Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
This is a super soil that I used for grows 1 & 2. I did add a bit extra after round two. But looks like it'll need a refresh again.

I don't think I'll run this one again. As I'm wanting to try something new. I may even chuck a chunk in the big cab. That is unless I find an auto I really want to run.
Never done an Auto what do most of them take 65-75 days ?


Well-Known Member
Flavors wise. I'm trying to find something with either: mint, chocolate, mango. Or maybe a caramel. Time wise. I'd prefer something that isn't going to take longer than 3 months.


Well-Known Member
You got a good machete ? Every bush grower needs a machete I reckon :)
na i aint got a mechete i wish i could go out bush where im planning it i know no one ever goes there u can kinda tell i think i might find a couple different spots so if i lose one i dont lose em all will be a bit of a pain but fuck it worth it in the end


Well-Known Member
I have. I put one a 665ml cup and it grew propotionate to the size of its confines. Then I up potted to a 5l and it shot right up. Not even root bound.
It's really wierd it's just under two weeks old and it's onto its 6th node it looks like all the others are on their 3rd set of true leaves