Classic case of calmag deficiency? (Pics)

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
With ro water and a complete nute there is no need to re buffer the water as the nutes have already done that.

But in coco I have learned the medium stubbornly holds in to those elements so most need to add more.

I have no experience with rockwool.

In early testing of FP....and the use of RO......It ran far better by buffering the water first!

The addition of the Ca/Mg as a buffer - reduce's the fluctuation of pH in the res...... While the FP covers plant needs. I'm not adding Ca for plant use - in a sense. Yet, it fills the void of any lacking....That does happen in hydro - all the time.....
The amount added will not disrupt the plant or the uptake of anything.

Add it and watch that spotting stop!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
This is not correct. It does not matter where the calcium comes from. Mixing complete nutes already includes the elements to buffer the water.

I needed no cal mag added to my ro water to use Kind trio. Or pure Blend Pro despite the warnings.

I have switched to well water since then.

Cal mag was invented by Botanicare to solve an issue growers were having with pure Blend Pro and ro water. Specifically.

And now that kind has extra calcium added and adjustable no more need.

Just marketing to sell bottles.
Your in soil! How much is the plant getting from that - before the nutrient?

RO use in hydro needs extra Ca as a buffer....

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I write the RO and Ca thing in hydro, from plenty of experience.

I don't run any hydro anymore = pain in the ass and lack's things I want out of soil.
It run's faster then soil.....I find the trade off as being in my favor.

I really didn't like Coco. Of course this was the early soak it salty shit.....Still, I'm not going back to try the shit now...

Do all nutrients - have limits too.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member

After going back into some of my old notes.

3ml per gallon of Ca/Mg was effective with FP in my hydro with that nutrient..... So the use was less then with other, non Ca added lines.

Thought I might add that.

5 ml would not "hurt" but, not "needed" at that amount.

I was asking at first but I have seen growers here and in person use different hydro techniques with dynagrow and ro and need no cal mag.

And I understand about buffers in soil.

And I don't think Dyna Grow recommends any either.

Gotcha on that. My RO is 0 ppm. Found that pH would be more stable if I did...... Observation leads to adjustments. think we have the same OCD on that - :mrgreen: 8-)


Well-Known Member
Dr. Who, rockwool hydro setup can be overwatered. You are absolutely wrong. This is all I care to say at this time just openeing my eyes first thing in the morning with crust still in my eyes. 100% you can kill a rockwool crop from overwatering.


Well-Known Member
add silica, add calmag, add this add that.. what the fuck you talkin about bro...

all you need is base nutrients and environment and water in check.

he has root shock.

sm90, hydroguard, or h2o2 if root tips that he has been constantly allowing to die back has any rot and that's it.

Rockwool cubes with absolutely no roots sticking out on the table and a plan for big plants growing big buds and not one fucking root out of the cube. Unbeleivable. I'm trying to help this guy. And your focus on picking apart every post in here overruling with your god like 'opinon' is total waste of time. There are many things you have said in here that are completely wrong. (Now you're probably gonna ask me to list them or some shit like that, I will not.)

One of the things you write back there is you ran ebb and flow and watering 5 times a day is perfect. Giving this advise as if you are the true Dr. Who and know it is the only and best way. Perfect for who, every room, system, environment everything is different in each grow, including the grower.

I'm not interested in this bullshit being picked apart quoted at every post, every thing you say in here since I was here is incorrect and not doing this guy any favors. Try next time to just give your opinions and help, without picking people's posts apart that you are apsolutely wrong about. And because you beleive what you say is the 'best', I'm sure you won't take this very well. Like the man who must put others down, to bring himself up. Bring yourself up without the other half, I say.

Everything I have written in this thread still stands.
Notice I didn't quote every single one of you posts.

Pissin me off...
I'm going to buy a new MH now.. try not to talk too much shit while I'm gone. Because that's all I'm getting from you here.

hot cheetos

Active Member
No problem. Most things in regards to cannabis have varying opinions and methods so I expect some conflict discussing different topics.

On another note, I found this brown staining on top of my blocks. What do you guys think it is?? Brown algae? It looks similar to what was growing in my reservoir when the temps were too hot. I known h2o2 kills this stuff as after I apply it to my res a few hours later he orange/brown stuff foams around the edges of the waterline.


hot cheetos

Active Member
I just wiped the hose for the airstone in my reservoir with a paper towel and this brown residue came off (pic). So it's from my water again. God damnit what the heck is this stuff that keeps growing in my nutrient water???

I thought it was the hot water causing some sort of brown algae to grow but now my water is under 68* and it's still coming back.

