I need to know a few things about this problem. Details incl.


Hi all!

Here are some facts:
1 Plant - 3 Gal pot
Day 16 from seed (indoors)
Humidome (sandwich bag) is off since last night.
20/4 cycle with LED (40cm/16inch from plant)
Height: 7.6cm (3inch)
Width: 15.2cm (6Inch)
Temp: 22c
Hum: 57%
Currently true green all over.

Here's my problem:
When I gave it it's first feed almost instantly, around 5-10minutes, it had started drooping. I left it alone to soak it up just before the 4 hour rest. I checked it 9-10 hours later and it had been fully restored to true green, after looking slightly yellow around the trim of the leaves before the feed. The plant looked very happy, with happy and level leaves, also two more leaves popped out! It was a moment of joy!

(1 ml Cal-Mag
(1 ml of Plant Magic In a 2 Litre bottle, 1/3 bottle used — ph'd afterwards to 5.7
(1 ml Multiply Drainage from the feed was around 15-20%)

Now since that day (Day 13) The leaves have been drooping during light and dark, showing no difference between the two, just the same amount of "droop". still remaining true green
The drainage from the feed was around 15-20%
The trouble is, I'm not sure when I can feed anymore because the soilless mix is still containing a lot of moisture, I also need to know if it was a mistake giving it a feed nearly 2 weeks in, instead of good ole ph'd H2O.

I also ran an experiment alongside this by seeing how long it would take for the soilless mix to dry out, so in a plastic cup, I pierced some holes in the bottom, chucked some of the soilless mix in and added water, that was Day 1 and now, it's still containing a lot of moisture. Around 30% less water than the 3 gal.
What signs am I looking for when its next watering is due? My concern is getting a happy medium for over-under-watering.


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Here are some facts:
1 Plant - 3 Gal pot
Day 16 from seed (indoors)
Humidome (sandwich bag) is off since last night.
20/4 cycle with LED (40cm/16inch from plant)
Height: 7.6cm (3inch)
Width: 15.2cm (6Inch)
Temp: 22c
Hum: 57%
Currently true green all over.

Here's my problem:
When I gave it it's first feed almost instantly, around 5-10minutes, it had started drooping. I left it alone to soak it up just before the 4 hour rest. I checked it 9-10 hours later and it had been fully restored to true green, after looking slightly yellow around the trim of the leaves before the feed. The plant looked very happy, with happy and level leaves, also two more leaves popped out! It was a moment of joy!

(1 ml Cal-Mag
(1 ml of Plant Magic In a 2 Litre bottle, 1/3 bottle used — ph'd afterwards to 5.7
(1 ml Multiply Drainage from the feed was around 15-20%)

Now since that day (Day 13) The leaves have been drooping during light and dark, showing no difference between the two, just the same amount of "droop". still remaining true green
The drainage from the feed was around 15-20%
The trouble is, I'm not sure when I can feed anymore because the soilless mix is still containing a lot of moisture, I also need to know if it was a mistake giving it a feed nearly 2 weeks in, instead of good ole ph'd H2O.

I also ran an experiment alongside this by seeing how long it would take for the soilless mix to dry out, so in a plastic cup, I pierced some holes in the bottom, chucked some of the soilless mix in and added water, that was Day 1 and now, it's still containing a lot of moisture. Around 30% less water than the 3 gal.
What signs am I looking for when its next watering is due? My concern is getting a happy medium for over-under-watering.
It usually helps when you have Pictures so people can know what you are describing exactly..

Your plant is either to small for the pot size it is in and getting over watered, because the roots are not developed for that pot size


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with your fertilizer mix so I can't comment on that. Seedlings need very little nourishment so I water only for at least two weeks. The coco mix I use has myco and all a seedling needs to grow roots. It's very common to stunt seedlings by burning the roots with fertilizer. (You could say I've burned before! ;-) All is not lost until the plant is dead and you're in the right place for advice... Best of luck!


