Random Jabber Jibber thread

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
On another note, anyone ever grown moss? I kinda really wanna grow some moss... i heard its fairly easy. I read that it'll grow on nearly any medium, any ph range, as long as temps are above mid-twenties farenheit and they have access to moisture they will photoynthesize. And apparently they can be dried and rehydrated and will continue to grow.

I mean, sounds like a dream come true from a growers perspective.

I saw a pic of a moss dude who had replaced his whole lawn with moss, badass. And when you transplant it into new medium it is actually recomended to WALK ON IT. I mean, how badass are mosses?


Virtually Unknown Member
On another note, anyone ever grown moss? I kinda really wanna grow some moss... i heard its fairly easy. I read that it'll grow on nearly any medium, any ph range, as long as temps are above mid-twenties farenheit and they have access to moisture they will photoynthesize. And apparently they can be dried and rehydrated and will continue to grow.

I mean, sounds like a dream come true from a growers perspective.

I saw a pic of a moss dude who had replaced his whole lawn with moss, badass. And when you transplant it into new medium it is actually recomended to WALK ON IT. I mean, how badass are mosses?
seems i remember @dannyboy602 knows something about moss, maybe.


Well-Known Member
On another note, anyone ever grown moss? I kinda really wanna grow some moss... i heard its fairly easy. I read that it'll grow on nearly any medium, any ph range, as long as temps are above mid-twenties farenheit and they have access to moisture they will photoynthesize. And apparently they can be dried and rehydrated and will continue to grow.

I mean, sounds like a dream come true from a growers perspective.

I saw a pic of a moss dude who had replaced his whole lawn with moss, badass. And when you transplant it into new medium it is actually recomended to WALK ON IT. I mean, how badass are mosses?
I grabbed some from my yard and put it on one of my bonsais for landscape decoration a few years back. It took hold immediately.


Well-Known Member
yeah you would think any poisen would do it but we have to use the specific brush product.
The trick it keeping up on it instead of waging all out war every couple years. Were trying to plant where we clear now
I tell customers this all the time. Can't just spray a couple things then sit back and expect the problem to be gone forever. I go through and spot spray every couple weeks when I'm done mowing. Get an while they're small instead of waiting til its an eye sore.