Archive Seed Bank

Great info guys.. Agreed there is too much hype. Same things with records, any artist who hits its big wants to rush out and follow up with another hit record. Trouble is you cant force art.

So far, Ive got props for Casper OG and Rudeboi.. Anyone run the Rocket Fuel ?

I ran rudeboi but found the Irene s1's I have better. Felt like too much faceoff flavor over powering the Irene,straight up Irene is more my preference.

Ran Mr Danks Golden Ticket and it was fucking amazing, so sad I lost that plant. I had 7 females all different pheno's, one the loudest plants/bud I ever came across & another really potent w/ 0 smell. Don't think they make it anymore, I sure would run it again. Haha & I got them from bonza seeds :-P on a 50% deal.
When buying beans shoot them an email and ask when they got their cut, if it's under 12 months forget about that shit being tested.

None of his new release have been tested he finally divulge this on another site and shortly after the thread was shut down and removed from the site (again). So know you are rolling the dice and paying high dollar to do so. Probably the result of not paying for advertising + selling untested beans (even if not with the said site) to clients and not telling them out the gate which always was a no no over there because they tended to actually look out for the customers. I have no issue with releasing untested beans as long as you are straight up with the public, which took 3 weeks I think? But at least it was done by him. I give him, some, credit for that.
None of his new release have been tested he finally divulge this on another site and shortly after the thread was shut down and removed from the site (again). So know you are rolling the dice and paying high dollar to do so. Probably the result of not paying for advertising + selling untested beans (even if not with the said site) to clients and not telling them out the gate which always was a no no over there because they tended to actually look out for the customers. I have no issue with releasing untested beans as long as you are straight up with the public, which took 3 weeks I think? But at least it was done by him. I give him, some, credit for that.
Well that's disappointing.

There's really no excuse for not testing the product. Finding people to take free beans is trivial, people will even buy em, or you can give em out as freebies with packs. There's a hundred ways to get testers out, some ways you can still make a bit of change, sell em for $25 a pack with the purchase of a full pack. Market it as super limited testers that might not ever become an official "so and so breeder" strain.

Greed, Laziness, and a lack of respect for your customers.

More breeders need to follow Bodhi's tester practices, dude sends out so many freaking beans for some many strains, only a few see the light of day. They are chucks, he'll tell you they are chucks, but they are tested and reasonably priced.... now I sound like a Bodhi salesman. Gage tests their shit too, plenty of others as well. Stay away from the ones that don't.
None of his new release have been tested he finally divulge this on another site and shortly after the thread was shut down and removed from the site (again). So know you are rolling the dice and paying high dollar to do so. Probably the result of not paying for advertising + selling untested beans (even if not with the said site) to clients and not telling them out the gate which always was a no no over there because they tended to actually look out for the customers. I have no issue with releasing untested beans as long as you are straight up with the public, which took 3 weeks I think? But at least it was done by him. I give him, some, credit for that.
Seriously? 3 weeks after the drop when most are already sold out anyway? LOL

I had suggested "testers" earlier in this thread but was quickly shot down with a "what good would 3rd party reports be" or some shit like that.

Odd because a great deal of my purchases are based off the breeder/tester reports here and I'm thankful for the members here who take the time to test and document these grows. VERY thankful because I know how time consuming testing can be.

In the end, I skipped the new stuff and grabbed 2 packs of the older stuff - FOF and Kirkwood.
40 amps. You're just a sad instigator and spreading rumors. Don't bother responding, it will fall on deaf ears. You're the last kind of person I'd want buying my seeds anyways, I don't need your business. Grow someone elses shit and everyone else will be seeing you in the rear view.


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The reason the thread was deleted I would assume is becuase I deleted my account there. WHich I would do here if this site wasn't possibly a snitch factory. ALthough I'm all legal so what do i care. But not deleting peoples threads or accounts on this site if they get busted, that's very low class of the administration.


40 amps. You're just a sad instigator and spreading rumors. Don't bother responding, it will fall on deaf ears. You're the last kind of person I'd want buying my seeds anyways, I don't need your business. Grow someone elses shit and everyone else will be seeing you in the rear view.
The reason the thread was deleted I would assume is becuase I deleted my account there. WHich I would do here if this site wasn't possibly a snitch factory. ALthough I'm all legal so what do i care. But not deleting peoples threads or accounts on this site if they get busted, that's very low class of the administration.
looks dope as fuck... need a tester? :) :)
The reason the thread was deleted I would assume is becuase I deleted my account there. WHich I would do here if this site wasn't possibly a snitch factory. ALthough I'm all legal so what do i care. But not deleting peoples threads or accounts on this site if they get busted, that's very low class of the administration.

