Well-Known Member
The thing with anything in the air.
Is directly related to the cf of space available and how fast that air is turned over. Air quality is generally measured in ppbv or parts per billion by volume, or parts per trillion (million million) by volume (pptv). Pollutant concentrations are also measured by the weight of pollutant within a standard volume of air, for example microgrammes per cubic metre (µgm-3) or milligrammes per cubic metre (mgm-3).
In considering the buildings use before you. How clean is the floor? Has the "spilled" hydrocarbons been cleaned out of it? Someone asked, "Do you "smell" anything when you first enter the space?"
Well, do you?
How much air is turned over and how fast?
3-4 ft of space between the canopy and the light is a bit much but, not the cause of your problem... I would go nearer 2.5 as you have plenty of space for the heat to rise. - Why I ask for canopy temps and bellow. I'm trying to get a handle on your total environment conditions. AND RH is a very important part of that picture......
Then the feeding questions round out the story, along with the media used, nutrients, amounts of and water source.
Answer these questions, and the earlier ones I asked and we may get somewhere faster!
The thing with anything in the air.
Is directly related to the cf of space available and how fast that air is turned over. Air quality is generally measured in ppbv or parts per billion by volume, or parts per trillion (million million) by volume (pptv). Pollutant concentrations are also measured by the weight of pollutant within a standard volume of air, for example microgrammes per cubic metre (µgm-3) or milligrammes per cubic metre (mgm-3).
In considering the buildings use before you. How clean is the floor? Has the "spilled" hydrocarbons been cleaned out of it? Someone asked, "Do you "smell" anything when you first enter the space?"
Well, do you?
How much air is turned over and how fast?
3-4 ft of space between the canopy and the light is a bit much but, not the cause of your problem... I would go nearer 2.5 as you have plenty of space for the heat to rise. - Why I ask for canopy temps and bellow. I'm trying to get a handle on your total environment conditions. AND RH is a very important part of that picture......
Then the feeding questions round out the story, along with the media used, nutrients, amounts of and water source.
Answer these questions, and the earlier ones I asked and we may get somewhere faster!
Ok welll this room was suppose to be a completely sealed room with co2 even tho it's a veg room but something obviously wasn't right so I figure if get some fresh air in to help so right now I just have a 8" or 10" (can't remember) inline fan pushing air into the room just to get "some" fresh air to see if it would help but it hasn't helped and I know that probably not enough for this room but it was just a quick way to get at least some fresh air in to see if it would help, with no fan necessarily going out except what naturally is going out through furnace or somehow because of air being pushed in it must be going out somehow.. There's no bad or weird smell in the room there were what seemed to be oil stains on the floor from them working in there the floor was de greased also cleaned with bleach and cleaner many times because of that the floor are still stained in some spots from the what seems to be oil tho Idk if you can see the dark spots some places on the floor.. the RH is 45% - 49% at all times temperature 76 - 79 give or take a .5 I have the rh and temp all hooked up to this greenhouse master controller so it keeps them right there at all times with in my dead band I've set .. I've flushed and tested run off plenty of times in this b type to find out my problem ph is perfect anywhere from 6.0 - 6.4 coming out tested many times.. ppms coming out are always in the high 800s to 950 give or take as i have tested it many of times now and I am in veg, so I'm definitely not burning them .. I'm using pro mix hp as I always have watering every other day or when there dry enough and ready to get watered as I always have I know my wet and dry cycles definitely not over or underwater.. and I am using vegbloom nutes as I have for yeasrs with great results and I havnt changed 1 thing with my feed I've been using this exact formula for 3 years straight (getting 2 a light very happy in my eyes near perfect plants) never once had a problem so it can't be that.. I'm also using ro water like I always did before abd i ecen got a uv sterilizer hooked up to the water now to see if it had something in this new water so the water at this point had to be clean from the ro and the uv sterilizer.. I mean I've even went to the point and bought store bought water and used it on some plants for 3 weeks to a month wasting more money to make sure it wasn't my water with no changes.. thanks for trying to help me figure this headache out.. at this point sometime soon I'm going to have to move at least SOME of these plants out of here or there not even gonna be able to be saved .. like I said before I moved 4 plants to my house all diff strains set up a light and even brang the water and nutes from here to the house to water them so i knew it wasnt the water or what i was feeding it only thing different is the plants arnt sitting in that room anymore and temp asnd humdity in my house isnt even necessarily right its just whatever it is and ALL new growth is green and healthy now.. so there's something in this rooms air that's the ONLY thing that makes any since to me.. thanks again guys for the help sorry for such a long read