Dear Black Voter..


Well-Known Member
Allowing Democrats to take their votes for granted hasn't worked out well, either.

Black people, along with other racial minorities and even most white people, simply aren't seeing their needs being served by the Democratic Party.

The rise of right wing populism isn't so much a repudiation of liberalism as it is an expression of desperation BECAUSE people don't feel either party is effectively representing them.

Bernie's enormous popularity was and remains as much a threat to the establishment Democrats as it was to Republicans, and they know it. Hence little effort to bring him into the Democratic party mainstream.

Bernie could not have won without the Democratic Party. He simply lacked infrastructure and the fact that he wasn't on the ballot in all the States. That is changing even now and things could beer different for 2020 for the presidency, and sooner for Senate and House races.

I think Bernie and the Progressive Movement would do very well to press their case with minorities and economically disadvantaged demographics across the country. At the very least, they'd be kingmakers. That's finally a position of power and influence in politics that has the leverage to get results.

In the final analysis, I think that everyone making less than $50k/yr would be well served by such a liberal progressive, dare I say Social Democratic party, whatever the color of their skin. The case must be made on their terms, something perhaps Bernie did not do as well as he could have.
bernie bernie bernie bernie bernie it's black people's fault.

and you wonder why bernie can't win a democratic primary.


Well-Known Member got me there. I think you might have a point. Goddamn it! Now I have to go read about it to refresh my memory on the particulars. I'll be back later. Thanks, dick. :-D
2/3 of the congressional black caucus voted for that bill. it's a trump talking point that the bernietards have adopted though.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, embrace your fellow man much?
Some times it's just best to say "Forgive me, I have racist tendency's that I'd like to change."

The Title could have read, Dear, White voter, Black lives matter, go out and prove it!

...but no, just more fracturing.
A very very good friend of mine, started on the road of becoming a very very great friend of mine by saying something very similar !!!!
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Well-Known Member
The Clinton crime bill. got me there. I think you might have a point. Goddamn it! Now I have to go read about it to refresh my memory on the particulars. I'll be back later. Thanks, dick. :-D
Okay. I'm back. Is five minutes enough time to completely understand the 1994 crime bill? Fuck no, but I only want to work the minimum amount of time I have to, to become just a little bit less stupid. Baby steps.

Clearly, it was fucked and it did have a bigger impact on minorities (particularly black men) than other segments of the population. Could they or should they have known what (presumably) unintended consequences might result? I'd have a tough time arguing 'no'. Had they anticipated this effect? I doubt it (which wouldn't excuse it anyway).

The public-relations face of the bill was that crime rates were increasing at an alarming rate and something had to be done about it. Bait and switch? To some degree probably IMHO, but not entirely.

Don't Ask Don't Tell had (presumably) unintended consequences as well. Was Clinton's heart (but maybe not his head) in the right place?

Okay. After all of that, I must concede your point. The 1994 crime bill does appear to be a very good example of the Democrats letting our more richly hued brothers and sisters down, big fucking time.


Well-Known Member
Hate the GAME not the playa..its not my fault that your little pukeheads will never accomplish anything without a socially acceptable name.

LaFawnduh will never be the name of ANY CEO.
In trying to make yourselves different, you've actually done the exact've set yourself up for profiling.

I know the color of Shaniqua and Juman (they don't even have to open their mouths but not April or Monica (black girls I know) one of which I was interviewed by several years ago had many phone calls with and never knew her color until I met her in person (which is the way it should be).

Attention black mothers! Do not name your children these will saddle them with a lifetime of professional profiling.


Well-Known Member
The 1994 bill turned out to be very misleading when it actually was implemented.
Wait...what's this?

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders — who voted for the 1994 crime bill...

His claim (true or not) is that he only voted for it to support the associated assault weapons ban.

So, arguing this bill as a wedge between Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is a fuzzy proposition at best anyway. Bernie voted for it and her husband signed it into law.


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton actually worked with the crew across the aisle though, sure he compromised a bit but he did far more good that harm.

Country was on its way to a surplus budget...then we got Bush.


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton actually worked with the crew across the aisle though, sure he compromised a bit but he did far more good that harm.

Country was on its way to a surplus budget...then we got Bush.
Oh, no doubt about it. Every big D president in my lifetime has performed far more competently and honestly than every big R prez in my lifetime. One must also wonder how much more successful Clinton (and therefore, we) would have been had he not been embroiled in phony scandals and legal actions that finally "culminated" with proof that he lied about a consensual, although embarrassing, blowjob.


Well-Known Member
Bill Clinton actually worked with the crew across the aisle though, sure he compromised a bit but he did far more good that harm.

Country was on its way to a surplus budget...then we got Bush.
The strength of the religious right (and the counter action of making Democrats think they had to suck up to gawd too) in the early 90's can't be discounted as a factor either, can it (partially leading to the reach arounds (okay, reaches across the aisle) with the Republicans)? Can I get a whoop whoop from a self-avowed motherfucking atheist who can step up and be our president? I have had it up to here (points to groin) with this jesus pandering bullshit and even Obama had to keep his intellect in check on that one while speaking.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no doubt about it. Every big D president in my lifetime has performed far more competently and honestly than every big R prez in my lifetime. One must also wonder how much more successful Clinton (and therefore, we) would have been had he not been embroiled in phony scandals and legal actions that finally "culminated" with proof that he lied about a consensual, although embarrassing, blowjob.
Culminated, I see what you did there.

"I did not have culminatative relations with that woman".