So, whose head is 1st on the chopping block?

Who should be pissing in their pants tonite, because they're going to jail tomorrow ?

  • Paul Manafort

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Donald Trump Jr

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Jared Kushner

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Donald J Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • All of the assholes noted above

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Rat on what? There wasn't any collusion, just BAU. Yesterday, I told you there would be no collusion charges. So Manafort laundered money, don't all of them?

Still a nothing burger!
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Well-Known Member
Rat on what? There wasn't any collusion, just BAU. Yesterday, I told you there would be no collusion charges. So Manafort laundered money, don't all of them.

Still a nothing burger!
Im no lawyer, but Conspiracy against the united states doesn't sound good. Further, Trump's former foreign advisor, Papadopoulos, appears to be talking after lying about, wait for it... Russia!


Well-Known Member
What specific elements of the indictments are tied to Trump campaign? Is there enough there to avoid a presidential pardon and get Manafort to pin something on Trump?


Well-Known Member
Every federal indictment has a conspiracy charge on it. Its the one they'll nail you for if the others fizzle, difficult to disprove. Anyway, they'll be a plea deal in about 9 months to a year and this will be forgotten. Sort of like Martha Stewart. She's still a felon, but who cares?

The important thing here is there isn't one campaign related charge. Why would he rat or bring up collusion? It's not relevant to the scope of the indictment. After a year this is the best Mueller could do? What a waste of time.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Fix news is going to talk about uranium one and the dossier
Watch for the chyron that reads "...Mannafort, former Clinton campaign chief, indicted"....

They do that chit all the time.

This is a financial focus. There is also a collusion focus, but the financial crimes are easier to document and prove. The early indictments are an attempt to flip holdouts into telling more about the collusion track.

This is the same protocol they use when prosecuting the mafia and RICO targets. Start at the bottom, focus on crimes you can prove, and squeeze blood from the stones.

They need to convince the indicted that they are are beyond the reach of a presidential pardon, or they will get squat. Which will be very difficult to do however. Mannafort has already been threatened. He knows trump will attack him with the full power and force of the doj and executive branch. He also knows trump will pardon him. It just depends on how good his memory is as to what happens.


Well-Known Member
What i said was we quit playing blame game of the primary! That we quit making our debates personalized. That was what i was trying to say! That we stop the circular firing squad on the left and focus our energy towards trump trump and trump not on the hillary vs bernie debate...
I was responding to oled who said we should not try to investigate Trump because it was too difficult to get a satisfactory conclusion. I don't know how you read what I said as something about avoiding conflict between the two factions of the Democratic Party.

That said, I disagree that responding to falsehoods propagated by some Sanders supporters is something to be avoided. It is fact that without counter argument, a lie often repeated gains credibility.

So, when our Berntards go off about how Democrats are to blame for what Republicans have done, I'm going to verbally abuse them. I don't have any illusions that I'm going to convince them, I'm just opposing the spread of what is basically right wing propaganda by weak minded liberals.
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Well-Known Member
Every federal indictment has a conspiracy charge on it. Its the one they'll nail you for if the others fizzle, difficult to disprove. Anyway, they'll be a plea deal in about 9 months to a year and this will be forgotten. Sort of like Martha Stewart. She's still a felon, but who cares?

The important thing here is there isn't one campaign related charge. Why would he rat or bring up collusion? It's not relevant to the scope of the indictment. After a year this is the best Mueller could do? What a waste of time.
LOL "this will be forgotten in a few months". Just like Watergate. LOL

It's called an indictment, a formal charge of a serious crime. The indictment gives law enforcement more leverage, both in terms of access to the perp and his records and to turn the criminal into a witness against higher ups. Manafort is rotten to the core but I bet he sings well.


Well-Known Member
Separate from the Manafort indictment, George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, pleaded guilty earlier this month to making false statements to FBI agents, according to the office of the US special prosecutor Bob Mueller.

The indictment, which was unsealed on Monday, says that Papadopoulos lied about his contacts with an influential “overseas professor” who had “substantial connections to Russian government officials”. The professor, according to the statement, told Papadopoulos that he had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails”.

Papadopoulos had told agents repeatedly that he learned of this information before becoming involved with the Trump campaign. In fact, he met with the professor days after becoming a campaign adviser.

He also initially told investigators that the professor was a “nothing” and just a guy talk[ing] up connections or something” when in truth he understood that the professor had “substantial connections to Russian government officials,” the document says.

That document can be found here.


Well-Known Member
Three former Trump campaign officials charged by special counsel
Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III on Monday revealed charges against three former Trump campaign officials — former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, his longtime business partner Rick Gates and former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos — marking the first criminal allegations to come from probes into possible Russian influence in U.S. political affairs.