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By this definition, Hugh Hefner should be venerated as a God.precisely
fornication under the consent of the king
Yea, and Darwin showed us the Way, the Truth and the Light!
By this definition, Hugh Hefner should be venerated as a God.precisely
fornication under the consent of the king
you mean to tell me he isn't?By this definition, Hugh Hefner should be venerated as a God.
There is no meaning to life, life just is. It exists, you exist, we exist just because. Because of the natural interactions between chemicals over time. Your life began just like it'll end, in the sea of oblivion. The chemical reactions that make up your body, mind, and consciousness will eventually cease and you won't exist, as you. What you're made of will still exist, but you won't. Wrap your head around that.
How does that make you feel, and why?
So I described the biology of meaning; once you die, everything you ever were goes the way of the dodo. I think you described the meaning of our lives that we keep in regards to others after we die. Our lives, if we're lucky, have meaning for others, they will carry on our legacy after we're gone. But what do we actually mean to them? Sure, we made an impact, it might last their entire life, but what about after that? You addressed this already; our meaning is finite, but not nonexistent. I think I can agree with that. Our life means something to us and those closest to us. When we're gone, and those of us we love, so is our meaning, and purpose.I agree with your premise. I don't agree with your conclusion. Those things do not indicate that life has no meaning, but rather that meaning dies with you like everything else. Meaning is just another part of your identity. In the same way that your preferences, your tastes for foods, your favorite songs, your pet peeves, are part of your identity. You've always known that those things will die when you die. If that hasn't ever bothered you, then it shouldn't bother you that meaning dies as well. Meaning is finite, but not non-existent.
Also like your preferences, some of the stuff that means something to you is going to mean something to other people as well. If your accomplishments and actions and the way you live your life means something to you, chances are that they are always going to mean something to someone.
I think we have to differentiate here between personal meaning, personal purpose, universal meaning and universal purpose. What was the meaning of Adolf Hitler 's life or Ghenglis Khan or Siddhartha Gautoma or Albert Einstein? I think meaning is more of a personal thing it very subjective, it is entirely a construct of the mind a can vary greatly from person to person. Purpose however is more concrete things have specific purposes a car is used for transportation a bridge is there so that vehicles can cross the water Etc. So what if Hitlers purpose was to bring the rapture upon the Jews as God said he would in TNT, what if Khans purpose was population control in Asia, what if Gautoma was here to spread enlightenment and Einstein to advance our understanding of physics? Are these purposes causal or acausal? Is there a conscious order in the universe or is everything randomly occurring? Is the future already set in stone or can we actually affect the outcome?So I described the biology of meaning; once you die, everything you ever were goes the way of the dodo. I think you described the meaning of our lives that we keep in regards to others after we die. Our lives, if we're lucky, have meaning for others, they will carry on our legacy after we're gone. But what do we actually mean to them? Sure, we made an impact, it might last their entire life, but what about after that? You addressed this already; our meaning is finite, but not nonexistent. I think I can agree with that. Our life means something to us and those closest to us. When we're gone, and those of us we love, so is our meaning, and purpose.
I suppose our ultimate purpose is to enrich the lives of those we come into contact with. It's tough and it takes a lot of work, especially in this world, but I think it's ultimately worth the effort.
Thanks for the contribution, bud, I appreciate it
What if God's intention was not a means to an end, what if there is no goal for humanity to achieve? What if God's intention was to create a paradise where people and animals could live, and knowing full well that suffering would force them to see the light unleashed the devil into this world? Is it OK if there is no point? Is it OK just to be alive and to truly Love the entire world?That's the problem with science being the new religion..
We need a new religion! Its called Human.
Everything, stair at dirt for all it matters "god" is everywhere/all. I can see meaning in experiencing anything. You can definitely assign meaning to anything you like and that will be true to your experience, not that you can't be deceived! Hell only exists in our minds and we create it, becausd were taught to not see meaning in everything from the second were born and language is used to trap our soul deep in our subconscious.
We live a 'real' 46 years? Ridiculous!Thats the reason why we should live as we want. No jobs, growing weed, smoking weed, eat what i want, sleep when i want. We only here for 80yrs approx and on this 80yrs,0-4yo you not really conscient, 4-14 child life and 60-80 many health problems will arrive, maybe cancer if you lucky and only get in this range of age.
