Random Jabber Jibber thread

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
hes not banned hes on time out for telling someone to go fuck themselves and commit suicide and all the dumbass shit she constantly does which breaks the rules almost everytime heposts

why do you people get confused with someone constantly clearly breaks rules every single day and gets put on time out mode
i dont get it. fuck ,you shoudlnt even have to ask anymore. its always reoccurant names

put a comma cause it seemed like i said fuck you, when i meant fuck,..pause you shouldnty
I've actually been worried. My next turtling seems overdue. Have I been keeping a low enough profile or has my name come up?



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I don't remember any of that.. but he was around when I was new to the forum and nice to everyone.. except finshaggy and kaendar lol
He was arguing a pretty important point without divulging he was working to be employed in that sector, sad because prior to that he was an OK guy I liked. I didn't care about his being pro that point but his refusal to disclose his bias was disingenuous at best especially considering his suprising stance. I really have a bad time with intellectual dishonesty.


Well-Known Member
He was arguing a pretty important point without divulging he was working to be employed in that sector, sad because prior to that he was an OK guy I liked. I didn't care about his being pro that point but his refusal to disclose his bias was disingenuous at best especially considering his suprising stance. I really have a bad time with intellectual dishonesty.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about lol