Classic case of calmag deficiency? (Pics)

hot cheetos

Active Member
Anyway, your killing off fine root hairs constantly by letting the roots dry and is most likely your issues since you seem to have everything in check. Good Luck, I told you my suggestions of a few things you can do. Up to you now.

Good Growing.
Fine hairs should technically be fine within the rockwool cube. Only roots that poke out end up dying which from what i understand is exactly what is supposed to happen. They get airpruned and in turn the rootball within the cube gets more dense and grows laterally.


Well-Known Member
Take care of the roots #1, not the plant or leaves. and everything will follow, grow brother.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, your easiest best solution, is grab some non see through thick plastic sheet and cut slits in it where the plants go and seal up the whole lower table and rockwool inside. Will create a humid layer down there, roots wont dry out because some water stays on the table, roots will expand, and so will your plants. trust me.

--check your roots for any rot/insects etc. if so, SM90 or Hydroguard or H2O2 added will knock that shit out, then seal up make humid layer for the roots down there with plastic sheet, and you're golden.

hot cheetos

Active Member
Seriously, your easiest best solution, is grab some non see through thick plastic sheet and cut slits in it where the plants go and seal up the whole lower table and rockwool inside. Will create a humid layer down there, roots wont dry out because some water stays on the table, roots will expand, and so will your plants. trust me.
Ill give it a shot. Speaking of humidity, my humidity is pretty low i think. Around 50% whereas they used to be around 65-70 percent before moving them from the veg room to the bigger flower room. But they are still vegging.


Well-Known Member
below 50% for flower is good. Veg is good with slightly higher. ;) Your RH is good.

--Also, when watering proper schedule so that roots dont dry out, that little more watering sooner, will add to the RH probably.


Well-Known Member
Check for them fucking spider mites. Got them for the first time last grow. Pluck one of those leaves and use a microscope and look at the underside.

hot cheetos

Active Member
below 50% for flower is good. Veg is good with slightly higher. ;) Your RH is good.

--Also, when watering proper schedule so that roots dont dry out, that little more watering sooner, will add to the RH probably.
Yeah i was thinking about the RH you mentioned in relation to the rockwool. You made me realize thats one thing thats definitely different, inconsistency of the saturation and RH of the cubes themselves. I've been trying to tweak out the right watering schedule, so far I've been manually turning it on and off at varying time periods between waterings and it hasn't been consistent. That paired with the lower RH makes me think that the cubes are dryer than they should be. I just programmed the watering to 4 times for 2 minutes each within a 24 hour period. 12pm, 6pm, 12am, 6am. 2 minutes is 5 gallons of water dispersed among 32 plants = 0.15 gallons per plant 4 times a day. Im feeling confident this is the issue. I fed them last night around 3am. Today at 12pm they were dry and light and the plants were sagging a bit looking underwatered. So i think it isnt a matter of not high enough PPM, rather not frequent enough food thats causing the deficiencies. Before in the other room when i hand watered they were much more thoroughly watered and therefore stayed wetter longer. Only had to feed 2 times a week. With drippers i think they need more frequent watering since it isnt as thoroughly soaked.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you a few things, if you run the water to waste, to figure out the good amount, if you water too little all the time, salts will build in the cube, so what you want to do is water so there is enough runoff pouring out to the point when EC and pH you put in is coming out the bottom the same, then you never get buildup, it doesn't take much its not a waste in my opinion and too little and you'll have buildup having to flush all the time. the peeps that dont this work on a schedule of flushing the cubes and system every week or so, but why, with a little runoff each time output coming out almost the same as input, plants get full balanced nutrient whatever you feed each time and doesn't build. Also, consistentcy with watering schedule of rockwool is very very very important. it's best the first times to flip the switch by hand water them all, then you wait and when they are quite dry ready for more water, you back up the timer 30-1hr before they got that dry, perfect. because if you water cubes too much is also very very bad. Your plants are very dark rich green they do not, not have enough food, you oare wrong I'm sorry. I can see. you're on the verge of overdose. The issues with the leaves is the roots. damaged roots can show all kinds of wierd shit on leaves. they are directly related. I hope this helps. pH 5.6 is the sweet spot not 6, for rockwool, a little drift to 5.9...6.0...6.1... wont hurt, but 5.6-5.7 is the sweet spot for cubes for plants to have best uptake. and keep water no less than around 65 and no higher than around 70, temp in the middle is good. This is rockwool growing bro. Grow monsters. if light is beaming on table hurting roots, cut pieces of plastic for blockage, but plants leaves/canopy will block it once bigger more bushy. Good Growing. wrote that without taking a breath like if somebody spoke in one long sentence with no comas or pauses..LOL turbo typed so hope it makes sense. BONG!


Well-Known Member
By the way, your plants look really nice you're doing a good job, just basically I wouldn't go higher in nutes and burn them, better they get an overall slighly less green paler look to them telling you they are hungry first then you up the food a bit, less is more, and dont let roots dry however you achieve that, and continue as you have. Youre doing very well. Seriously, I see no issues with your plants really except you telling me that roots keep dying back --which would cause the leaves to have wierd symptoms, like spots. cya
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Well-Known Member
This is to show you, that your 650-750ppm that you think is not strong can actually be quite strong, depending the conversion factor of your meter. You should convey to us in EC or if you use ppm you have to know the conversion factor your ppm meter uses, 0.5 0.65 0.7 ??? It's the only way we know what you're talking about. That 650-700 you speak of could be an EC of 0.9 all the way to 1.4. EC is the only true measurement, yout ppm meter, all ppm meters measure in EC, then it is doing a conversion and displaying it to you in ppm. There is no such thing as a ppm meter. they all really measure EC, EC is universal no confusion. Find the conversion factor your particular meter uses. Okey, that's all the lessons for today. I'm burnt. Good Growing. I wish you the best. I type too much.


hot cheetos

Active Member
I appreciate the time you are taking to help a fellow grower out, thanks for the info! I always have a considerable amount of run-off. 20-25 percent. I plan to lower it as I think I have too much runoff and is unnecessary and overkill. Bump it down to 10-15 percent I think. My leaves were a very nice dark green, almost notirogen toxicity dark. They are much much lighter now, checked the attached pics. My conversion is 0.5 so it's 1.4ec. Haven't had any tip burn yet. I like it around 650-700 I wouldn't wanna go anything above 800 or 1.6ec. Typically I would try to achieve a very slight amount of nute burn and bump it down 50ppms.



Well-Known Member
The way they are getting lighter looks more like overly saturated root zone thing, like almost overwatering symptom. hmmmm because if it was just the nutrients are getting low, those big fans would not still be really dark like that. Or they need more light or heat or something along those lines.. hmmmmm

yea, running too much water through each time is just a waste, yeah, 10-15 sounds better. 25%... a quarter of nutrient solution each time to waste sounds like a lot, a waste. agreed.

I used to run cubes at around 1.2 EC not much higher than that if ever, bigger more mature plants needed less believe it or not, and running to waste, GH 3part sm90 pH 5.6-5.7 with a 1/4" 4x4 coco mat underneath sitting on the table under 1K hortilux, with 2x2 wood in each corner as posts with trellis across table. ran like a machine.

-with drippers.