Dear Black Voter..


Well-Known Member
Please do not use Malcolm X when you clearly know nothing of the man. The fucking meme is even spelling his name wrong
Holy shit! I didn't notice that. Just shows how disingenuous these fucktards really are as you've pointed out here. Case fucking closed.


Well-Known Member
Allowing Democrats to take their votes for granted hasn't worked out well, either.

Black people, along with other racial minorities and even most white people, simply aren't seeing their needs being served by the Democratic Party.

The rise of right wing populism isn't so much a repudiation of liberalism as it is an expression of desperation BECAUSE people don't feel either party is effectively representing them.

Bernie's enormous popularity was and remains as much a threat to the establishment Democrats as it was to Republicans, and they know it. Hence little effort to bring him into the Democratic party mainstream.

Bernie could not have won without the Democratic Party. He simply lacked infrastructure and the fact that he wasn't on the ballot in all the States. That is changing even now and things could be different for 2020 for the presidency, and sooner for Senate and House races.

I think Bernie and the Progressive Movement would do very well to press their case with minorities and economically disadvantaged demographics across the country. At the very least, they'd be kingmakers. That's finally a position of power and influence in politics that has the leverage to get results.

In the final analysis, I think that everyone making less than $50k/yr would be well served by such a liberal progressive, dare I say Social Democratic party, whatever the color of their skin. The case must be made on their terms, something perhaps Bernie did not do as well as he could have.
Had he been 'allowed' to..

There was a reason why no one knew him.

There was a reason why exit polling was stopped.

There was a reason why they told voters already in line to 'go home'.

There was a reason why the DNC colluded against his campaign.


Well-Known Member
The differences between your views and mine are probably finer than one of Donald Trump's hair flap strands. I did not love Clinton and I did not dislike Sanders. I too long for a much more progressive society. Long-term, perhaps, Donald J Fuckface Jr. Trump will cause a rebound in that direction. Who knows?

May I ask for an example of how the dems have taken the black vote for granted?
'Bring them to heel'.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. He wasn't a Democrat.
He would have beaten the Chump. It wouldn't have been close.

Now the Democrats are looking pretty miserable.

The only one looking good after all this is... Bernie Sanders. In fact, he's by far the most popular sitting politician in America today, for the stone simple reason that he's actually on record as being in the popular side of more important issues than anyoneelse and certainly either party.

It's obvious that the Democratic Party sees him as a threat, as strategically stupid as that is.

I want to see America moving in a new direction, and neither party has made a strong case they're willing to represent my interests. Again, simple.


Well-Known Member
He would have beaten the Chump.
I'm not on the same page with the rest of your comments (a bit too much potential one-sided Bernie jock riding), but this I agree with 100%.
Uncle Joe would have smashed him, as well. Joe carries a ton of clout and is greatly respected among the party/educated folks (blue/prog votes), and he also transitions into the 'honest dad/Pa Kent' role with ease (red state/neck votes).


Well-Known Member
I'm not on the same page with the rest of your comments (a bit too much potential one-sided Bernie jock riding), but this I agree with 100%.
Uncle Joe would have smashed him, as well. Joe carries a ton of clout and is greatly respected among the party/educated folks (blue/prog votes), and he also transitions into the 'honest dad/Pa Kent' role with ease (red state/neck votes).
Why do you hate Bernie and his supporters so much? Is there an issue on his platform you dislike?

I'm only for him because his platform squares with what I want to see happen in Government.

The Democrats aren't getting it done. No one told me I could only support one of the major parties. I'm free to choose who I want.

If the Democrats put someone up I can support, I will! Until then I'm going with who looks good to me.

It's really that simple.


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate Bernie and his supporters so much?
Ohhh, dear. More overreaction/gun jumping. Seems to be a consistent pattern with you, sigh. You need a tension release, man.
I agreed with you about him smashing the drumpf; did you miss that part? 3/5 of my family and dear friends - my own wife included - opted for Bernie. I support much of what he's about, as well, however I'm also able to recognize that he's not 'Alpha Omega El Supremo'.

I like tomato soup, as well. A lot. I don't love it, though.
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Well-Known Member
Ah, but the logical thing to do is vote Democratic (or progressive in general) until that changes. There is absolutely no question that voting republicant (or allowing republicants to win by withholding the vote) is the worst possible outcome.
This was not a good election to take a stand by staying home. Either way, one WAS going to win. I prefer to at least have a say or perceived say.

It was the responsible thing to do.