Christianity, Homosexuality, and the New Covenant

jesus pleae forgive this witless, uneducated, bigoted, fucking gas bag. He is the asshole with the beam in his eye that you told us about. Lord, he's the bitch with a wet ass, who with lily white, jelly like arm, is itching to throw the first rock

Eli, your logic, like that of a rabid mongrel, is a reliable indicator that all your thoughts are muddled, disturbed and meritless turds
oh shut up he hasn't learned that verse
Ok where is it written in the bible?
Original King james version
Luke chapter 1 : verse 1

And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.

2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

3 Give us day by day our daily bread.

4 And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.
Good now I'm gonna back you up about a 1000 yrs, the first written account of the lord prayer actually was in the first book of Adam and eve, book one, there are 2 books.

Kinda makes you wonder where Luke learned it from, it also proves that the bible your reading from is also not.complete. Just like the books of Judas, Mary Magdalene, and others they were never added. Plus king James was written and developed sometime in the 16th or 17th century...
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Very Christian-like response, seriously. In total ignorance and/or denial of the history of their own religion.

What's wrong with the Bible and other religious doctrines is how men crafted them to be a political tool to control and mobilize populations. The doctrine, as it stands, deters or outright subverts human's inherent desire to question, learn, find meaning and order. It does so by providing a false basis for answers to life's biggest questions, resting them on superstition, and then backing what are often false conclusions with demands of blind obedience/faith, threats of eternal damnation/torture (fear), claiming false authority over truth, and absolution of all guilt by attributing all misdeeds and suffering to a virtually non-existent entity and his plan (destiny).

You have been trained to silence the voices of reason so you may better serve those that benefit from your indoctrination/blind faith.
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Is this Bible Bangin' Shit Show really still going on? Fuck that dude's God. Fucking worshipping He Who Must Not Be Named and shit.

Don't worry, God will forgive me.
Gods not talking about cannabis. I know how to interpret it

No you don't, but you do know how to assert your opinion as the objective truth like a total jackass. Hold on a sec guys, weedhead24 says all orthodox Christians are wrong about drug use, turns out only weedhead24 knows how to interpret the Bible and he says god is cool with drugs! Isn't that great?! /sarcasm
@txbudman that was a stupid response

The bible isn't incomplete . So your saying it was impossible for scribes to pass down writings from the prophets an apostles ? Like anything else in history . the priesthood has scrolls since the beginning of time . Passed down through bloodlines .What are you proving ?The King James started evolving in 1611.There's a common misconception, it was the first English bible well it wasn't.There was numerous other English examples before 1611. It started in Greek with the original Textus Receptus done by Erasmus .Then what changed everything from what we know today in church history. Is well is just secular history .Its called the 1516 Erasmus of Rotterdam Greek latin new testament .The smartest man that ever lived, non deity factor okay Jesus of course is the smartest man that ever lived Lol. But Solomans up there is well . Even today we consider Erasmus the smartest whether it's in sciences, theologist, philosophy .He was just that smart created the Original Textus Receptus .Generally considered the most important book ever printed .An this is the book that launch the reformation . Even as an atheist you acknowledge that is the most important book ever printed .The Renaissance is launch from this the truth comes from this book .An we see just how imparitive this book is, but what it also did was cause an enormity of problems. What I mean by that money stop flowing to Rome (Jerusalem) . There's a building under construction and there's a very famous interior designer down there, that was hired to decorate it. Off course im talking about the Vatican .Michael Angelo 15th chapel that money stop flowing .The church started putting bountys on peoples heads saying ,"You can't teach this it isn't what we consider accurate ." Even though Erasmus said ,"We kind of got a problem here it does say metanoia not pay a fine so we're going to have to address this theological issue ."The prodestant movement birth from that book . What does the prodestant movement actually mean ?To protest this edition Erasmus has put the original Greek next to the churches Latin .It makes it very easy to see the contradiction between the two .That's why it changed everything, because it showed what we were doing wrong .Showed what it should be, but he didn't translate it to show what it should be til later .Okay that wouldn't be until 1519 .These are two contradictory things side by side .All he was doing is showing the evidence .The church is Latin corrupted version .And then the original Greek Textus Receptus .He just put it side by side and basically let the reader be the judge .This is the bullet that basically effectively killed the church .Next was the first edition Coverdale Bible .What really it is though, is the work of William Tendale . Now as we know Tendale is the inventor of the English we speak today . He's also the inventor of our very first English bible . Translated from the original languages .Tendale in England wanted to do the samething Luther was doing in Germany .An he went underground and with the aid of Luthers libary books like this an later editions of Erasmus is work .Tendale would produce the very first new testament .It becomes the most hunted book .In the history of England an so the king wants this thing burned .So England was still under total control of the catholic church .At the time that Tyndale's producing his new testament in 1526 .An it is a book that's basically an assault on the establish church of London at that time .This became a manumental achievement, because Tyndale in the last years of his life .Spent most of his time, translating from the Hebrew and Greek to produce this book . The rest of the old testament, some of it they weren't able to get done from the original Hebrew .Reason is Tyndale was arrested in 1534 . He's held under house arrest for 500 days .An then on the morning of October 6th, 1536 . He's taken out an burned, but in that incarceration period Miles Coverdale finished that. Which Tyndale had started . This bible is the best out of these mentioned I feel . It's the 1537 what we call the Mathews Bible . Now what is it ? It's nothing more than a complete of the new testament of Tyndales work .Now remember when Tyndale dies his last words were ,"Lord open the eyes of king of England ."Now what happened in that prayer . Tyndale could've said a million things .Why waste your last breathe saying Lord open the eyes of king of England ? Tyndale knew that no matter how crazy Henry the 8th was .If he could get Henry the 8th, to break with the establish church of Rome . England would be one an protected . It's one thing to have to have a personal relationship with Jesus . It's another thing to have a personal relationship with Jesus an somebody wanting to wake up and kill you every morning .(to be continued )..
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@txbudman that was a stupid response