Uhh no when you delete your account your info goes blank it doesn't delete your thread. your thread got deleted for the reasons stated and there were many who saw everything you before it was removed by admin.

I will go ahead and reply to your pm here since you are back now.

Wasn't my choice to do what ya did with your drop man /shrug You knew better. You can be mad at me all you want, but it is misdirected hostility. I want you to prosper and do good. I don't like seeing people mess up or fail. Dropping and not stating things off the bat was a big mistake. I don't know why they pulled your thread or what transpired afterwards on the mag but I didn't have anything to do with it. All people wanted to know was a straight yes or no on testing the drop, because you know people rely on this as their income and dropping untested beans whether proven parents or not and not saying it is putting people's livelihoods at risk. You know as well as I do and everyone else working with those genes that the recessive hermi trait can show up in full force in crosses or bad parental chocies when inbreeding them. People need to know whether that is possibility or not so they know whether they can take the risk or not.

You say you are part of the crowd that isn't a bunch of posers...I would think you would understand the gravity of such bad things happening?

Test your gear or tell people it isn't. That's respect for your customers which you seem to not have at all man. You can be mad at me all you want I wish you the best and success in this industry but you will do nothing but hamstring your self on the way to the top doing drops like that.

Now you can keep being immature and shitting on your customers, but you in the end will be the one "eating a bag of dicks and getting left behind in the end" as you say.

Now quick question:

What rumors am I pushing? Because I know that the admin on the mag still has your thread it's just not visible to anyone else....You aren't going to try to change what you said now over there are you?


One day you will man the fuck up and admit wrong doing on your end...hopefully.
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Obviously, I don't need advice from you on how to run my business. I guarantee I'm ten steps ahead of wherever you're, or whatever it is you perceive is happening. You bitched about me being busy to post the test photos. Well there they are, and I have many more coming up. Don't like the timeline, move the fuck on, I don't need your business. There will always be some instances of hermi traits coming from a Type 4 hermi parent like OGKB. It's impossible to eradicate 100% that from this, or any line involving modern day American genetics. 90% of clone only are the result of feminization, intentional or not. ITS INHERENT IN ALL MODERN AMERICAN GENETICS. If people don't know that, which I've reiterated dozens of times over the last decade, it's not my job to educate every last person on the internet. It's my job to take care of them if they get an issue. Testing doesn't guarantee it either. So you tested a ten pack, that doesn't give you shit for odds on 10,000 seeds.. You are spending way to much fucking time worrying about my business. Spend your time on yours. Now move the fuck on..
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You have reading comprehension issues.. The thread most likely got deleted cuz I told ICMag admins in my account delete request (which i'm more than aware keeps my posts intact) their site sucks nowadays and harbors poor discussions. In fact, I was kinda disappointed the free advertising had come to an end. haha. I would imagine they didn't like my .02 and decided to delete the thread. But you can infer whatever the fuck your paltry 40amp heart desires. MOVE THE FUCK ON. If you're so intent on having the ICmag thread up, hit up the admins and have them reinstate it. I could give a shit.
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You have reading comprehension issues.. The thread most likely got deleted cuz I told ICMag admins in my delete requiest their site sucks nowadays and harbors poor discussions. I would imagine they didn't like my .02 and decided to delete the thread. But you can infer whatever the fuck your paltry 40amp heart desires. MOVE THE FUCK ON
You still making Grimace OG beans? Disappointed I missed that one and can't find it in stock anywhere.
Hey @ThaDocta1 good to see you back. No sure if you spoke on it already but what can you tell me about the Dosido #23 "the jumpman" as someone nicknamed it already haha. Maaan I want to hurry up & be done with my current cookie run so I can pop the dosi.
IMG_0653.JPG Little early bud from the sweeties pheno c got 3 that I'm keeping for now and going to do a full run instead of a small lollipop plant but shits faf love this and am keeping this the other 2 idk I think I'll keep the one that is the face off leaning pheno as well I'll post pics when I got them ps I'm the one that called it jumpman and I got 2 growing right now and I'll post pics as they come too