@txbudman that was a stupid response
The bible isn't incomplete . So your saying it was impossible for scribes to pass down writings from the prophets an apostles ? Like anything else in history . the priesthood has scrolls since the beginning of time . Passed down through bloodlines . What are you proving ? The King James started evolving in 1611.There's a common misconception, it was the first English bible well it wasn't.There was numerous other English examples before 1611. It started in Greek with the original Textus Receptus done by Erasmus .Then what changed everything from what we know today in church history. Is well is just secular history .Its called the 1516 Erasmus of Rotterdam Greek latin new testament .The smartest man that ever lived, non deity factor okay Jesus of course is the smartest man that ever lived Lol. But Solomans up there is well . Even today we consider Erasmus the smartest whether it's in sciences, theologist, philosophy .He was just that smart created the Original Textus Receptus .Generally considered the most important book ever printed .An this is the book that launch the reformation . Even as an atheist you acknowledge that is the most important book ever printed .The Renaissance is launch from this the truth comes from this book .An we see just how imparitive this book is, but what it also did was cause an enormity of problems. What I mean by that money stop flowing to Rome (Jerusalem) . There's a building under construction and there's a very famous interior designer down there, that was hired to decorate it. Off course im talking about the Vatican .Michael Angelo 15th chapel that money stop flowing .The church started putting bountys on peoples heads saying ,"You can't teach this it isn't what we consider accurate ." Even though Erasmus said ,"We kind of got a problem here it does say metanoia not pay a fine so we're going to have to address this theological issue ."The prodestant movement birth from that book . What does the prodestant movement actually mean ?To protest ...in this edition Erasmus has put the original Greek next to the churches Latin .It makes it very easy to see the contradiction between the two .That's why it changed everything, because it showed what we were doing wrong .Showed what it should be, but he didn't translate it to show what it should be til later . Okay that wouldn't be until 1519 .These are two contradictory things side by side .All he was doing is showing the evidence .The church it latin corrupted version . And then the original Greek Textus Receptus .He just put it side by side and basically let the reader be the judge . This is the bullet that basically effectively killed the church . next was the first edition Coverdale Bible . What really it is though, is the work of William Tendale . Now as we know Tendale is the inventor of the English we speak today . He's also the inventor of our very first English bible . Translated from the original languages .Tendale in England wanted to do the samething Luther was doing in Germany .An he went underground and with the aid of Luthers libary books like this an later editions of Erasmus is work .Tendale would produce the very first new testament .It becomes the most hunted book .In the history of England an so the king wants this thing burned .So England was still under total control of the catholic church .At the time that Tyndale's producing his new testament in 1526 .An it is a book that's basically an assault on the establish church of London at that time .This became a manumental achievement, because Tyndale in the last years of his life .Spent most of his time, translating from the Hebrew and Greek to produce this book . The rest of the old testament, some of it they weren't able to get done from the original Hebrew .Reason is Tyndale was arrested in 1534 . He's held under house arrest for 500 days .An then on the morning of October 6th, 1536 . He's taken out an burned, but in that incarceration period Miles Coverdale finished that. Which Tyndale had started . This bible is the best out of these mentioned I feel . It's the 1537 what we call the Mathews Bible . Now what is it ? It's nothing more than a complete of the new testament of Tyndales work .Now remember when Tyndale dies his last words were ,"Lord open the eyes of king of England ."Now what happened in that prayer . Tyndale could've said a million things .Why waste your last breathe saying Lord open the eyes of king of England ? Tyndale knew that no matter how crazy Henry the 8th was .If he could get Henry the 8th, to break with the establish church of Rome . England would be one an protected . It's one thing to have to have a personal relationship with Jesus . It's another thing to have a personal relationship with Jesus an somebody wanting to wake up and kill you every morning .(to be continued )..