The bible isn't incomplete . So your saying it was impossible for scribes to pass down writings from the prophets an apostles ? Like anything else in history . the priesthood has scrolls since the beginning of time . Passed down through bloodlines . What are you proving ? The King James started evolving in 1611.There's a common misconception, it was the first English bible well it wasn't.There was numerous other English examples before 1611. It started in Greek with the original Textus Receptus done by Erasmus .Then what changed everything from what we know today in church history. Is well is just secular history .Its called the 1516 Erasmus of Rotterdam Greek latin new testament .The smartest man that ever lived, non deity factor okay Jesus of course is the smartest man that ever lived Lol. But Solomans up there is well . Even today we consider Erasmus the smartest whether it's in sciences, theologist, philosophy .He was just that smart created the Original Textus Receptus .Generally considered the most important book ever printed .An this is the book that launch the reformation . Even as an atheist you acknowledge that is the most important book ever printed .The Renaissance is launch from this the truth comes from this book .An we see just how imparitive this book is, but what it also did was cause an enormity of problems. What I mean by that money stop flowing to Rome (Jerusalem) . There's a building under construction and there's a very famous interior designer down there, that was hired to decorate it. Off course im talking about the Vatican .Michael Angelo 15th chapel that money stop flowing .The church started putting bountys on peoples heads saying ,"You can't teach this it isn't what we consider accurate ." Even though Erasmus said ,"We kind of got a problem here it does say metanoia not pay a fine so we're going to have to address this theological issue ."The prodestant movement birth from that book . What does the prodestant movement actually mean ?To protest this edition Erasmus has put the original Greek next to the churches Latin .It makes it very easy to see the contradiction between the two .That's why it changed everything, because it showed what we were doing wrong .Showed what it should be, but he didn't translate it to show what it should be til later . Okay that wouldn't be until 1519 .These are two contradictory things side by side .All he was doing is showing the evidence .The church it latin corrupted version . And then the original Greek Textus Receptus .He just put it side by side and basically let the reader be the judge . This is the bullet that basically effectively killed the church . next was the first edition Coverdale Bible . What really it is though, is the work of William Tendale . Now as we know Tendale is the inventor of the English we speak today . He's also the inventor of our very first English bible . Translated from the original languages .Tendale in England wanted to do the samething Luther was doing in Germany .An he went underground and with the aid of Luthers libary books like this an later editions of Erasmus is work .Tendale would produce the very first new testament .It becomes the most hunted book .In the history of England an so the king wants this thing burned .So England was still under total control of the catholic church .At the time that Tyndale's producing his new testament in 1526 .An it is a book that's basically an assault on the establish church of London at that time .This became a manumental achievement, because Tyndale in the last years of his life .Spent most of his time, translating from the Hebrew and Greek to produce this book . The rest of the old testament, some of it they weren't able to get done from the original Hebrew .Reason is Tyndale was arrested in 1534 . He's held under house arrest for 500 days .An then on the morning of October 6th, 1536 . He's taken out an burned, but in that incarceration period Miles Coverdale finished that. Which Tyndale had started . This bible is the best out of these mentioned I feel . It's the 1537 what we call the Mathews Bible . Now what is it ? It's nothing more than a complete of the new testament of Tyndales work .Now remember when Tyndale dies his last words were ,"Lord open the eyes of king of England ."Now what happened in that prayer . Tyndale could've said a million things .Why waste your last breathe saying Lord open the eyes of king of England ? Tyndale knew that no matter how crazy Henry the 8th was .If he could get Henry the 8th, to break with the establish church of Rome . England would be one an protected . It's one thing to have to have a personal relationship with Jesus . It's another thing to have a personal relationship with Jesus an somebody wanting to wake up and kill you every morning .(to be continued )..

