Almost 1/3 of all homicides in my county 2010-16 were police killings

I think your assessment is very astute, and I'd add that where before when civilisations collapsed, it was a local or regional phenomenon- and weapons were hand held or human powered.

Today's civilisation is global; when it collapses, the only place to avoid it will be off planet. And it will be necessary to be off planet to survive, because nukes will be exchanged.

Either we become a spacefaring race- or we perish in a fireball of greed, vanity and aggression, it's really that stark a choice.

It's only a matter of when.

Yeah I don't doubt some people on this planet have prepared to live on, under or far from earth when the atmosphere collapses and hopefully resets (for other creatures). Nukes, global warming or knocking out a key part of the chain, alien invasion, space impact, who knows what the end looks like. Regardless of where man kind ends up I don't expect us to ever live within our means, It's the curse of intelligence. Maybe it isn't even a curse, we were meant to use every thing as a play thing. Literally.. maybe that's the only point of intellect. You can certainly see plenty of evidence in nature of all consuming behavior. The intellect we have may serve as a means to break the limitations of other organisms on earth, by means of taking over other planets and eventually whole galaxy's+. Ants would sure as hell do it if they could, and a damn lot faster.
It's not poor, it's simply less wealthy.

The NHS is experiencing some problems under Conservative leadership, it'll be fixed, no-one there wants it touched negatively whatsoever and that is key to all of their election manifestos.

I appreciate your efforts to stay in the conversation but you need to do a lot more reading on this. It's a bit cliche but start with the career of Jeremy Corbyn, it's the quickest tunnel to some understanding of the entrenched infection the country is dying from. Most are now career politicians who don't live a normal life (Compare the lives of Borris Johnson/Dennis Skinner for perspective). You may agree or disagree with multiple beliefs of either politician or any politician but the mandatory rule for a civilized country is that those at the top need to have been raised from multiple back grounds including the dirt poor, and even criminal. Now the top and mid ranks are mostly represented from the rich and/or ambitious, that's the slow infection. But it's genuinely got traction and spreading faster now.

The UK never had rivers of gold to continue over reaching to the scale or length of time America has. To maintain that over reach and title as one of the ''world leaders'' they had to lend and sell off assets.

The fork in the road for all nations and decider on the new world power over the next 20 year is who pioneers and takes the biggest cut on renewable energy. I think America and UK have over reached too much with oil and other things to make a solid claim. Lets hope the next powers treat us better than we them.
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I appreciate your efforts to stay in the conversation but you need to do a lot more reading on this. It's a bit cliche but start with the career of Jeremy Corbyn, it's the quickest tunnel to some understanding of the entrenched infection the country is dying from. Most are now career politicians who don't live a normal life (Compare the lives of Borris Johnson/Dennis Skinner for perspective). You may agree or disagree with multiple beliefs of either politician or any politician but the mandatory rule for a civilized country is that those at the top need to have been raised from multiple back grounds including the dirt poor, and even criminal. Now the top and mid ranks are mostly represented from the rich and/or ambitious, that's the slow infection. But it's genuinely got traction and spreading faster now.

The UK never had rivers of gold to continue over reaching to the scale or length of time America has. To maintain that over reach and title as one of the ''world leaders'' they had to lend and sell off assets.

The fork in the road for all nations and decider on the new world power over the next 20 year is who pioneers and takes the biggest cut on renewable energy. I think America and UK have over reached too much with oil and other things to make a solid claim. Lets hope the next powers treat us better than we them.
So I'm correct but you can't back down?

Cos I don't see anything that addresses the post you replied to.
Your stupid is showing. You use Republican tactics and expect different results, just like dumb Buck.
Once again your response is equivalent to "nuh uh, MAGA!".

You're so fucking arrogant, thats what puts people off btw, including all those expensive dates where they never called you again...

Just saying.
We are a self-correcting species, first, we had no freedoms, then we had too many like being able to choose to loaf and game the system for a living. At some point, we will correct to a place in the middle of those two. The truth is due to efficiency in technology, there is an excess supply of labour. If we can have machines doing our jobs, then we can get on with increasing the quality of life of everyone on the planet.
We are a self-correcting species, first, we had no freedoms, then we had too many like being able to choose to loaf and game the system for a living. At some point, we will correct to a place in the middle of those two. The truth is due to efficiency in technology, there is an excess supply of labour. If we can have machines doing our jobs, then we can get on with increasing the quality of life of everyone on the planet.
All we need to do is find ways to reward people for doing it.

Rewarding people for fucking over their fellows has shown that it's a powerful tool, capable of getting people to ignore their own conscience.
We are a self-correcting species, first, we had no freedoms, then we had too many like being able to choose to loaf and game the system for a living. At some point, we will correct to a place in the middle of those two. The truth is due to efficiency in technology, there is an excess supply of labour. If we can have machines doing our jobs, then we can get on with increasing the quality of life of everyone on the planet.

That is where we are generally heading I think so too, it should be a good thing. But what do you think is going to happen when the whole world is receiving a good standard of life and living longer. Is it still our ''right'' to reproduce freely?. At some point we will have take population control seriously as a planet, it is genuinely necessary even at current, and is the single largest reason for climate change. Even if climate change is resolved the expansion required to sustain increasing population will lead to the destruction of the natural world. People talk about the new world order etc.. where I don't agree with the extremity of what is proposed it is certainly the correct path in essence.

I would love to see the day when a western high ranking figure has the balls to address population as a real problem. Instead of slipping things in like the bedroom tax.
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That is where we are generally heading I think so too, it should be a good thing. But what do you think is going to happen when the whole world is receiving a good standard of life and living longer. Is it still our ''right'' to reproduce freely?. At some point we will have take population control seriously as a planet, it is genuinely necessary even at current, and is the single largest reason for climate change. Even if climate change is resolved the expansion required to sustain increasing population will lead to the destruction of the natural world. People talk about the new world order etc.. where I don't agree with the extremity of what is proposed it is certainly the correct path in essence.

I would love to see the day when a western high ranking figure has the balls to address population as a real problem. Instead of slipping things in like the bedroom tax.

Economic stratification may be a bigger threat to civilisation than ecological damage;

Taxing the rich to benefit everyone else would be a great start.
Economic stratification may be a bigger threat to civilisation than ecological damage;

Taxing the rich to benefit everyone else would be a great start.
Concentration of wealth can be dealt with in the stroke of a pen, climate change cannot.

Please stop posting retarded shit from opinion pieces.

You never answered btw, a generation of black males is being murdered on the streets daily, yet you deride BLM and yet you get upset when <15 crackers get it in a year...what gives?
I think that if We the People demand accountability from their government, including its law enforcement organs, we will get it. We must speak with one voice, insistently, consistently and be unwilling to tolerate resistance from officialdom.

Most Americans have no experience of such campaigns out the exercise of their rights and voice in our democracy and it's this habit of passivity that has allowed governmental abuses to become commonplace.

What makes governmental abuses common is the fact it is systemically embedded and can't be extracted and still remain "government".

Neither asking or demanding that a turd not smell is naïve.

Nice platitudes in your fiery speech though.
I think that if We the People demand accountability from their government, including its law enforcement organs, we will get it. We must speak with one voice, insistently, consistently and be unwilling to tolerate resistance from officialdom.

Most Americans have no experience of such campaigns out the exercise of their rights and voice in our democracy and it's this habit of passivity that has allowed governmental abuses to become commonplace.

What makes governmental abuses common is the fact it is systemically embedded and can't be extracted and still remain "government".

Neither asking or demanding that a turd not smell is naïve.

Nice platitudes in your fiery speech though.