99 plant permit/california residents


Well-Known Member
One of the ads on this site said click here to get your cali mmj card.....there was 4 options and the most expensive option said permit to grow 99 plants. Ive heard of this before but how hard is it to obtain that permit and to those saying it is legit, why do ppl in cali grow less than 99 if it is easy to obtain? If anyone is knowledgable on this subject please chime in with rules and regulations.
Well i figured the website was a scam but is there a way to legally be able to obtain a permit to grow 99 plants?
Yeah you can get one in California but its not going to help you in court if you get busted. The idea is that the dr recommended that you may need up to 99 plants. There's no dosing guideline so that's bullshit and he won't testify on your behalf. They're just trying to make extra cash.
Yeah you can get one in California but its not going to help you in court if you get busted. The idea is that the dr recommended that you may need up to 99 plants. There's no dosing guideline so that's bullshit and he won't testify on your behalf. They're just trying to make extra cash.

Thats dirty. Its crazy how even doctors can be crooks too.
doctors, lawyers, used car sales man all the same scammers I might be going a little tough on the sales man lol

Salesman are definielty crooks. I use to work at a used car sales place now it was a tent sale so it was only a 2 week long thing. Ive seen some pretty shady shht.
Haven't doctors been at it for years with their cozy relationship with big pharma? Aren't doctors partly responsible for the opiate addiction in the US? Big pharma make 'em and doctors dish 'em out - for a price obvs.

I live in florida and there was this doctor who prescribed more oxys then the entire state of fl about 5 miles from my house. He got busted in 2013 I still see the aftermath to this day because of that. Its terrible.
Proposition 215 now HS11362.5, the voter approved law, did not protect people from arrest, it gives them a defense in Court. The CA Supreme Court in the Mower Decision interpreted that to mean any amount reasonably related to the patients medical need. That standard still applies and supercedes SB 420.


So your saying it doenst make it not illegal but makes it so u have less of a charge. Thats not bad.
What If I get my care givers card and bunch of patients

Me personally and i dont know much just my 2cents i think its best to just keep it underground. I was reading on humboldt busts last night and it seemed that they were specifically going for ppl who filled out there legal garden forms and stopped to completely fill them out and if what everyone is saying is it doesnt hold up in court then i would not want any document or permit leading ppl to think i grow, if that makes sense. But like i said im a nobody in the growing community so i could be wrong.
Do it or don't. I wouldn't.

The whole 99 thing is based on the federal thing being a 100 plants.

I wouldn't. 99 is too close to a 100. Feds catch you with that much it wouldn't be a stretch for them to break a couple plants in half and charge you with the 100.

They have been known to weigh pots, dirt and all when charging people.
in CA, regulations can very city to city.

its best to go to your local sheriff station ask for the LT(or anyone on duty), and ask him to be clear on the city ordinances. they should give you a copy: and highlight the parts on how many flowering and non-flowering plants. show it too him, make sure its correct.