So we live a real 46 yrs and minus 8h a days where u sleep so approx 15years of sleeping. 46-15=31
So we can say cocaine, crack and speed users live longer than normal ppl as they sleep less lollll.
So after this who the fuck wanna work 40hrs a week??? Fuck off
What if there is no God at all?What if God's intention was not a means to an end, what if there is no goal for humanity to achieve? What if God's intention was to create a paradise where people and animals could live, and knowing full well that suffering would force them to see the light unleashed the devil into this world? Is it OK if there is no point? Is it OK just to be alive and to truly Love the entire world?
Like you said to Love, play, and do whatever we want to do with no seriousness about ourselves I think you touched on God's true intentions there.
We can have a lasting impact. Imhotep is remembered. Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan and Martin Luther King, Jr are remembered. All for the lasting positive impact they made on other people's lives during their lifetime and long after.So I described the biology of meaning; once you die, everything you ever were goes the way of the dodo. I think you described the meaning of our lives that we keep in regards to others after we die. Our lives, if we're lucky, have meaning for others, they will carry on our legacy after we're gone. But what do we actually mean to them? Sure, we made an impact, it might last their entire life, but what about after that? You addressed this already; our meaning is finite, but not nonexistent. I think I can agree with that. Our life means something to us and those closest to us. When we're gone, and those of us we love, so is our meaning, and purpose.
I suppose our ultimate purpose is to enrich the lives of those we come into contact with. It's tough and it takes a lot of work, especially in this world, but I think it's ultimately worth the effort.
Thanks for the contribution, bud, I appreciate it
There is no meaning to life, life just is. It exists, you exist, we exist just because. Because of the natural interactions between chemicals over time. Your life began just like it'll end, in the sea of oblivion. The chemical reactions that make up your body, mind, and consciousness will eventually cease and you won't exist, as you. What you're made of will still exist, but you won't. Wrap your head around that.
How does that make you feel, and why?
Quite possible, then paradise just naturally manifested and what we perceive as evil is just a product of the human condition.What if there is no God at all?
What about the people who had a lasting negative impact? Does evil and suffering not also serve a purpose? Isn't it possible that evil can lead good and vice versa?We can have a lasting impact. Imhotep is remembered. Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan and Martin Luther King, Jr are remembered. All for the lasting positive impact they made on other people's lives during their lifetime and long after.
The meaning of life is what each of us makes it. Sometimes that's a choice, often it's shaped by the circumstances we find ourselves in.
No one told me to do something that would leave a lasting positive impact on those who might come after me, that's a choice I made and that I'm trying to live up to. Keeps me out of trouble!
Otherwise, life gets... old.
Wait did I say there was a goal to achieve haha? You're as always thinking the same as I'm trying to convey..What if God's intention was not a means to an end, what if there is no goal for humanity to achieve? What if God's intention was to create a paradise where people and animals could live, and knowing full well that suffering would force them to see the light unleashed the devil into this world? Is it OK if there is no point? Is it OK just to be alive and to truly Love the entire world?
Like you said to Love, play, and do whatever we want to do with no seriousness about ourselves I think you touched on God's true intentions there.
That is just what I think of when someone says "the meaning of life" as if there is a specific goal for humans to achieve while they are here on earth, and that is what I mean by nihilism not that we can't apply personal meaning to our lives.Wait did I say there was a goal to achieve haha? You're as always thinking the same as I'm trying to convey..
I think it's all ok always, though as you say the devil causes suffering here and it's exploited to control us.
Edit: of course its always OK.. In infinity/god/all or in meaninglessness haha.. Either way
Very possible, I guess I'm an agnostic nihilist.maybe there is, and none of us know what it is, because we haven't gotten there yet....
The very moment they learn the answer (if they ever do) is the moment they become permanently unable to share it with the rest of us.I think that question should be addressed to people who are dying. Most likely you would get an unbiased answer.
we came from darkness and will go into darkness too.
So make the most of it, fucker! LOLMy avatar is a pix of earth from the Jupiter region. Realizing the size of the universe is impossible, so is understanding our mission/purpose on this rock. Just be happy and shut the fuck up. We really don't have that much time to be a prick.