new grow BOX (cardboardBEAST!!!)


Well-Known Member
if that doesn't combust on its own, jesus will probably send down a lightning bolt just to spite you.


Well-Known Member
As i said above, you can get wooden pallets for FREE..
It's not hard to find wood, anywhere..

Also, it may not catch fire, but it's a fire hazard.

Just the other day i came home to find one of my cats had knocked over a lamp (for reading in bed..) i had left on, it has a CFL in it.
I'd forgot to switch it off and there it was on my carpet, or rather on the burnt carpet..

So if it can burn a hole in a carpet why the fuck can't it burn a hole in some Cardboard?

your setup could get knocked or the lights could fall from their hangings and start heating up the cardboard..

Not worth the heart ache of burning down the house down is it?

Alpine farmer

New Member
As i said above, you can get wooden pallets for FREE..
It's not hard to find wood, anywhere..

Also, it may not catch fire, but it's a fire hazard.

Just the other day i came home to find one of my cats had knocked over a lamp (for reading in bed..) i had left on, it has a CFL in it.
I'd forgot to switch it off and there it was on my carpet, or rather on the burnt carpet..

So if it can burn a hole in a carpet why the fuck can't it burn a hole in some Cardboard?

your setup could get knocked or the lights could fall from their hangings and start heating up the cardboard..

Not worth the heart ache of burning down the house down is it?
ive already left my light on the box for 24 hours before confirming its safe.:-o
House burn down yet? Ok cool, keep us updated and take pics of the fire too!
ill take pics now. , wont be fire -_-
well then little baby jesus doesnt believe in you either. and matter of fact neither does allah
atheist.... :weed:


Active Member
my box is fine. im flowering outside. my yeild will be fine.
once i get money i will invest in wood :weed:
If you don't have the money to buy wood to build a box and instead you use a cardboard box. Then i think you should focus your life on actually doing something. Doing something so you will have money.

It would really suck to ruin those seeds. I'd say just stop now. get the suplies you need and then give it a go. Not in some half asss cardboard box shit

Alpine farmer

New Member
If you don't have the money to buy wood to build a box and instead you use a cardboard box. Then i think you should focus your life on actually doing something. Doing something so you will have money.

It would really suck to ruin those seeds. I'd say just stop now. get the suplies you need and then give it a go. Not in some half asss cardboard box shit
well its not halfassed :) its a pretty sweet grow box.
and i have money. just not money to waste on supply's i care more about skating and my job then this grow so im keeping my money for a new board , food , bills ect...:-P

i have my own tileing company:-o.

the reason im useing a cardboard box is cause im cheap.
get over it. my grow will be fine my plant is doing fine.

and i dont need :spew:you to tell me what to do with my life. i already have my life set out infront of me.

thanks for trying to help tho :)

all feedback is welcome :)

much love



Well-Known Member
I saw another thread on here, dude built a big grow box out of cardboard, it was really interesting. Although I would never trust it myself, if you feel secure in doing so RIGHT ON! These kids on here talking about HID'S blah blah blah... CFL's work great for vegg'in! I think most miss the fact that you are Flowering outside. I have used CFL's for both veggin and flowering, Hell look at Garden Gnomes Book 8 oz's using cfl's. I like cfl's because since you use multiples (in most cases) you can place them all over and get close to the plants in doing so.

I agree HID's Rock if you have the space and proper conditions etc. I love looking in the grow room forum and seeing these idot's throwing a 400 hps in a closet and posting help its 110 degree's in there hahaha. morons!


Well-Known Member
all you idiots (yes your all idots)who thinks there will be a fire. there wont be a fire. my lights dont get hot enough , i know how to do electric work so that can cause one , soo how can something catchfire without a source? d bags

If you know how to do electric work the first think you should know is that CFL lights do tend to get hot and near cardboard? With little to none ventilation?

Are you a fucking moron? Did you go to a retard school?


