My Girls


Well-Known Member
You can comment and jack it anytime Bro!! I am not as knowledgeable as I would like to be, Lack experience but have had years of research and built friendships that taught me more than I could have hoped for..Everything you have said make great sense and there is a few things in there I didnt think about, So thanks..
I am going to let them get bigger this round as well as step up the Nutrients a bit..I dont do to much yet with Co2 ( I do make my own with water yeast and sugar)..I will be getting set up to do more with the Co2 in a month or so..
Thanks for the info on the Microrganisms, I got freaked last night and pulled the one, then did some research to find out I jumped the gun.I didnt want to risk loosing anything, I put allot of love into these girls..The organism is a "springtale" and from what Ive read they are going to ruin my crop, But I should deffineatly try to let the soil dry out more..

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
this is one of the most informative links I could find for you, and thank God, because I would have been writing forever about them.... but you can get rid of them, and they shouldn't cause too many problems to begin with...


Well-Known Member
try upping your PH to about 7.5 on your next watering.... or the peroxide sollution, either way should accomplish the same means, just adjusting the ph would be easier, cheaper, and probably easier on the plants to

Some species of springtails may damage plants by chewing on the roots and stems of healthy seedlings. The plants attacked normally are found in overly wet and acidic soil. The seedlings may appear wilted and, if too young, may die. Damage occurs as minute, rounded pits on young roots.

Here is that link..,


Well-Known Member
Thtas the link I found last night, Thank you very much!! I am going to let them dry out some and then give them a shot of high P.H. See if that doesn't solve it!


Well-Known Member
awesome... NEVER go above 7.5!!!! doesn't matter what the runoff is! if its that low...or high, put oyster shell in a powder form on the top and mix it into the tops soil, and water with a TINY bit of epsom salt.


Well-Known Member
Well here are some pics of the girls as of today..They are doing very well! I was having some brown spotting but it went away..I'm pretty sure it was from over watering..
The temp has been between 72 and 83 with humidity at 55%,I let them dry out yesterday and gave them a watering today..
I am very pleased in the way they are filling out and with some of their node structures and leafs, Most have five fingers and theirs two with 7, I'm hoping they are female..Very nice looking plant..Stout!!!

I will be Vegging these out for another week to two weeks! I will repot into two gallon containers at 12in, They should have a nice root mass by then and if there is any shock I figure they can handle it..Id like to induce flowering at 20 to 24in..Im shooting for some three to four footers!!

There is a shot of the GDP drying in my little box, Theres about 17g I figure..It is goey and dank as hell, Not bad for stressing over some critters that arent to harmfull and plucking her a week early. Great smell and very sticky. Look at the gooooo!!!This next batch is going to get a little more Feeding. See if I cant get a bigger yeild!!



Well-Known Member
Well here are some pics of the girls as of today..They are doing very well! I was having some brown spotting but it went away..I'm pretty sure it was from over watering..
The temp has been between 72 and 83 with humidity at 55%,I let them dry out yesterday and gave them a watering today..
I am very pleased in the way they are filling out and with some of their node structures and leafs, Most have five fingers and theirs two with 7, I'm hoping they are female..Very nice looking plant..Stout!!!

I will be Vegging these out for another week to two weeks! I will repot into two gallon containers at 12in, They should have a nice root mass by then and if there is any shock I figure they can handle it..Id like to induce flowering at 20 to 24in..Im shooting for some three to four footers!!

There is a shot of the GDP drying in my little box, Theres about 17g I figure..It is goey and dank as hell, Not bad for stressing over some critters that arent to harmfull and plucking her a week early. Great smell and very sticky. Look at the gooooo!!!This next batch is going to get a little more Feeding. See if I cant get a bigger yeild!!
Oh Yeah! I have a feeling that this new set is going to be very productive for you, :D, and you shouldn't have a problem with these ladies... I will hit you up about a veg nute and light schedule that will help to double the plants size in two or three weeks ;).... I did it with the two big strait Sour Diesel ladies that I have outside.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I would appreciate that. They crop that is almost done should have about a qp to 7oz, I am very pleased with their density, and smell!! I'm looking forward to this smoke as I haven't tried it!!


