Random Jabber Jibber thread

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Ah, one of my favourite movies, if the info doesn't lie. Makes me feel good about being an alcoholic.

"Anybody can get a job, it takes a man to make it without working."

"I hate people. You hate them?" "No, but I seem to feel better when they're not around."

That Bukowski cat, a great writer.

"What are they looking at?" I asked.

"Let's go see," said Frank.

We walked over. One of the guys saw us coming.

"Hey, you punks, get out of here!"

"What are you guys looking at?" Frank asked.

"I told you punks to get out of here!"

"Ah, hell, Marty, let 'em have a look!"

We walked over to where they were standing. We looked up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Hell, can't you see it?" one of the big guys asked.

"See what?"

"It's a cunt."

"A cunt? Where?"

"Look, right there! See it?"

He pointed.

There was a woman sitting with her skirt bunched back underneath her. She didn't have any panties on, and looking up between the planks you could see her cunt.

"See it?"

"Yeah, I see it. It's a cunt," said Frank.

"All right, now you guys get out of here and keep your mouths shut."

"But we want to look at it a little longer," said Frank. "Just let us look a little longer."

"All right, but not too long."

We stood there looking up at it.

"I can see it," I said.

"It's a cunt," said Frank.

"It's really a cunt," I said.

"Yeah," said one of the big guys, "that's what it is."

"I'll always remember this," I said.

"All right, you guys, it's time to go."

"What for?" asked Frank. "Why can't we keep looking?"

"Because," said one of the big guys, "I'm going to do something.

Now get out of here!"

We walked off.

"I wonder what he's going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know," said Frank, "maybe he's going to throw a rock at it."


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I'm sure if I spend hours looking through the
I may find the size of carbon filter needed for a 5x10x7 tent,

DIY or store bought IDC.

some of you fine folke here may already have a filter that matches these needs.


Here is something for your troubles.
5x10x7 is 350 cubic feet. You want 3-5 air exchanges/minute in my environment (you might be able to get by with less). So you need a filter and fan that can move that quantity. so 5 * 350 = 1750 cubic feet / minute

I use an 8x24" Phresh in my grow but here is Phresh's calculator

Then you match your fan (use it to pull) from your filter. My run is filter, through lights, to attic with the fan 2 feet before the attic. I use a Max Can fan and it's been in use for 6 years now without hiccup and between my filter and my fan zero smell. Have not had to replace my carbon filter but my humidity is very low, humidity kills carbon efficiency.

If you have a lot of 90 degree bends in your tubing get a little extra horsepower on your fan, again put it at the end of the run just prior to where you evacuate and make sure you have sufficient intake air.



Well-Known Member
I keep running into these spy trucks.
View attachment 3996110
Should I be concerned?
I know Google got in trouble for scanning all open WiFi when they were out with the Google maps vehicles. I always thought it was weird that the goggle map truck drove through our industrial complex a couple times a week. I still think they were trying to steal info from competing companies.


Well-Known Member
I know quite a few of the crabbers & they cherish those things like gold. (which is what they're worth!)
The canneries know that too & pay them very well for em so it's tough getting anybody to shit a couple.

Even subsistence rules for them here is only two per household, per YEAR!
What the frick! Guess I will stick with my Red Lobster "king crab legs". Notice the quotes. :cuss:

At least my artichokes are growing in nicely... another 8 months and I'll have something to eat! lol


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