Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
ive only reveged after a harvest and ive found that they don't do much at all growth wise for about a month or longer and then veg like normal. Flower wise they may get the same or a little less than a non re vegged plant of the same size. Flowers evidently then continue to diminish yield wise for each subsequent re veg
Okay well say i got a 1 to 2 ft plant that should reveg would that do better than replacing with a baby seedling?


Well-Known Member
Okay sounds like ill replace it just a shame cause its 2 ft high
If you have something ready to go,I always have a few reserves that I keep till around Christmas that I can replace anything that slows down or gets sick etc if you don’t start some more seed and give that one a reprieve for a few weeks it may push through quicker and if it doesn’t than replace it with a fresh one you have coming through


Well-Known Member
If you have something ready to go,I always have a few reserves that I keep till around Christmas that I can replace anything that slows down or gets sick etc if you don’t start some more seed and give that one a reprieve for a few weeks it may push through quicker and if it doesn’t than replace it with a fresh one you have coming through
Yeah sounds good i have 3 extra babies thatll ill keep going in pots and if i need to replace that one or any others i can


Well-Known Member
Okay well say i got a 1 to 2 ft plant that should reveg would that do better than replacing with a baby seedling?
It’s a 50/50 I like to keep my options open,I fucked up last year by not making a call and hoping they would reveg and it cost me about 3 pound because I didn’t bite the bullet. It’s really a call you can only make yourself just depends on how much of a gamble it is to you if it doesn’t want to reshoot


Well-Known Member
It’s a 50/50 I like to keep my options open,I fucked up last year by not making a call and hoping they would reveg and it cost me about 3 pound because I didn’t bite the bullet. It’s really a call you can only make yourself just depends on how much of a gamble it is to you if it doesn’t want to reshoot
If it doesnt reshoot does it just flower and die or?
Your covered either way then :)
Yeah theyre just only a few days old so might not get that big, although im not expecting big yields just hoping i can get at least 4 oz a plant


Well-Known Member
My seed stock got wet . turns out the plastic container is not fully waterproof 6 inches under the ground haha dug up the container to get a few extra sativa seeds and noticed I have 100 sprouts . fuck don't want them to die so I'll find a few creeks to put them near


Well-Known Member
If it doesnt reshoot does it just flower and die or?

Yeah theyre just only a few days old so might not get that big, although im not expecting big yields just hoping i can get at least 4 oz a plant
My ones last year were like they were in limbo or suspended animation for a month or two then they wanted to re veg when they should have been into flowering for a few weeks


Well-Known Member
My ones last year were like they were in limbo or suspended animation for a month or two then they wanted to re veg when they should have been into flowering for a few weeks
Yeah strange, i read somewhere some people purposely do it to get massive plants but i guess it doesnt work too well and a bit unpredictable


Well-Known Member
Yeah but to be fair i put this one out way early knoeing it would flower just as a tester to see if the soil was good
If it re shoots it’s a bonus then :) my good ones are only 20 days old and I wouldn’t want to be any later but I’m not overly concerned as long as there isn’t any major setbacks I’m still aiming for 3/4 of a pound from each as long as they hit the big bags in another 3-4 weeks so you should be able to hit 4 oz still no worries