Can I start Topping, day 16, got pics!!

How are the plants doing for day16

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Well-Known Member
So I asked this question at day 12, but after 4 days the plants have grown immense amounts and I'm wondering if I should be getting ready to begin topping..? Also, don't know if it makes a difference, but the plants are about 2 inches longer than they appear, at first I was having stretching due to a previous light issue so I had to push the soil up until I got new lights.

Also, It's my understanding that you can tell if your plant is indica or sativa by how it's growing. I got these plants from bagseed so I don't know, can anyone Identify this?



Well-Known Member
I believe the 'nodes' are any branches growing out of the main stalk of the plant, hard to tell how many u got in that bush


Well-Known Member
Sweet, gogo indica..
Thanks for that.. +rep

But on another note, are these pictures not good enough to tell how many nodes I have?? Again, when can I top, I'm still confused.


Active Member
yeah, nodes are the sets of leaves that v off, and it doesnt look like your quite there.. im a newb too though so maybe someone else can support this or correct it


Well-Known Member
Count how many branches ya have on the main stock and thats how many nodes ya have.

As far as topping. I dnt do it. I dnt belive in it. Thats all i want to say on that subject.
Your plants are due to be transplanted.


Well-Known Member
The thing is my grow space is really, really small.. Hold on I'll post how small it is.. I was thinking it's almost time to flower actually seeing as how small it is.. Pic incoming in 5 mins.

Wackymak, reasoning for bad rating?? I did that so I could get some input, let me know what you think brotha.


Well-Known Member
Ya cant flower until they are mature so ya might as well grow them out and then flower when the plant can flower.


Well-Known Member
You are going to have to raise those lights no matter what ya do.
I would lst them. Fill up that whole space with bud.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I would let them grow 1 more inch and then put them into flower, it will be easier and you will still get some decent smoke from single cola plants. simple to harvest and it won't crowd your height limited space to do it. Plus no advanced technique to learn and master your first time out.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I would let them grow 1 more inch and then put them into flower, it will be easier and you will still get some decent smoke from single cola plants. simple to harvest and it won't crowd your height limited space to do it. Plus no advanced technique to learn and master your first time out.
I don't want a shitty yield though, and I'm not bad naturally with plants I've grown up in my mom's garden (as cheesy as that sounds).. I'd rather get at least an ounce and go through the pain in the ass topping, which I already know how to do to other plants, just not the ganja plants.. If I could get a O of these plants without doing any special shit I'd love that but I doubt it with the space provided.. And then you gotta consider I could have 2 males, hopefully not 3..


Well-Known Member
I topped my plants at that height and forced flowering because Im experimenting with a lot of bagseed. i dont think i'll do it again because I want more bud, but in your space the plants would work. i dont have a camera but each one i have is about a foot tall and a foot in diameter, hope this helps.