What justifies US intervention?


Well-Known Member
I could provide plenty of information. But lets be honest, at this point how much less credible am I verses say...Google?

@twostrokenut Is dropping plenty of names for you to research, the choice is yours.
don't be a pussy, jew hater. show us the proof about jewish oligarchies that control the world and fuck your girlfriend while you're out returning plastic bottles for the deposit.


Well-Known Member
don't be a pussy, jew hater. show us the proof about jewish oligarchies that control the world and fuck your girlfriend while you're out returning plastic bottles for the deposit.
I wouldn't be showing you anything you haven't already seen, its evident with the way you twist clearly typed words on the screen to facilitate your ignorant responses. That is a pussy for ya... If you can't come up with an intelligent response they why respond at all. The anti-Semitic victims registry has been dissolved years ago. The Jew race card is expired. Give it up already.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be showing you anything you haven't already seen, its evident with the way you twist clearly typed words on the screen to facilitate your ignorant responses. That is a pussy for ya... If you can't come up with an intelligent response they why respond at all. The anti-Semitic victims registry has been dissolved years ago. The Jew race card is expired. Give it up already.

"it's evident" is the weakest shit ever, especially when attempting to show proof of the nefarious jewish kabal of oligarchies that keeps you poor and destitute.



Well-Known Member

"it's evident" is the weakest shit ever, especially when attempting to show proof of the nefarious jewish kabal of oligarchies that keeps you poor and destitute.

That's were you're wrong Lilly, I haven't attempted to prove SHIT!! I'm just making statements of FACT! Deal with how you may. I'm done, I give you any more grief you may be forced to upgrade to "Xtra-absorbent with wings"...


Well-Known Member
don't be a pussy, jew hater. show us the proof about jewish oligarchies that control the world and fuck your girlfriend while you're out returning plastic bottles for the deposit.
If you can't see it you are blind but it is more than the Jews obviously. We are in WW3 and you can't even see it it's sad. I honestly feel bad about your ignorance you got the mind of a child.


Well-Known Member
oh, so if there is plenty of evidence then it should be no problem for you to present it then.

that is, if you aren't too busy visiting child pornography websites.
Look at all the nation's at war that is not evidence that is proof!


Well-Known Member
I get it, some insane dictator like Hitler is trying to take over Europe.. OK, US intervention is probably warranted.. but what justifies a US intervention into a foreign country today? What is the standard international governments should abide by? Hey, this guy is treating his people like shit. OK, does that warrant a military intervention? Hey, this guy is enslaving his people!... Yeah, that probably does warrant intervention.. Hey, this guy is starving his people, but he's selling us oil at such a low price!!!!... Yeah, that warrants intervention, except our government benefits from it, sooooo?

OK, So we've established countries that violate human rights definitely deserved to be intervened in... I mean, except if they give us shit.. though... How are we going to intervene in those countries if they're giving us shit? ... They're not going to give us shit anymore if we tell them to cut the shit out...

So... I guess we'll just keep taking the shit they're giving us and sweep whatever they're doing under the rug?... OK, fuck it..

But we're still the moral arbiter, right?
Nothing, mind your own business ,
Or at least try and get there at the start, not when its almost over and then pretend it was a great victory