You know you are a grower when...


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Staff member
You never invite people over and you rarely tell anyone specifically where you live.
Even though you are running blowers and carbon filters you step outside the door and close it behind yourself, if you answer it.
You don't answer the door unless you feel you have to.
You have all mail delivered to a mail drop.
You add your clippings to the parrot cage droppings and don't put it out until you hear the truck coming down the street.


Well-Known Member
Your official work uniform consists of old shorts and stained t-shirts.

You shower every 2-3 days.

You watch so many day time judge shows that you could pass your State's Bar exam.

You put your 'hot' trash into other people's dumpsters at about 4am.

You leave your house no more than 3 times per week...
Lol @ hot trash. 3 days too much..more like 3hrs away is too long
Oops edit said 3x lol Im high again tywer


Well-Known Member
When you skip a trip to Disney World with the family because your new QB board arrives on the departure day.

I got a real nice HVAC system that way! Well I also paid in shrooms too. LOL
I gave a guy a half matured female thats throwing male flowers to build a 40ft stretch of fence. Dude almost cried he was so excited and I was just gonna toss it lol
You know your husbands a grower when

You come home with a thing to keep tortillas warm, and he steals it for seed germination.

Out of the last 3 turkey basters you bought not a single one made it to the kitchen

You have to use 91% alcohol to clean the outside of his coffee cup because it's covered in resin

He owns as many scissors as you(and your a hair dresser that does crafts)

You get home from work and he's all excited.............. because his light was delivered.

When you have to turn on the air conditioner so you can use the oven......In May, in Michigan


Well-Known Member
When you find nugs in the washing machine after harvest.
When you have a pair of flipflops you wear in the grow room so you don't carry out plant matter on your feet/shoes.
When you have a pair of unibomber sunglasses because of MH and HPS bulbs.
When you roll into the liquor store and request a case of half gallon everclear bottles and the clerk is trying to process it in his head.
When the fruits, veggies and flower beds outside are freakishly huge. You show up to a cookout with a 35 inch 16lb zucchini and start prepping it.
Your dog lets you know if anyone even remotely steps foot onto your property and you reward their behavior. Like really sit down and let them KNOW they're a good boy/girl. With added belly rubs and a treat.
You have a cat that has the same chance that you do at passing a urine screening.
You wonder at the vets office if the vets know your cat's a pothead after a blood sample.
When you smoke a stranger up and 45 minutes later you have to convince them that they don't need to go to the hospital. It's just really strong weed.
You have to give people a warning if they're a casual smoker.
You had a family member accidentally consume one of your edibles.
Your grinder gets more use in a month than most people's do in a year.
You've literally filled a mason jar up full of pre ground up nugs just for convenience.
You can relate more with Trailer Park Boys than people who just think it's a funny show.
You've actually experienced some of the things in TPB and get an emotional response from the episode where Ricky gets spider mites. Or when his grow goes to crap.
Your perception has increased everywhere you go and you can in fact spot a pig from a mile away.
You're at your 9-5 and you have to think about not slapping that one super normal guy that thinks drugs are bad and they legitimately love police officers. That sucker slaving away who's one car breakdown away from a financial crisis etc. They vehemently preach that weed is the devil and smokers are lazy/going nowhere. But the irony is that you're their boss and you know from a professional standpoint that they're too stupid to climb any higher than they already are.
You've tiptoed into personal relationships with people and jumped through Double Life hoops that'd make Walter White nod in approval.
You've deflected the advances of a potential lover/friend or whatever because you know they wouldn't be cool with things behind the scenes.

That sums up all I can think of that haven't already been listed. I've done/experienced a good portion of the things already listed.


Well-Known Member
You know you're a grower when:

you find a seed germinating in the lint collector of your washing machine.

Grab one of your jackets and find a dime bag still stashed in the breast pocket.

When you're that high you forget about the pizza sitting in the microwave. And you get up later to cook one. Only to discover theres one already waiting.

You know how many liters to a gallon. Celcius to farenheit. And pounds to kilos.

When you learnt more about maths from dealing. Than what you did in all your years at maths class.

When you look at bottles and vases and only see their bong potential. Not what they are.

When you go to your local bunnings and they're giving you funny looks because you're asking about all these lights and nutrients.

When you know half the people down the street. Just because they smoke weed.

When half your recent search history is somewhere between cannabis community pages. And research on your next bit of grow equipment.

When you spend half your day reading shit on roll it up.

When you know how to DIY a carbon scrubber from a pencil tin, a sock. And a couple odor eaters from kmart.

When you've got a pair of scissors so gunked up with hash. You could make a cone from just the shit on the blades.

And the last one I can think of is.

You know you're a stoner when you've worn bong water more than once because you're too high to even put the bong down properly.