Hi all!
Here are some facts:
1 Plant - 3 Gal pot
Day 16 from seed (indoors)
Humidome (sandwich bag) is off since last night.
20/4 cycle with LED (40cm/16inch from plant)
Height: 7.6cm (3inch)
Width: 15.2cm (6Inch)
Temp: 22c
Hum: 57%
Currently true green all over.
Here's my problem:
When I gave it it's first feed almost instantly, around 5-10minutes, it had started drooping. I left it alone to soak it up just before the 4 hour rest. I checked it 9-10 hours later and it had been fully restored to true green, after looking slightly yellow around the trim of the leaves before the feed. The plant looked very happy, with happy and level leaves, also two more leaves popped out! It was a moment of joy!
(1 ml Cal-Mag
(1 ml of Plant Magic In a 2 Litre bottle, 1/3 bottle used — ph'd afterwards to 5.7
(1 ml Multiply Drainage from the feed was around 15-20%)
Now since that day (Day 13) The leaves have been drooping during light and dark, showing no difference between the two, just the same amount of "droop". still remaining true green
The drainage from the feed was around 15-20%
The trouble is, I'm not sure when I can feed anymore because the soilless mix is still containing a lot of moisture, I also need to know if it was a mistake giving it a feed nearly 2 weeks in, instead of good ole ph'd H2O.
I also ran an experiment alongside this by seeing how long it would take for the soilless mix to dry out, so in a plastic cup, I pierced some holes in the bottom, chucked some of the soilless mix in and added water, that was Day 1 and now, it's still containing a lot of moisture. Around 30% less water than the 3 gal.
What signs am I looking for when its next watering is due? My concern is getting a happy medium for over-under-watering.
Here are some facts:
1 Plant - 3 Gal pot
Day 16 from seed (indoors)
Humidome (sandwich bag) is off since last night.
20/4 cycle with LED (40cm/16inch from plant)
Height: 7.6cm (3inch)
Width: 15.2cm (6Inch)
Temp: 22c
Hum: 57%
Currently true green all over.
Here's my problem:
When I gave it it's first feed almost instantly, around 5-10minutes, it had started drooping. I left it alone to soak it up just before the 4 hour rest. I checked it 9-10 hours later and it had been fully restored to true green, after looking slightly yellow around the trim of the leaves before the feed. The plant looked very happy, with happy and level leaves, also two more leaves popped out! It was a moment of joy!
(1 ml Cal-Mag
(1 ml of Plant Magic In a 2 Litre bottle, 1/3 bottle used — ph'd afterwards to 5.7
(1 ml Multiply Drainage from the feed was around 15-20%)
Now since that day (Day 13) The leaves have been drooping during light and dark, showing no difference between the two, just the same amount of "droop". still remaining true green
The drainage from the feed was around 15-20%
The trouble is, I'm not sure when I can feed anymore because the soilless mix is still containing a lot of moisture, I also need to know if it was a mistake giving it a feed nearly 2 weeks in, instead of good ole ph'd H2O.
I also ran an experiment alongside this by seeing how long it would take for the soilless mix to dry out, so in a plastic cup, I pierced some holes in the bottom, chucked some of the soilless mix in and added water, that was Day 1 and now, it's still containing a lot of moisture. Around 30% less water than the 3 gal.
What signs am I looking for when its next watering is due? My concern is getting a happy medium for over-under-watering.