Well-Known Member
When the females sense that flowering is coming, usually right around preflower (or a 13 1/2 on 10 1/2 off lighting schedule), they make a little stretch to increase budsites (and therefore increase the chances of being pollinated), give them 1/2 dose of veg nutes and a full dose of Fox Farms Big Bloom or open sesame or similar... if you feed it like that twice in those two weeks, while having the 13 1/2 on 10 1/2 off light schedule alternate every other night with your regular lighting schedule, it will about double the size of the plants.... I will go look for the pics of the Sour Diesel on my journal...


Well-Known Member
Nice, question though is the Fox Farm organic? If so can I use it with the Guano Grow I have? Also same for the sesame.. So can I start that light schedule now?


Well-Known Member
:clap::clap::weed:GREAT PICS:weed::clap::clap:

:shock::shock::shock:I AM STILL WACTHING :shock::shock::shock:

ell here are some pics of the girls as of today..They are doing very well! I was having some brown spotting but it went away..I'm pretty sure it was from over watering..
The temp has been between 72 and 83 with humidity at 55%,I let them dry out yesterday and gave them a watering today..
I am very pleased in the way they are filling out and with some of their node structures and leafs, Most have five fingers and theirs two with 7, I'm hoping they are female..Very nice looking plant..Stout!!!

I will be Vegging these out for another week to two weeks! I will repot into two gallon containers at 12in, They should have a nice root mass by then and if there is any shock I figure they can handle it..Id like to induce flowering at 20 to 24in..Im shooting for some three to four footers!!

There is a shot of the GDP drying in my little box, Theres about 17g I figure..It is goey and dank as hell, Not bad for stressing over some critters that arent to harmfull and plucking her a week early. Great smell and very sticky. Look at the gooooo!!!This next batch is going to get a little more Feeding. See if I cant get a bigger yeild!![/quote]


Well-Known Member
I will try out the big bloom and the light schedule like you suggested Loaded!! I am surely Looking to get a bigger yield of these GDP, They are a very dense sticky flower!!
They here a few pics of them as of this afternoon, They are doing very nice..They are a beautiful green, with firm stalks and fat leafs.. I have a little desk fan that blows on them, I'm building them up to hold the fat Kolas Im shooting for..

There's a shot of some true Frontier justice, That's when a man was allowed to be a man.. Also I am a primary care giver as well as a patient so I have all my paper work and the Prop215 Laws as well as S.B. 420 and some cancer and pain info..
This is going to be some great smoke and I plan on doing a nice big crop once I sex these and clone them!!



Well-Known Member
They were given a shot of water..P.H. 6.o temp is between 72 and 83, Humidity is at 55%..They are doing very nice... I will be giving them some fox farm big bloom and the open sesame, I got some from a friend tonight..
Im going for two more weeks veg, Then I'm going to take cuttings and sex one of each of them.. I want to keep one of these for a mother...All from seed.



Well-Known Member
yeah... combine the lighting schedule and nute schedule and you should be good to go, don't to forget to set your light just a little bit further away than normal too, ;). I am growing GDP.... its the in my journal there... you can see how budsites will fill in the plant, and then the big fan leaves will start to die off, giving all the budsites more sunlight. Colder temps when the lights are off will help make them nice a purple.... mine has purple stripes on the calyxes right now, and I expect the color to spread some in the next three weeks before harvest, :). I will PM you...


Well-Known Member
Watered with normal set up. P.h. at 6.5 and temp 80, Humidity at 50%..They are doing very nice, There was some brown spotting but they have recovered..
I will be letting them go for at least two more weeks, They are getting ready to really sprout.. The two that were some what deformed have recovered nicely, 1 actually split and has two main Stems.. Nice I guess!!

So here they are I think they are a month old I have to check my hand journal..They are very stocky plants ...



Well-Known Member
They were watered tonight P.H. at 6.5 temp between 73 and 81 and humidity at 55%.. They are doing very well and starting to do some bushing out, I will give them a dose of nutrients tomorrow! They have about 5 to 6 sets of nodes each..