Just a reminder that the DNC's own lawyers have said in open court that they can pick the nominee any way they want, without the input, consent or vote of any party members;
Just a reminder that the DNC's own lawyers have said in open court that they can pick the nominee any way they want, without the input, consent or vote of any party members;
Just a reminder that the DNC's own lawyers have said in open court that they can pick the nominee any way they want, without the input, consent or vote of any party members;
Since it is plain that the DNC does not need, desire, respect or particularly care about my vote, donation, support for or interest in the process for deciding the nominee, I will be sure to act accordingly henceforth.
Since it is plain that the DNC does not need, desire, respect or particularly care about my vote, donation, support for or interest in the process for deciding the nominee, I will be sure to act accordingly henceforth.
Democrats over the last 40 years had 2 years of control in the last 40 years to get things done. The Republicans block anything that is not a Wealthy White Male Only agenda and label it socialism.
In those 2 years Democrats had control they fixed the Republican economic collapse, passed sweeping financial reforms, bailed out the auto industry which would have added to the devastation of hundreds of thousands of peoples livelihoods, student loan reforms to help people struggling with debt repayment, and helped get us to about 92% of Americans covered with health insurance.
Then all that Not Only Wealthy White Male agenda was sold to the gullible as socialism and we got the Tea Party..... Which leads us to Trump and in his 2 years of Republican control he gave the rich the biggest tact since Reagan, pushed through 120+ federal judges, and deregulated every protection he could to push his anti-science agenda.
Just a reminder that the DNC's own lawyers have said in open court that they can pick the nominee any way they want, without the input, consent or vote of any party members;