So, whose head is 1st on the chopping block?

Who should be pissing in their pants tonite, because they're going to jail tomorrow ?

  • Paul Manafort

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • Donald Trump Jr

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Eric Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Jared Kushner

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Donald J Trump

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • All of the assholes noted above

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I did not say that. I said 9 months to a year and then it will be forgotten. Please quote me accurately. Moron!

An indictment means a bunch of people agree there is something worth charging someone for. It is not in anyway shape or form proof a "serious crime" has been committed. It just means "a crime against a federal statute has been committed." There are numerous stupid statutes.

I have been through this process, it is 85% bullshit and about 15% substance. Because Manafort is so rich, he still might walk, (unlikely though because it sure looks like they're really after his assets and not him). The outcome is a long way off though.
Guy when the Feds get an indictment on you, it is time to stop fucking around. Shit getting serious


Well-Known Member
There will be a time here in the near future where the Russians will have to evaluate the asset they have in the White House. Trump will either have to come thru for them or they will dump everything they have about him. There goal all along was to get the weakest most controllable person in office. If they cant control him they will try to hurt us. And the best way to do that is create chaos.

Trump is fucked.


Well-Known Member
There will be a time here in the near future where the Russians will have to evaluate the asset they have in the White House. Trump will either have to come thru for them or they will dump everything they have about him. There goal all along was to get the weakest most controllable person in office. If they cant control him they will try to hurt us. And the best way to do that is create chaos.

Trump is fucked.
America went stupid for a minute, but we are slowly coming to our least about this. We still will have a few idiots.


Well-Known Member
Every federal indictment has a conspiracy charge on it. Its the one they'll nail you for if the others fizzle, difficult to disprove. Anyway, they'll be a plea deal in about 9 months to a year and this will be forgotten. Sort of like Martha Stewart. She's still a felon, but who cares?

The important thing here is there isn't one campaign related charge. Why would he rat or bring up collusion? It's not relevant to the scope of the indictment. After a year this is the best Mueller could do? What a waste of time.
@gonnagro, or is it @gonorrhea, because it seems you had the latter and it fucking melted your brain.
Your boyo Trump is fucked, he will NEVER recover from the indictments of his top aids in collusion with the Russians, and it ain't over yet.
He is an embarrassment to this nation, just like you are probably an embarrassment to your parents because your so fucking stupid.


Well-Known Member
LOL "this will be forgotten in a few months". Just like Watergate. LOL

It's called an indictment, a formal charge of a serious crime. The indictment gives law enforcement more leverage, both in terms of access to the perp and his records and to turn the criminal into a witness against higher ups. Manafort is rotten to the core but I bet he sings well.


Well-Known Member
I was responding to oled who said we should not try to investigate Trump because it was too difficult to get a satisfactory conclusion. I don't know how you read what I said as something about avoiding conflict between the two factions of the Democratic Party.

That said, I disagree that responding to falsehoods propagated by some Sanders supporters is something to be avoided. It is fact that without counter argument, a lie often repeated gains credibility.

So, when our Berntards go off about how Democrats are to blame for what Republicans have done, I'm going to verbally abuse them. I don't have any illusions that I'm going to convince them, I'm just opposing the spread of what is basically right wing propaganda by weak minded liberals.

Gotcha, mistook it.


Well-Known Member
You guys realize what this means, don't you?

We're about to hear A WHOLE FUCKING LOT about Hillary Clinton.
Bitch whore, not a good wife or mother, can't keep her emails in her panties, gives the Russkies atomic bombs, leaves Americans to die at the hands of terrorists, and fucked Bernie figuratively.
Am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
Every federal indictment has a conspiracy charge on it. Its the one they'll nail you for if the others fizzle, difficult to disprove. Anyway, they'll be a plea deal in about 9 months to a year and this will be forgotten. Sort of like Martha Stewart. She's still a felon, but who cares?

The important thing here is there isn't one campaign related charge. Why would he rat or bring up collusion? It's not relevant to the scope of the indictment. After a year this is the best Mueller could do? What a waste of time.
just so we're clear, everything you are saying is a lie.

trump's campaign manager conspired against the united states while he was trump's campaign manager.


Well-Known Member
Still a nothing burger??? We now have a maga minion pleading guilty of lying about collusion.. and in an email to top campaign staff said:

“Russia has been eager to meet Mr Trump for quite sometime and have been reaching out to me to discuss”. The official forwarded it to another staffer saying “let’s discuss. We need someone to communicate DT is not doing these trips. It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal”

Nothing my ass! These Maga minions actively working to work with Putin!!! Treason, treason, treason