No, he's struck genuine fucking fear into the hearts of vulnerable minorities.
...who've placed their faith in Democrat after Democrat, only to be ignored and taken for granted.
Or maybe you can tell us just how great Obama was for those very same minorities? Because he did fuck all for them and you know it.
Those minorities now have an ally in the Progressive Movement and I'll bet they make up a very large part of its base going forward. Are Democrats pushing for $15? Single Payer? Taxing the rich to redress the wild inequalities of income and wealth? Pushing to end wars- that minorities disproportionately fight and die in?
Fuck your Democrats. They're self serving, money grubbing weasels who don't give a shit about the needs of minorities as long as they keep getting those consulting dollars. Just look at Tom Perez's latest moves and tell me that they're turning over a new leaf.
I thought you were a leftist. Why the fuck are you shilling for them, anyway?