. These breeders spending more time fussing on IG now then testing their work. They can say whatever about gromer but dude test his own shit before releasing it. Bodhi test his shit before selling it. Aficionado test their shit for years before releasing it. Dynasty test his shit, Sincity test his shit. You don't see them on IG fighting with each other.
IMHO I think breeder should know how the crosses grows before any beans should be released that way any info people want to know about the cross it can be answered. I'm not saying have test numbers and all that cus numbers are garbage to me anyways but the main thing is can you tell me what to expect without guessing just cus you've grown both parents. I think most are just saying can you give us any info on all he new crosses. @ThaDocta1 you always talk of testing and stress testing which is awesome to hear cus lots don't do that but people just want to know if any of these new Dosidos crosses have been grown out by anybody. You say you've been working Dosidos for 4 years all these crosses been grown in the 4 years? As for the greenline info when he was passing the info around on IG you should've shut him down if the autoflower trait wasn't true but I really don't care what greenline thinks he is irrelevant to me in this game cus I don't even buy seeds from him. I just will miss out on a lot of beans like I always do till I see some pics or some info about them somewhere before I just cash out.
Regardless I planned on picking up duct tape sour dough and the 2 dosi f2 200 does seem a bit steep but hey still a small price to pay for good genetics and doc i believe you put in all the work you speak of but peeps do got a point this thread probably has the most archive info on the net and as most people do we all draw our own conclusions but keep putting out that fire just don't charge more than $200 plz and it's pretty cool you still check the thread peace love and chicken grease brotha
This all to can anyone try and knock this dude for useing one male...when that fuck boy gromer is doing the samething?

What test has he shown?...not just pics of bud on wood.

This shit is all fuck boy shit...

People cry about prices at 200,but every auction damn near starts at 200...fukkkk u mean.
Not knocking or hating just pointing out the fact that he's no different then anybody else that he talks about on IG. You're a breeder not big as them but you're here in the trenches with us daily. Not just when people start complaining or talking bad. So you can tell dudes what to expect outta honeybee or fireballs or any other crosses you done made. Fuck prices because if I like something imma grab it regardless of price. I just don't like this new money grab shit everybody is trying now with these chucks and these fucking auctions. They trying to bleed every single dollar outta us. But once we start asking questions they get defensive and think it's hate. But if I spend 200$ plus I should be able to ask what to expect out this what to expect outta that feel me. I respect all breeders from the top ones to the small timers, but it seems like nobody keeping it thorough anymore. Everybody wanna see what they can get and fuck the small timers.
Not knocking or hating just pointing out the fact that he's no different then anybody else that he talks about on IG. You're a breeder not big as them but you're here in the trenches with us daily. Not just when people start complaining or talking bad. So you can tell dudes what to expect outta honeybee or fireballs or any other crosses you done made. Fuck prices because if I like something imma grab it regardless of price. I just don't like this new money grab shit everybody is trying now with these chucks and these fucking auctions. They trying to bleed every single dollar outta us. But once we start asking questions they get defensive and think it's hate. But if I spend 200$ plus I should be able to ask what to expect out this what to expect outta that feel me. I respect all breeders from the top ones to the small timers, but it seems like nobody keeping it thorough anymore. Everybody wanna see what they can get and fuck the small timers.
All True But The Breeder part....That Shit Gets You In A World Of shit"breeder"

That word is starting to scare me..

Chucker this way,plus no one wants to use a chuckers seeds in they breeding rooms.
So it's a ++.

Honeybee...I made that with a gage cross,to yrs befor it was for sale...did not catch any shit from them at all....hell I still got a lot of unreleased seeds from them,that are waiting for me to run...(bullrider x joe) they may not see a release, or they may be out already.