Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

Wow, such hostility I take it you are going to vote for Hillary Clinton who armed and funded ISIS to kill Gaddafi then unleashed them on Syria and all armed them even more. Not to mention all the bombings in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq under that piece of shit Hillary Clinton as Secretary Of State.

We are in drastic need of regime change in the USA!! Trump just so happens to be the only non violent option
he may do good but he can't do any worse than the current administration.

Vote for Hillary all you like but it's people like that who have ruined our nation Gaddafi was not our problem nor was Saddam. Wars for oil are not going to stop climate change legalization of hemp will as would legalization of marijuana as indoor will be a story we tell our grandchildren about along with how we polluted our planet and killed all for money and power when we can make our plastics right at home non toxic hemp based plastics.

We need change! Trump ain't great but it's someone not owned by big business and foreign nations the Clinton Foundation is a big eye opener Saudi Arabia didn't give her multi million dollar donations for an alternative to oil which would be hemp. Trump is not owned therefore he can be reasoned with it's why the Mainstream media trashes his image because he's not good for business as usual.

P.S. I never watched Fox News I've just educated myself on how corrupt the government of the USA is and with what I know I believe nothing they tell me. Enjoy your CNN or is it MSNBC?
Wow, such hostility I take it you are going to vote for Hillary Clinton who armed and funded ISIS to kill Gaddafi then unleashed them on Syria and all armed them even more. Not to mention all the bombings in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq under that piece of shit Hillary Clinton as Secretary Of State.

We are in drastic need of regime change in the USA!! Trump just so happens to be the only non violent option he may do good but he can't do any worse than the current administration.

Vote for Hillary all you like but it's people like that who have ruined our nation Gaddafi was not our problem nor was Saddam. Wars for oil are not going to stop climate change legalization of hemp will as would legalization of marijuana as indoor will be a story we tell our grandchildren about along with how we polluted our planet and killed all for money and power when we can make our plastics right at home non toxic hemp based plastics.

We need change! Trump ain't great but it's someone not owned by big business and foreign nations the Clinton Foundation is a big eye opener Saudi Arabia didn't give her multi million dollar donations for an alternative to oil which would be hemp. Trump is not owned therefore he can be reasoned with it's why the Mainstream media trashes his image because he's not good for business as usual.

P.S. I never watched Fox News I've just educated myself on how corrupt the government of the USA is and with what I know I believe nothing they tell me. Enjoy your CNN or is it MSNBC?

IT can STILL quit whining and accept thread creep. Do me a favor and don't make me put you on ignore again. You've been doing so well...

Besides, schuylaar, regardless of gender or generation, whines like a little bitch. Which I guess she is.

Yikes. She made one small comment, what you are doing is the definition of overreacting. Misplaced rage,'ll get you in the end.

Do me a favor and don't make me put you on ignore again.

Please do, it's your best option.
Yikes. She made one small comment, what you are doing is the definition of overreacting. Misplaced rage,'ll get you in the end.

She was WHINING about thread creep. It's an interwebz fact of life, going all the way back to around the time you were born (1997) and Usenet. I miss usenet. No moderators. Just Dodge City.

Please do, it's your best option.
I was so hoping you'd decided not to be a limp-wristed pussy, but despite your politics, you're useless to anyone but the Nazis.
She was WHINING about thread creep. It's an interwebz fact of life, going all the way back to around the time you were born (1997) and Usenet. I miss usenet. No moderators. Just Dodge City.

I was so hoping you'd decided not to be a limp-wristed pussy, but despite your politics, you're useless to anyone but the Nazis.

Oh, dear. This should prove amusing from here on out, lol.