"Priesthood had scrolls since the beginning of time" ...

Less crack, more editing, more relevancy.

That was there mission, but finally Henry 8th permitted the Bible to go free based on one thing .......a divorce .These two texts obviously changing, you could truly have a personal relationship with Jesus from these two books .You had that meditator of the church .Had to have someone instead of just Jesus Christ .Just being the meditator, what we call today .Today the confession booth. "Forgive me Father for I have sin confession ." This defeated the confession booth an got rid of it completely .There was no need anymore .You didn't have to have a man tell you What your penalty was for this crime, that you committed against God .An what we have today is called the Great Bible or the Bible that was authorized an permitted by Henry 8th king of England .That would become fun to remember a couple of things .A later edition of Erasmu's is work .Was done by a guy named Beeza .An another work were most familiar though .Is done by Staphonis now Staphonis is important, because he gives us the Greek .That are Geneva Bible or the Bible done by the reformers of John Calvin, William Willingham .Those guys they will use this Greek text .To translate what their English bibles known as today .As the Geneva Bible, it's famous because it's the first one with verses .Okay that's why the Geneva Bible is so familiar to us .Is like where did John 3:16 come from, well it came from these guys divided into chapters already there but the verses. After Henry 8th his son takes the throne .An we know him today as Edward the 6th .He died very young he was only on the throne for four or five years. In that time he permitted the scriptures to go free is well. but he too had no spouse or no kids .An so when he doesn't have an air .Who ends up taking the throne .His sister who we know today is bloody Mary .We call her bloody Mary, because she was responsible for literally over seven thousand of her own peoples death .For what reason they taught there children the Bible in English .She had them burn to the stake .So in her zeal for the church she killing these people .The parents were teaching there kids .An they only wanted the church to teach there kids . We weren't qualified to teach our kids .So basically they are being burn to the stake for home schooling in a sense .They wanted complete rule .Well during that uprising, men of courage decided that we're going to rebell .An what were there names, John Nox , John Fox , and William Whittingham .They fled England and they go to work on a brand new text .An what do we call that text today ?We call that the Geneva Bible first family Bible. What we know today is the Textus Receptus .It will go to produce, what we know as the very first home school bible .The Geneva Bible an so this the book settles over the mayflower .Thats the Bible that settles Jamestown, after bloody Mary's terror .She had a sister off course, we know her name is queen Elizabeth .To win the hearts of the people . She gave us the bishops bible . (to be continued)
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@txbudwoman so called bishops bible .Done by pastors they just wanted something a little more authoritive .This comes from people Hebrew Greek experts .But truthfully it never settles with the people it was a glorious work .Just never caught on .An then off course she has no spouse or kids .So who would take the throne ?Her cousin from Scotland, off course we know him is King James .Next released is the first edition of the King James Bible .An then a year later, he allowed the folks to buy one at a book store .The King James new testament
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