Dear Black Voter..


Well-Known Member
i will pay you $1000 if you go to a KKK meeting and tell them how much they love barack obama. i want video of it.

I find it amusing the audacity of thinking that our government as well as the world stage isnt a giant scripted reality TV show
and people actually think they have a say in anything
as for KKK and Obama
.....I didnt know "The Klan" was even around anymore since the Communist/Socialist party took over of which backed Barry to the Hilt


Well-Known Member
get your lies straight you racist fucking retard.
Wow! Good catch! I hadn't caught on that little Norman here is sometimes Norman's mother, or something like that -- or maybe he's just a liar having trouble keeping his lies straight. Whatever it is, the boy's wiring is fried.


Well-Known Member
get your lies straight you racist fucking retard.
you are pretty ignorant
how am I racist?

because I cant back a party that was founded on racism
who's last candidate's great mentor was a "GRAND DRAGON" for the Klan

you sir are a BOT


Well-Known Member
IMHO, Little was better for the role (perfect for it, in fact). I think Pryor had a co-writing credit along with Mel Brooks.
you crazy motherfucker. Pryor is the greatest ever. Never speak ill of the great...even when just comparing.

sorry I just love me some Richard Pryor RIP or as he would say Rest In Pussy


Well-Known Member
Thats like me saying I can't like any white people because of slavery. Dude learn
wrong .....calling me a racist because I said that the KKK was a democratic militia
and that Clintons mentor was Senator Robert Byrd ..... a Klan Member???
I am not following this type of illogical enigmatic behavior