Where can I get some spice gold?

Hey im new

Active Member
Im looking for a reliable website to order Spice Gold in the US. Just wondering if anyone had an idea. Thanks
Don't buy that crap really . . .
dude ur dumb.....ive smoked weed daily for years..and when i got put on probation that stuff saved my life...ur prolly juss ramblin and never tried it...that shit will get u high for like 3 hours and it gives u red eyes and the muchies...im not sayin its as good as weed...but if u cant smoke,,that will be ur friend


Well-Known Member
dude ur dumb.....ive smoked weed daily for years..and when i got put on probation that stuff saved my life...ur prolly juss ramblin and never tried it...that shit will get u high for like 3 hours and it gives u red eyes and the muchies...im not sayin its as good as weed...but if u cant smoke,,that will be ur friend
More power to ya bro :rolleyes:
BTW you can't minus rep me cause you are too new :peace:


Well-Known Member
um......ok....im not tryin to start a fight...it juss gets on my nerves when ppl post stuff that they have no idea about
Believe it or not I do have an idea what I'm talking about, but its just an opinion, we are still entitled to those right? Not sure anymore George Bush might have put something in the patriot act about that too. But I can see why you are "not trying to start a fight"

dude ur dumb.....ive smoked weed daily for years..and when i got put on probation that stuff saved my life...ur prolly juss ramblin and never tried it...that shit will get u high for like 3 hours and it gives u red eyes and the muchies...im not sayin its as good as weed...but if u cant smoke,,that will be ur friend
Wow, that sounds like a guy who has been smoking spice gold, I think the remedy is some good bud. :peace:
LOL saved your life! Thats funny, I guess that's why cancer patients smoke "spice gold".

Since I'm pretty sure this is still a free country I'm going to re-state my opinion based on experience. Spice Gold, and other "herbal alternatives" are a load of crap that are peddled by scam artists to poor unsuspecting stoners that should be donating that money to NORML. Here is the link and I PROMISE you that it is money better spent . . . and rant over:finger:
Donate Now - NORML


Well-Known Member
newgrowth im sorry but ur a fucking douchebag...how could the remedy be good bud when ur on probation and cant smoke weed.....ur boyfriend should ram some spice gold up ur ass, then youll prolly love it
If you are on probation then you should probably be donating money to NORML because you are a victim of the Drug War. I'm not going to resort to name calling. If you are now off probation you should chill and smoke some cannabis and then donate some money to NORML.
I really have never seen anybody so passionate about "spice gold" though its pretty funny. You have stock in it or something? :mrgreen:
I love how you apologize and then call me a douchebag, I think I like you I wish I could smoke you up seriously!
If you are on probation then you should probably be donating money to NORML because you are a victim of the Drug War. I'm not going to resort to name calling. If you are now off probation you should chill and smoke some cannabis and then donate some money to NORML.
I really have never seen anybody so passionate about "spice gold" though its pretty funny. You have stock in it or something? :mrgreen:
I love how you apologize and then call me a douchebag, I think I like you I wish I could smoke you up seriously!
Ya....I really didnt mean it...i get like that sometimes, ill delete that post...sorry
Bluntz... get a life... go do something productive...
You have no idea who i am or what i do.....i fuckin love where im at in life right now....what do u do?


Well-Known Member
Bluntz... get a life... go do something productive...
Nah Bluntz is cool, fiery I like it. I just want to channel that energy into something a bit more positive like NORML, kind bud, and maybe even growing some too. Much love Blutz +rep to ya :peace:


Well-Known Member
i tried some "legal" buds and it actually made me sick with a bad headache. and it tasted like shit... i never tried that spice gold stuff though. is it really worth a shit?