Well-Known Member
If you know how to do electric work the first think you should know is that CFL lights do tend to get hot and near cardboard? With little to none ventilation?

Are you a fucking moron? Did you go to a retard school?

ummm. Do you need glasses? Have you been looking at your hid light for to long? Seems from the pic's there is enough ventilation for the amount of light being used. I think you sir are the moron and you went to retard school.
By all means start flaming.


Active Member
thats pretty pimpin shit you have going there, a little low rent but that is the first cardboard box grow i have ever seen so my hat is off. I tried cfls, leds, fluoros and HPS. Gro-lux fluorescent tubes are the best veg light I have found in the low energy criteria. cfls do work but you are definatly need to get as many lights as you possibly can in there without burnin the box down.

I've seen some cfl grows done with homade light frames made out of PVC it was a rectangle with a bunch of lights stickin out of it on 45 degree angles towards the centre where the plant goes. if you can do a bit of hardwiring its very cheap and very affective as far CFL growing.

I personally believe that cfl growing is not a favorable method. A real, bright sun-like-light I believe is what is needed.

Whatever you do you should still get something alright at the very least, even if it is only a joint. Nice box and goodluck

i forgot to mention this when i posted it. That PVC thing i saw was like adjustable from 3 to 6 feet

Alpine farmer

New Member
I saw another thread on here, dude built a big grow box out of cardboard, it was really interesting. Although I would never trust it myself, if you feel secure in doing so RIGHT ON! These kids on here talking about HID'S blah blah blah... CFL's work great for vegg'in! I think most miss the fact that you are Flowering outside. I have used CFL's for both veggin and flowering, Hell look at Garden Gnomes Book 8 oz's using cfl's. I like cfl's because since you use multiples (in most cases) you can place them all over and get close to the plants in doing so.

I agree HID's Rock if you have the space and proper conditions etc. I love looking in the grow room forum and seeing these idot's throwing a 400 hps in a closet and posting help its 110 degree's in there hahaha. morons!
i do love how ppl put hid and complain about heat. lol :D
i do plan on getting alottt more lights.
and when its needed. i have a good sized closet to move into.
but if it wont be needed i wont move untill i plant more seeds.
If you know how to do electric work the first think you should know is that CFL lights do tend to get hot and near cardboard? With little to none ventilation?

Are you a fucking moron? Did you go to a retard school?
im not a moron.

maybe you cant see my intake and exhaust fans oh well.

more power to the blind!:peace:
lol, one day you will look back n's worth the love n money
:D most likely but the money i make from this will get
me better supplys. :)
ummm. Do you need glasses? Have you been looking at your hid light for to long? Seems from the pic's there is enough ventilation for the amount of light being used. I think you sir are the moron and you went to retard school.
By all means start flaming.
thats pretty pimpin shit you have going there, a little low rent but that is the first cardboard box grow i have ever seen so my hat is off. I tried cfls, leds, fluoros and HPS. Gro-lux fluorescent tubes are the best veg light I have found in the low energy criteria. cfls do work but you are definatly need to get as many lights as you possibly can in there without burnin the box down.

I've seen some cfl grows done with homade light frames made out of PVC it was a rectangle with a bunch of lights stickin out of it on 45 degree angles towards the centre where the plant goes. if you can do a bit of hardwiring its very cheap and very affective as far CFL growing.

I personally believe that cfl growing is not a favorable method. A real, bright sun-like-light I believe is what is needed.

Whatever you do you should still get something alright at the very least, even if it is only a joint. Nice box and goodluck

i forgot to mention this when i posted it. That PVC thing i saw was like adjustable from 3 to 6 feet
thanks for the support.

and a homemade fram an stuff is a great idea.

i acutally might try to fuck around with something later



Well-Known Member
most likely but the money i make from this will get
me better supplys. :smile:

so you think your going to make money growing with a cfl and a cardboard box. LOLz