Well-Known Member
Seasoned farmers (like my 5-season self), soon learn that "free" can be better than a "purchase, plug in the wall, feed the utility company, and never use the Humidifier until the next Santana" and sometimes it's a foolhardy attempt to "modernize", when the Atlas Mountain farmers use the same "wet-towel technique" in tetla-Katama, and have for centuries. It works, it's not a juice-hog and bottom-line it's at a price everyone can live with.... and that's what?... that's right!... it's-a-Free!
Listen up and take note folks:
1. Kellogg's raised-bed potting soil
2. Jack's: Veg, Bloom, and Finisher
3. Flowering: Epsom Salts (at the cheapest outlet you can find it at).
4. All bugs on the planet during Veg: EcoVia 3-In-One
All bugs and fungi, mildew during Bloom:
A. TetraSan (translaminer [kills on both sides of the leaf]
B. 4-5 weeks before harvest: Kontos (a systemic that stays in the soil through multiple drenchings.)
C. Spinosad
D. BT (caterpillar killer)
Keep It Simple Stoopid (or KISS your money bu-bye)
Mold, Fungus, Mildew:
A. Cease (fungi repel-er)
B. Milstop (powerdey mildew repel-er)
Note: Cease, Milstop, Spinosad, and BT can all be mixed and sprayed together.
Each jug is $100. 225. depending on where you find it. But you'll have enough for several or many grows, crop size depending.
This is ALL you need to grow cannab and not worry about bugs or using that expensive Green Clean soap and chasing aphids, mites, grasshoppers, and what the heck ever..... they ALL die quick deaths. And you?? What about you? You fluff your pillow-up every night KNOWING that bugs are dying on BOTH sides of the leaves while you sleep!
p.s. My hanging plants are enjoying 54% RH with a damp towel hanging in front of them in the grow tent that has the zipper up to about 8" from the top. That flap is back and convection currents bring in the outside RH of 11% as needed to equalize. I monitor between iced bong-loads of Chocolate Thai. Sweet cha-rooney!
Seasoned farmers (like my 5-season self), soon learn that "free" can be better than a "purchase, plug in the wall, feed the utility company, and never use the Humidifier until the next Santana" and sometimes it's a foolhardy attempt to "modernize", when the Atlas Mountain farmers use the same "wet-towel technique" in tetla-Katama, and have for centuries. It works, it's not a juice-hog and bottom-line it's at a price everyone can live with.... and that's what?... that's right!... it's-a-Free!
Listen up and take note folks:
1. Kellogg's raised-bed potting soil
2. Jack's: Veg, Bloom, and Finisher
3. Flowering: Epsom Salts (at the cheapest outlet you can find it at).
4. All bugs on the planet during Veg: EcoVia 3-In-One
All bugs and fungi, mildew during Bloom:
A. TetraSan (translaminer [kills on both sides of the leaf]
B. 4-5 weeks before harvest: Kontos (a systemic that stays in the soil through multiple drenchings.)
C. Spinosad
D. BT (caterpillar killer)
Keep It Simple Stoopid (or KISS your money bu-bye)
Mold, Fungus, Mildew:
A. Cease (fungi repel-er)
B. Milstop (powerdey mildew repel-er)
Note: Cease, Milstop, Spinosad, and BT can all be mixed and sprayed together.
Each jug is $100. 225. depending on where you find it. But you'll have enough for several or many grows, crop size depending.
This is ALL you need to grow cannab and not worry about bugs or using that expensive Green Clean soap and chasing aphids, mites, grasshoppers, and what the heck ever..... they ALL die quick deaths. And you?? What about you? You fluff your pillow-up every night KNOWING that bugs are dying on BOTH sides of the leaves while you sleep!
p.s. My hanging plants are enjoying 54% RH with a damp towel hanging in front of them in the grow tent that has the zipper up to about 8" from the top. That flap is back and convection currents bring in the outside RH of 11% as needed to equalize. I monitor between iced bong-loads of Chocolate Thai. Sweet cha-rooney!

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