Trump unites NFL - against him.


Well-Known Member
Your family was never forced into indentured servitude, or beaten, or split apart as part of a barbaric practice.

You people
really do need to gain a sense of perspective. Long hair and black skin in America? Not even in the same category.
was yours?

'you people'..who are you talking to?


Well-Known Member
No if you actually pay attention we have always been very open about where our lights where and are now made. Being a small business we couldn't meet minimum order qtys to actually have our products made in the USA. Now though our boards are made in Michigan and we assemble our lights in an ISO certified factory in Tennessee. Unlike most we worked as hard as possible to start our business and then create jobs with it. Maybe our small contribution is nothing in the grand scheme of things but we are honestly trying to do the right thing. Those new employees at our manufacturer have insurance and profit sharing. The average end of the year bonus at this business is 15-30k. So go ahead stand on your soap box and tell us how you try to make the world a better place.
No if you actually pay attention we have always been very open about where our lights where and are now made. Being a small business we couldn't meet minimum order qtys to actually have our products made in the USA. Now though our boards are made in Michigan and we assemble our lights in an ISO certified factory in Tennessee. Unlike most we worked as hard as possible to start our business and then create jobs with it. Maybe our small contribution is nothing in the grand scheme of things but we are honestly trying to do the right thing. Those new employees at our manufacturer have insurance and profit sharing. The average end of the year bonus at this business is 15-30k. So go ahead stand on your soap box and tell us how you try to make the world a better place.
pay attention? Cracker?


Well-Known Member
But, you just said you had to give away your multi million dollar drywall business because of Mexicans. It was the right thing to do.
I said i gave it away... I didn't say I had too. You wonder why we are going to be doomed to 8 yrs of Trump.....bad attitudes..... Go on calling names and belittling meanwhile your opponent will just keep cleaning house ....:wall:


Well-Known Member
No if you actually pay attention we have always been very open about where our lights where and are now made. Being a small business we couldn't meet minimum order qtys to actually have our products made in the USA. Now though our boards are made in Michigan and we assemble our lights in an ISO certified factory in Tennessee. Unlike most we worked as hard as possible to start our business and then create jobs with it. Maybe our small contribution is nothing in the grand scheme of things but we are honestly trying to do the right thing. Those new employees at our manufacturer have insurance and profit sharing. The average end of the year bonus at this business is 15-30k. So go ahead stand on your soap box and tell us how you try to make the world a better place.
Curing cancer?


Well-Known Member
Again notice if someone doesn't agree with someone else's political views it seems to be a trend to call them racist....... Good luck with your tactics. Let's hope it works this time......

Please not Trump 2020


Well-Known Member
You can read a book or you can actually do it.

I'll take the word of experience over some book any day.

How much international trade do you engage in?
Experience, when it's bad experience isn't good advice. Wouldn't you agree?

Sometimes reading is good. Are you arguing that a college education is worse than a technical school degree?

I avoid importing as much as I possibly can. My vehicles were manufactured in the US. My goods I sell are made in the US. That is intentional. I make a conscious effort to support my fellow Americans rather than solely focus on making as much as I possibly can by importing garbage from China, et al. -- Too bad others aren't that way.

Make America Great Again hats were made in China. Along with his shitty ties. And pretty much everything else.


Well-Known Member
Experience, when it's bad experience isn't good advice. Wouldn't you agree?

Sometimes reading is good. Are you arguing that a college education is worse than a technical school degree?

I avoid importing as much as I possibly can. My vehicles were manufactured in the US. My goods I sell are made in the US. That is intentional. I make a conscious effort to support my fellow Americans rather than solely focus on making as much as I possibly can by importing garbage from China, et al. -- Too bad others aren't that way.

Make America Great Again hats were made in China. Along with his shitty ties. And pretty much everything else.

I think he was agreeing with your statement.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you follow football or not.

Google Tim Tebow and kneel.

Tim doesn't play pro football any more. He was a flash in the pan as a player. He wore his ultra right Christian values on his sleeve and made comments against abortion and other right wing issues of the day. He also had this thing about solitary kneeling in prayer after he scored a touchdown. It was a political Christian statement.

The white conservative crowd loved it.

Black men kneel quietly during the national anthem and they are Son of a Bitches that should be fired. Also, rending of shirts and wailing about how come politics have to intrude in sports.

I bet you don't see the hypocrisy in these two reactions..

Sports has always been part of the social dialogue. Now that black men are making a statement you want them to get back in line.


Well-Known Member
Again notice if someone doesn't agree with someone else's political views it seems to be a trend to call them racist....... Good luck with your tactics. Let's hope it works this time......

Please not Trump 2020
I think you said something about it should not be in government's power to force a business to serve people of a race that do not want to serve. In my book, this is a racist doctrine - not libetarian, not anti-big government, just racist.

This might be a fun idea in a city with nearly unlimited alternatives to any business but the country is not like that in general. Many Americans live in towns with only one or two businesses provide a given service. To allow this sort of thing effectively red-lines a whole community and allows the majority to deprive the minority of a way to live. Imagine if every (in this case, 2 or 3) grocery store in a town said "we don't sell to blacks."

Do you see a problem here?

Racist is as racist does, chum.
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Well-Known Member
you are obviously a liberal, the whole country is united with Trump and the nfl is in for alot of sponsors pulling out. there are only 10 or so cities who are anti Trump. You guys surround yourselves in the heroin dens and convince yourselves that the whole country is anti Trump.

We arent.
the whole country is not united with trump. please show me where this is the truth..where you get this idea from?


Well-Known Member
I think you said something about it should not be in government's power to force a business to serve people of a race that do not want to serve. In my book, this is a racist doctrine - not libetarian, not anti-big government, just racist.

This might be a fun idea in a city with nearly unlimited alternatives to any business but the country is not like that in general. Many Americans live in towns with only one or two businesses provide a given service. To allow this sort of thing effectively red-lines a whole community and allows the majority to deprive the minority of a way to live. Imagine if every (in this case, 2 or 3) grocery store said we don't sell to blacks.

Do you see a problem here?

Racist is as racist does, chum.
Can you be for sure that groceries stores would in fact do this. I think your assumption that the U.S. Is full of racists shoes your lack of social knowledge. Painting such an extreme and very improbable picture shows a lot.

My statement about government not belonging in business comes from a belief that no one has a right to any else's service.

I guarantee you no grocery store would turn away paying customers.

Telling me about small communities is a joke. I live in a county with a population of 20k people. 2k people live in the city limits. Funny how I don't know all these racists that people keep screaming are everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Truer words were never spoken.

He chumped us all in 2016 and he'll happily do it again if we let him.

And of course the mass media is in on it; he gets them ratings!
it's REVIEWS god dammit!!! REVIEWS!!!

did you notice how he's treating PR like a tenant who is late on the rent and he's the slumlord?


Well-Known Member
Can you be for sure that groceries stores would in fact do this. I think your assumption that the U.S. Is full of racists shoes your lack of social knowledge. Painting such an extreme and very improbable picture shows a lot.
Again, the question arises: are you an ignoramus or a disingenuous asshole?