You know you are a grower when...

When you've hit your head on grow lights hard enough to bleed.

When you've screamed, " who the fuck took my tape? My GOOD tape!?"

When you look at the bottom of your shoes and there are nugs smashed into the tread.

When you hate trimming.

When you hate watering.

When your electric bill is bigger than some people's mortgage

When you've carried in bags of soil late at night.

When you have 236 of those light hangy pulley things
When you have 26 milk crates full of gallon jugs of rain water and one of your gutters dumps into a series of three 55 gallon drums with sub. pumps.

When you can stare at plants for an hour non stop, just enjoying the scenery.

When you go into a pizza place with big 600° ovens and somebody says you smell a little 'skunky'.

When you're always thinking you could use a new electric line out of the breaker box.

When bud porn is as interesting as real porn.

When your HTGS bonus card has enough points to buy something big.

When your straight cousin who owns a garden store asks, 'what are you buying all the pots for, are you growing pot?'