Is it possible my nutes have gone bad? They are about 8 months old but have been stored in a dark place, not necessary cool though. But it's only been hot for about 3 months, it was winter before so I guess it was cool.



Well-Known Member
He isnt from Gallifrey if thats what you mean, I think he IS in fact the other true Dr Who..High Times one..But i could be wrong..
What exactly am I suppose to do with this information? Bow down on one knee? You do not know what articles I have had published in cannabis magazines/publications/sites. You do not know what books I have written and may be in your bedroom right now. Look, I do regret the tone I took in that post, because nobody really deserves that kind of thing on a forum where everybody is just trying to help one another, but things happen, and no going back now. The main thing is I do not believe it is necessary to quote every single post and dismiss everybody else's suggestions whilst overuling with your own thoughts, lots of variables and lots of ways to get the same outcome using different methods. I don't agree with that, and I lost it.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Dr. Who, rockwool hydro setup can be overwatered. You are absolutely wrong. This is all I care to say at this time just openeing my eyes first thing in the morning with crust still in my eyes. 100% you can kill a rockwool crop from overwatering.
It can. But how do you over water hydro? Really, how? Dripper's run all day. DWC sit's in it 24/7 and rockwool cubes stay wet...

5 floods a day in an ebb system is the industry standard!

As to your comment about me being all wrong.....That's your opinion!

Your right about the high N - he didn't show the clawing - so reduction in concentrations is in order.

As for your plastic over the tray. I disagree STRONGLY. Traps heat, and bring the temps up in that zone - not good.
Increasing floods is the accepted answer.... Be of mind here, I still did't say your "incorrect"....

Nowhere did I insult you or use any term that might look that way. I never used the word "wrong" or "incorrect" either.

I did offer help, in an alternative way to yours. You took offence to having someone offer another choice and to simply, and politely disagree with a cpl of points/suggestions you made.

I now suggest you corral your butt-hurt. Acting for yourself as you blame me.......Did you seriously think I wasn't going to reply to a personal attack.....

The guy is free to take either one of our advise's given!

I'm not "incorrect" either.....

I will step up to the plate and say, "sorry" you took it wrong. Not intended that way!

I came from a long family of farmers. I'm my fathers son. I'm confident, blunt and to the point. Some find that hard to take......

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Well-Known Member
Dr. Who, I truly do regret the way in which I addressed the situation and spoke to you. I could of handled this with more class. I'm embarrased the way I spoke to you and my actions in here to be frank. I hope we can both just put this behind us. I really went overboard the way I spoke to you in that post and I sincerely apologize to you with all of my soul.

The only thing I would like to suggest for you is to take a look at this post with this video link in it, concerning the roots being in a sealed humid layer below. The warmth actually increases metabolic plant functions; cell division, terpine production and growth overall, as well as keeps the temperature stable whether above room is cold or hot., roots are allowed to expand, and top growth is put into overdrive. There is also a second video after this one in that same youtube about NFT that is extremely informative that I'd like to suggest for you to take a look at.
Check out this vid i found researching what you said:

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Dr. Who, I truly do regret the way in which I addressed the situation and spoke to you. I could of handled this with more class. I'm embarrased the way I spoke to you and my actions in here to be frank. I hope we can both just put this behind us. I really went overboard the way I spoke to you in that post and I sincerely apologize to you with all of my soul.

The only thing I would like to suggest for you is to take a look at this post with this video link in it, concerning the roots being in a sealed humid layer below. The warmth actually increases metabolic plant functions; cell division, terpine production and growth overall, as well as keeps the temperature stable whether above room is cold or hot., roots are allowed to expand, and top growth is put into overdrive. There is also a second video after this one in that same youtube about NFT that is extremely informative that I'd like to suggest for you to take a look at.
I think we're going to get along just fine! I have respect for you, and your opinions!

As for the video.....That was very interesting! SOG - bigger plants then I used to do but, I see the point! Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks? Damn! I fell for what I bitch at.....logic does not go hand in hand with growing! Got myself...

I'm so interested, Think I might get my old 2x2 dial in ebb&flow system set up and play with this. Already testing some synthetic's after seeing what some friends are doing with it. This should go well with that and actually should be tried with the line work being done. Gives me more knowledge on the Nute line to actually share.

In reality, I haven't done any hydro in 6 years but, a cpl of DWC buckets for shits and giggles.....Used to love Rockwool and SOG..

Thanks for the heads up on the Panda film trick (notice the video post was this April).....I'll be adding that to the testing.

@hot cheetos
To the OP - Do what johnei says with the film over the tray!
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Well-Known Member
That actually looks more like iron deficiency the way the leaves overall are lightening up in the middle and going yellow.