Is this your final answer?So you're the simpleton in this scenario right?
Please show me these UCMJ provisions that only pertain to Special OperationsThese fine men were Special Warfare Operators. That puts them in a UCMJ class that only pertains to Special Operations.
good apostrophe.get's
Is this 6ohmax?As about as much as you solicit complete strangers on the internet for oral sex. Or perhaps its as much as you call someone a holocaust denier or Jewhater or Bigot or Simpleton, or Pedophile.....about that much, give or take a couple names.
You know its a sex offense to solicit sex on the internet in the USA?
Sex Offender
wtf, why is this so common here? Is ever member assumed to have a previous account or multiple accounts.Is this 6ohmax?
You have too much info to be a new member. It is very rare for a legit new member to come straight into the politics section. Yes. It is very common in the politics, why is this so common here? Is ever member assumed to have a previous account or multiple accounts.
I'm a victim of UncleSexOffenders sexual solicitation.It seems buck got under someones thin pearly white skin. Didn't even seem hard to do. A power word, a slight, and poof, third stage separation in progress.
Almost too easy.![]()
Ive been here for months, and that is unknown to me. I did NOT come straight into politics. I started in the LED thread and a grow journal. Not that will make much difference in the politics sectionYou have too much info to be a new member. It is very rare for a legit new member to come straight into the politics section. Yes. It is very common in the politics section.
I can't nor. Nor can anyone it does not pertain to. Its special, for special operators. Uniform is a really bad word to use. Not my choice.Please show me these UCMJ provisions that only pertain to Special Operations
drooling moron take the trump plug outta your asshole, you're squirting all over the placedamn buck how many accounts do you have? or how many personalities do you have
Yooo shitbag....broooo naahhh son
can anyone else conviently converge to this thread now or is that all the accounts you have?
Ban Bitches Brigade sounds desperate and sad
Youre an illiterate shitball, rubeYooo Shitbag....I like that, I may have to "borrow" or pretend to not steal and short term loan that saying to myself.WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO EXPRESS PUSSY?
UncleSexOffenderBuck....out prowling the net making power moves and shit on simpletons . Calling the grammer *police on suckas...Big fucking things bucky!
You are a strong wholesome character.
A change that we wish for is the state of your diaper, shit bagA guy who uses demeaning titles such as retard, and makes power moves on the web. Hot fucking Damn---The judgment from struggleville! Shut the fuck up you grovelling imbecile Yet would hang Trump given the opportunity....Most of america would
Is this the change you want to see in the world? Is this your power move example??
You slam trump for being racist, sexist, a bigot, hypocrite......all while being the type of guy who cries that this is an American injustice. Its trumps fault this as and that
And you are better how? Your actions are equal if not worse. More importantly, you are not any better of a human, let alone a leader of a Nation.
You are the epitome of a hypocrite. A racist. A sectarian.
And a sex offender.
Is this your final answer?
LOLI'm black
trump is the real victim here.
again, yougot to work on this...another post of yours that Im afraid to say is "TL
meltdown commencing.again, yougot to work on this...another post of yours that Im afraid to say is "TLR" that I mean...
Its to lame, don't read and its to long, I didnt read it because its not my preference.