I am not familiar with your fertilizer mix so I can't comment on that. Seedlings need very little nourishment so I water only for at least two weeks. The coco mix I use has myco and all a seedling needs to grow roots. It's very common to stunt seedlings by burning the roots with fertilizer. (You could say I've burned before! ;-) All is not lost until the plant is dead and you're in the right place for advice... Best of luck!

HI thanks I'm using: pro -xl sublime mix peat perlite lime coconut mineral soil coco hydroponics


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with that brand but it sounds like it probably has enough for seedlings. When I fertilized too early once and stunted a seedling, I just switched back to water and the roots recovered. Your plant looks pretty good to me... Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Brilliant! Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate your help and advice.
Over time you will learn by the look of the plant when it needs water.

For the time being don't use your finger and poke the soil. Lift the pot. If it feels heavy don't water.

Take another pot the same size and fill with soil. Set it out in the sun and let it dry out. Pick the watered one up in one hand and the dry one in the other hand. You will feel the difference.

It can be tricky because over and under watering both cause drooping. The difference is in how it droops. Over water you get a cupping in the leaves like you have now. With under watering the leaf stem relaxes and the leaves point downward.

When you do start feeding mix your nutrients about half strength and work up. You can always add more but you can't undo burn.

Water u til good runoff to prevent salt build up. Either mix nutes 1/4 strength and feed every time or mix 1/4-1/2 strength and feed, water, feed, water, feed, water etc.


Over time you will learn by the look of the plant when it needs water.

For the time being don't use your finger and poke the soil. Lift the pot. If it feels heavy don't water.

Take another pot the same size and fill with soil. Set it out in the sun and let it dry out. Pick the watered one up in one hand and the dry one in the other hand. You will feel the difference.

It can be tricky because over and under watering both cause drooping. The difference is in how it droops. Over water you get a cupping in the leaves like you have now. With under watering the leaf stem relaxes and the leaves point downward.

When you do start feeding mix your nutrients about half strength and work up. You can always add more but you can't undo burn.

Water u til good runoff to prevent salt build up. Either mix nutes 1/4 strength and feed every time or mix 1/4-1/2 strength and feed, water, feed, water, feed, water etc.

That's some real great advice, thank you very much. The plant is looking true green and the leaves and stems seem to be very happy, it now has 5 or 6 sets of leaves too! So I think i'll start the nutes now. I'm going to try a 1/4 strength method all the way through, though I am not aware of what signs to look for when it's due for a ph'd flush. I have done a ton of reading but nothing is quite like getting some hands on advice, so thank you.


Well-Known Member
That's some real great advice, thank you very much. The plant is looking true green and the leaves and stems seem to be very happy, it now has 5 or 6 sets of leaves too! So I think i'll start the nutes now. I'm going to try a 1/4 strength method all the way through, though I am not aware of what signs to look for when it's due for a ph'd flush. I have done a ton of reading but nothing is quite like getting some hands on advice, so thank you.
Any time.

If you water until you get good run off you may never have to flush it at all.


My plant is now just over 4 weeks from seed, she's looking really healthy, other than the shit attempt at fming. It's getting rather bushy. I have read in a few places that pruning off the lower foliage will focus the energy to the upper parts of the grow. I can already see that energy will be wasted on lower foliage during flower and I could really do without that shit really. I'm wondering if i have left it too late or if I'm in good time for it, I should probably also include that it is an auto flower and this is my first grow.
My plant is now just over 4 weeks from seed, she's looking really healthy, other than the shit attempt at fming. It's getting rather bushy. I have read in a few places that pruning off the lower foliage will focus the energy to the upper parts of the grow. I can already see that energy will be wasted on lower foliage during flower and I could really do without that shit really. I'm wondering if i have left it too late or if I'm in good time for it, I should probably also include that it is an auto flower and this is my first grow.
Do you have a pic of it today? I'm doing my first grow now, check it out if u want 2.