1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers

Still Daft I see...

How much do farm workers earn?
Based on the most recent National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS)– a report published by the U.S. Department of Labor– farm workers work 42 hours per week and earn $7.25 per hour on average, but this “average” varies greatly. For example, workers who have worked for the same employer for multiple years earn more than other workers. Those who have been with an employer for a year or less earn an average of $6.76 per hour, and those who have been with the same employer for at least 6 years earn an average of $8.05 per hour.

Annually, the average income of crop workers is between $10,000 to $12,499 for individuals and $15,000 to $17,499 for a family. To give you an idea, the federal poverty line is $10,830 for an individual or $22,050 for a family of four (in 2009).

Thus, according to NAWS, 30% of all farm workers had total family incomes below the poverty line.
Old data sorry it has changed significantly.
yep. he is perfectly capable of working but chooses not to and collects a disability check instead. also gets his health insurance for himself and his daughter free from the federal government.

again, he is perfectly capable of working. he'd be a great customer service agent or something. could be banking $20 an hour doing that.
Wow, dude sounds like a hypocrite.
lol! You asked where they're growing lettuce outside in Arizona. You got your answer. My apologies for mentioning summer, but the point still stands. They grow lettuce (a lot of it), outside, in Arizona.

I knew cotton and corn was grown in AZ, I was not aware of lettuce. Same page now bro.

Smudging the facts is a very bad thing. Misinformation gets the iggy.

A winter crop in AZ is very cool, I'm talking jeans and a hoodie.

you can work but you choose not to. your leg is all healed up now, big boy. people who can work but choose not to and rely on the federal government instead are called welfare sponges.
tell that to the screws and plates in my leg that cause me pain every day and every time I take a step.
God Damn.

My Father retired due to medical reasons. He risked his life in Vietnam fighting someone else's war. He pulls benefits because of his injury.

There is only one thing I have to say to you from now until you die:

Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

Iggy, you worthless son of a whore.

i just bought a totino's pizza and can of coca-cola.
Liar. You've never seen combat.

That's stolen fucking valor. You piece of shit.

You are 40% at best and with one kid that's what 500-600 a month.

Yea. I'm sure you are drawing food stamps also.

Dude you are a real piece of work.

I'm calling you out. Show a redacted dd-214. It will show deployments.

God Damn.

My Father retired due to injuries requiring invasive medical procedures. He risked his life in Vietnam for someone else's war and pulls benefits for it.

The mods like trolls, they don't like when people get checked for ignorance. So, I won't post what you should read.. for the third time lulz.

Weak sauce.

Liar. You've never seen combat.

That's stolen fucking valor. You piece of shit.

You are 40% at best and with one kid that's what 500-600 a month.

Yea. I'm sure you are drawing food stamps also.

Dude you are a real piece of work.

I'm calling you out. Show a redacted dd-214. It will show deployments.
I am in no way posting my dd-214 that is just not smart however here is my va letter showing me at 90% service connected....... Im done defending myself to people who never served i was in for 15 years and did not get out by choice.
