Venus 1 - RUI bandwagoners 1, Round 3


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Why do all the Venus threads turn to complete fucking garbage? :confused:
Read the instigating Subject line. Worked the same way with yessica. It's the mutant Y chromosome. Frankly I can ignore boobs and self-inflicted victim hood many with testosterone apparently can't see the forest for the trees. So meh, it's the holidays for me I'll just be here a bit less.


Well-Known Member
U just gotta step outside the box every now and again. Look in from outside every now and then......

Life isn't constant. Everything changes everyday. So isn't it unreasonable to expect (a public forum) TnT not to change? It's inevitable,. I don't need to explain.

@curious2garden. Have u read the Celestine prophecy? To hold a grudge with someone essentially means youre still giving them your energy. Good or bad energy doesn't matter. They're gaining. Life's too short for pettiness. I mean u just started blaming men for being men.
Men love titts and ass that's what makes them MEN. Majority anyway. U can't go making dudes feel guilty for what comes natural, what the hells that about? And why does it bother u??
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Well-Known Member
So, God took a walk through the Garden of Eden one day. He finds Adam busy drawing cave paintings on the wall.
God: "Hey Adam, how you hanging?"
Adam: "Cool, boss."
God: "So, where is Eve?"
Adam: "Oh, she went swimming in the river"
God: "Jesus! Now I'll never get the smell out of the fish!"

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
U just gotta step outside the box every now and again. Look in from outside every now and then......

Life isn't constant. Everything changes everyday. So isn't it unreasonable to expect (a public forum) TnT not to change? It's inevitable,. I don't need to explain.

@curious2garden. Have u read the Celestine prophecy? To hold a grudge with someone essentially means youre still giving them your energy. Good or bad energy doesn't matter. They're gaining. Life's too short for pettiness. I mean u just started blaming men for being men.
Men love titts and ass that's what makes them MEN. Majority anyway. U can't go making dudes feel guilty for what comes natural, what the hells that about? And why does it bother u??
Yeah and I guess

I tried, but you really don’t get it